Changelog Archive

This is an archive of the main changelog page where older updates are moved to after some time.

Beta 2.10.9

October 17th, 2021


  • Lit doodads will now be put out if the tile it is on turns into shallow water. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Increased the distance between the draggable dialog anchor and the scrollbar in the messages dialog, to match the other dialogs.
  • Wayward now disables high contrast and inverted color modes from Windows being applied in-game.


  • You can no longer start fires on/in doodads on shallow water. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed items in containers that are protected from being automatically quickslotted. (Thanks Benzi!)
  • Fixed skill milestones overwriting each other. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed an issue where stat bonuses (from milestone modifiers and magical items) were introducing incorrect values in some situations.
  • Fixed magical aspect rerolling magical sub-properties (this was meant for magical binding only).
  • Fixed an error when canceling rest with the cancel bind (or escape by default). (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed the riddle button appearing for drawn maps that don't have riddles.
  • Fixed treasure map copies not displaying the riddle. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed instances of doubled-up and erroneous sound effects happening while the "Keep Sort Active" option was enabled.
  • Fixed an action menu pop-up when changing directions while an item menu was up. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Fixed interrupts staying up after dying. (Thanks WinterBearPark!)
  • Fixed the mapping dialog showing the wrong option selected for the theme.
  • Fixed quickslots/equipment UI not being highlighted in the Starter Quest.
  • Fixed UI being positioned differently when UI effects were disabled.
  • Fixed scrolling elements no longer fading out on the top and bottom.
  • Fixed item requirements for copying maps not updating when moving items from a container. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed cases where item dragged would stay in that mode after performing certain actions like dropping. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed the dismantling tab attempting to use protected items from chests. (Thanks Benzi!)
  • Fixed "Reload Game" not working under "Developer Tools" in the options menu. (Thanks Tek!)
  • Fixed the wrong quality shown in messages when drawing/copying maps.
  • Fixed pouring water on yourself without medical reasons increasing your anatomy skill.
  • Fixed reinforcing items (while facing them) not cycling through items. (Thanks Shirow!)
  • Fixed overfished tiles not being able to be replenished and creatures not spawning from dropping food in water. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed running sync commands not switching between minimum/all.


  • Upgraded Wayward to use Electron 15.1.0.
  • Added a button to clear the cache of generated sprites.


  • Doors and gates are now fully moddable. (Thanks Tek!)

Beta 2.10.8

September 19th, 2021


  • Added an option to disable UI opacity (for better performance).


  • Protected items no longer get automatically set as a quickslot item (so repetitive actions can now be done). (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Creatures will eventually stop attacking other creatures in the case that they are not dealing damage or healing them.
  • Glaciers will no longer be referred to as "stone walls" or "cliffs" in treasure map riddles. (Thanks TheLukeyBoi!)
  • Added "repair", "copy map", and "read map" as valid actions for the "Operator" milestone.
  • Creatures that cannot be tamed normally but will accept items will now reveal as such in messages.
  • Creatures will no longer attempt to move out of fire if they were immune to it.
  • There are now audiovisual cues when players or creatures are healing other creatures with their attacks in the case they are already at full health.
  • Plants that die will now drop their resources.
  • Removed snow/ice items from merchant NPCs in biomes that were not suitable.
  • Puddles and blood will no longer block planting seeds and will be cleared after being planted.
  • A message is now shown when the game fails to load save data.
  • Added more random events related to plants.
  • Boglings can no longer create swamp over cave entrances. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Lava beetles can no longer spawn lava on top of lava or cave entrances.
  • Glassblowing will now use kilns instead of furnaces.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed efficacy percentages returning the wrong values depending on the order of items. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed moving items between quickslots no longer allowing you to set default actions on it in multiplayer games and causing other issues.
  • Fixed shift-clicking to move items across containers sometimes focusing on the item filter.
  • Fixed an issue where random events that happen to plants could only happen if they were on fertile soil (or were fertilized in some other way). (Thanks Ursa!) (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed magical items not working correctly after upgrading them. (Thanks TheLukeyBoi!)
  • Fixed Steam Workshop mods not being loaded on Linux.
  • Fixed tooltips not showing or separating item quality bonuses. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Fixed a desync when attempting to enchant an item that already has some magical properties. (Thanks Shirow!)
  • Fixed being able to refine items with 0 durability. (Thanks Daxt!)
  • Fixed disassembling items not giving back the proper items when going past a single level of disassembly. (Thanks Lukewarm Badger!)
  • Fixed auto gathering not getting the proper item tier. (Thanks Shirow!)
  • Fixed creatures attempting to move out of fire when they couldn't move in the first place. (Thanks pkmx!)
  • Fixed the "hoarding" magical property not working.
  • Fixed several instances where doodads or tile events could attempt to spawn out of map bounds.
  • Fixed instances of messages and sound effects still being spawned when creatures failed to perform their special abilities due to tile restrictions.
  • You can no longer route water over cave entrances, fixing a one-way cave entrance issue when gathering water over a previously open cave entrance. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed the defense tooltip including magical insulation as part of base insulation.
  • Fixed islands able to be duplicated when going to -1, -1. (Thanks pkmx!)
  • Fixed penguins not being able to produce eggs. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed a blank "taming length" showing in more information for the offering action in item tooltips. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed desyncs related to traveling.
  • Fixed double stamina reductions happening when throwing items. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed errors caused by playing a game that previously had a mod running that added new items.
  • Fixed torches not being extinguished when jumping into water. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed jumping and teleporting not closing the static containers. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed living mushrooms being able to spawn mushrooms on improper tiles.
  • Fixed some UI not functioning correctly due to the messages UI attempting to load during traveling. (Thanks Lukewarm Badger!)
  • Fixed tiles not being checked under creatures who could not move.
  • Fixed a rare instance of equipping items that should have no effect on insulation causing total insulation changes. (Thanks Nobody Important!)
  • Fixed not being able to fuel high quality or magical torches and candles properly. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed Workshop syncing issues.
  • Fixed the attack action not applying the proper delay.
  • Fixed being able to light torches/candles while swimming (but in a different way this time). (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed lit torches being transferrable to containers while staying lit. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed +console mode not working on Linux.
  • Fixed some tiepos. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed the dangerous throwing warning for protected items not getting the proper range.
  • Fixed the consistency of lockpicking naming. (Thanks Daxt!)


  • Aberrant creatures will now drop up to three (up from two) items from their loot group and will now have triple (up from double) the chance to drop non-guaranteed individual loot.
  • Reduced maximum aberrant health significantly via a hard cap (will only apply to newly spawned aberrants).
  • Creatures will now regenerate health slowly.
  • Increased the effectiveness of the "hoarding" magical property.
  • Hurling now adds to throw damage when using thrown weapons.
  • Increased the maximum range for magical "Power" items.
  • Reduced the chance for bare trees to regrow.
  • Giant rats can now drop shimmering fibers.


  • Wayward has been upgraded to Electron 14.0.1.
  • Fixed performance issues related to item decay/durability bars.
  • Improved performance of dropping many items.



  • Fixed walking over acid without the proper equipment/protection.
  • Fixed memory issues.
  • Fixed getting stuck when recovering stuck in certain situations.
  • Improved more status messages.
  • Learned to open messages in a bottle.
  • Will now look for items in containers in inventory.
  • Learned that aberrant slither suckers are bad.
  • Will now know about protected items.
  • Fixed sometimes getting stuck when items are in backpacks in chests.
  • Learned how to read books.
  • Improved objective planning logic - take into account whether or not items are consumed during crafting.
  • Fixed not loading on Linux.

Balancing Tools

  • More space will be cleared for creature lines and doodads will be removed.
  • Changing your "difficulty" will no longer delete your inventory or restore your stats.
  • You can now change your equipment and skill levels independently.

Beta 2.10.7

June 23rd, 2021


  • Added a new magical property, "Offering", which increases taming length when used on creatures. Aberrant creatures will be tamed 100% of the time when using a matching item that the creature accepts.
  • Added a new magical property "Hurling", that increases an item's thrown damage, range, and reduces stamina usage.


  • Puddles will now provide bonuses for plant growth/speed (and fertility in some cases) unless it is seawater.
  • Named items now appear by name in item lists, rather than by what they are. (Thanks Killpocalips!)
  • With the inclusion of the new magical properties, there should no longer be rare instances of magical items rolling with the incorrect amount of properties.
  • Highlighted UI/item elements are now animated in a performant way when disabling UI effects as to not sacrifice usability.
  • Ranged attacks will now reveal the range the item traveled.
  • Thrown messages will now reveal the stamina cost in throwing the item.


  • Increased mid to end game creature's damage significantly.
  • Reduced the damage bonus that aberrant creatures had against resistances/vulnerabilities.
  • Removed the creature damage cap for aberrant creatures, but reduced their maximum damage output slightly (due to other damage changes).
  • Removed blunt resistances on iron armor.
  • Reduced blunt vulnerabilities and increased base defense on bronze armor.
  • Reduced the goat's minimum damage slightly.
  • Decreased rarity of blackplate items.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed inspection not working until reloading the game. (Thanks MATOSCH83!)
  • Fixed milestone and skill inspections flashing.
  • Fixed "Discovered" amount not updating in milestone inspection.
  • Fixed damage type values in the defense tooltip including the skill modifier.
  • Fixed "Apocryphal" not being possible to obtain. (Thanks beuteugeu!)
  • Fixed protected items producing a horizontal scroll bar. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed chests staying open while descending/ascending cave entrances or teleporting. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed requiring to press enter twice to rename something. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed acid and skeletal remains from spawning on water or the void.
  • Fixed being able to light torches while swimming. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed calculated insulation values not updating in the tooltip when changing equipment.
  • Fixed ghosts being affected by status effects.
  • Fixed creatures being able to spawn out of bounds if the player was near the edge of the map.
  • Fixed blood appearing on void tiles. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed joining a multiplayer game overwriting local characters.
  • Fixed highlighted items never being unhighlighted when UI effects are disabled.
  • Fixed issues with publishing Steam Workshop mods. (Hotfixed)


  • Reduced memory usage when playing in a multiplayer game.
  • Wayward has been updated to Electron 13.1.2.



  • Fixed not being able to distinguish which tiles can be tilled.
  • Will now open doors and gates instead of picking them up.
  • Fixed getting stuck in "Tidy" mode.
  • Will now move items off the ground if it's blocking a build location.
  • Fixed issues when trying to carve corpses with sharp rocks.
  • Fixed trying to attach purified containers of water to water stills.
  • Will now run away from all aberrant creatures when it doesn't have adequate equipment.
  • No longer hordes snow in the inventory.
  • Will now try to use offal before they decay.
  • Now detects trap door spiders near the base when looking for nearby enemies (cheater!).
  • Fixed getting stuck when trying to eat food from a chest while encumbered.
  • Improved status messages.
  • Improved sailing logic.
  • Disabled movement and item-related warning interrupts when enabled.
  • Fixed attempting to craft while in water.
  • Fixed getting stuck when attempting to build 0 durability objects.
  • Improved stat recovery logic.
  • Fixed getting stuck moving stuff in between chests.
  • Fixed not knowing how to build items in rare cases.
  • Fixed issues making items when more than one anvil is near the base.
  • Added "Quantum Burst" mode.

Debug Tools

  • Clear paint mode when closing paint panel.

Balancing Tools

  • Added more levels of difficulties and armor/skill sets for testing scenarios.

Beta 2.10.6

June 9th, 2021


  • Added an option to unfocus the chat box after sending a message.


  • Items that use durability as a "charge" like bait will now take into account item quality, making quality items allow for more "charges". (Thanks warriorsforever482!)


  • Reduced amount of ash needed to create ash cement, reducing the total ash cost for making flooring/walls.
  • Increased the item quality cap for aberrant loot/corpse resources, leading to higher quality items in the late game and/or far traveled islands. (Thanks Nobody Important!)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple desyncs related to temperature and melting tiles.
  • Fixed the treasure hunting note not being possible to get. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed building over water producing incorrect items when dug back up. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed aberrant corpses getting a double bonus for resource quality from far traveled islands.
  • Fixed backpacks that were destroyed staying open. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed torches staying lit when getting off of a raft/boat when paddling or teleporting. (Thanks mwebb759!)
  • Fixed being able to open up multiple of the same dialog after spamming the keybind.
  • Fixed an error when typing a "\" in a dropdown.
  • Fixed the chat box/filters being cut off at certain interface scales when messages were expanded.
  • Fixed some item tooltips showing the wrong stat amounts for consuming them. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed setting a bindable to the "/" key appearing as "undefined".
  • Fixed highlighted items sometimes not being unhighlighted when interrupts are shown.
  • Fixed an error when joining a server while the server browser refreshed.
  • Fixed temperature tooltips showing even when Debug Tools were disabled.
  • Fixed multiple desyncs related to tilled tiles.
  • Fixed walking into blocked tiles decreasing map durability (and raising skill/stats). (Thanks mwebb759!)


  • The Debug Tools "TabDialog" has been moved to the base game and can now be used in other mods.


  • Updated Wayward to Electron 13.0.1.
  • Fixed memory leaks related to UI highlighting.
  • Speed up leaving multiplayer games.


Debug Tools

  • Fixed inspection errors when loading the mod in multiplayer.


  • Now starts up faster when in a multiplayer game.
  • Now supports multiple play modes. "Survival" is the default.
  • Added a "Tidy Up" mode.
  • Changed default "T" bind to open the TARS dialog. Shift + T will immediately toggle TARS.
  • Added a way to tell TARS to acquire any item via the UI.
  • Fixed being unable to acquire complex items.
  • Added new options that will allow controlling what TARS does.
  • Will always pick the optimal item when gathering, carving, and harvesting.
  • Fixed issues when reinforcing equipment.
  • Will only reinforce items that are worth doing so.
  • Will now repair tongs when they have low durability.
  • Will now cleanup swamp tiles near base.
  • Will now prefer eating food from chests when near base.
  • Fixed item upgrade logic not working for all tools.
  • Will now know how to use orbs of influence.
  • Will no longer defend against adjacent creatures if health/equipment is low.
  • Now has smarter health, stamina, hunger, and thirst recovery logic.
  • Will now look for items in chests that are going to decay soon and try to do something with them.
  • Will now hunt creatures near the base once it has good equipment.
  • Learned how to attack fish.
  • Learned how to disassemble items.
  • Learned how snow works.
  • Will no longer build water stills on ice cap islands.
  • Added a "Gardener" mode.

Beta 2.10.5

May 26th, 2021


  • Added a new magical component for altering magical stat/skill/reputation properties to a different stat/skill/reputation, instead of only being able to re-roll them to a different property entirely.
  • Added durability and decay bars to items for usability. (Thanks Sooner535{UFIP}!)


  • Magical malignity and benignity properties are now combined into one type, making it so you can't roll both on a single item. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Creatures will no longer spawn on the edges of a map. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Item "Dig" tiers will now affect gathered item quality (unless it's a flooring type tile or player-set tile).
  • The "Resting and Sleeping" help article now explains how they work in a multiplayer or real-time setting.
  • Improved error handling when loading old saves.


  • Increased the maximum value magical stat (strength, stamina, etc.) items can have.
  • Creatures will now lose some happiness when being damaged/hurt.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed four property magic items not being possible from crafting. (Thanks Nobody Important!)
  • Fixed gathered/harvested returning too many superior quality items if your skill and/or tiers were too high among other issues. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed "Keep Sort Active" not working for containers when updates did not happen within it. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed aberrant damage not rounding up. (Thanks Nobody Important!)
  • Fixed tiles not melting in most instances.
  • Fixed heat sources created at night sometimes not being able to cause tiles to melt.
  • Fixed snow flooring not counting towards the "Explorer" milestone. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed various memory leaks.
  • Fixed a weight exploit when using boats within containers. (Thanks TheLukeyBoi!)
  • Fixed creatures being able to move outside of map bounds, causing errors. (Thanks Anketam!)
  • Fixed dug tiles not changing their quality after getting a quality set after the first dig/tile change event.
  • Fixed item quality always returning exact tile quality or random tile quality when digging (and only after the first dig), instead of distributing based on skill/tiers/tile quality.
  • Fixed desyncs related to temperature/melting tiles.
  • Removed the filter button from the dedicated server messages panel. (Thanks bearhiderug!)
  • Fixed being able to build and till over corpses.
  • Fixed rare stack overflow errors related to the input system.
  • Fixed some UI components not being removed correctly.
  • Fixed some UI not showing/or appearing cut off when placed in certain positions when UI effects were disabled. (Thanks Amax!)



  • Fixed TARS trying to build / plant seeds on preoccupied tiles.

Debug Tools

  • Fixed a dialog memory leak.
  • Fixed tile paint options extending underneath the paint button.

Beta 2.10.4

May 14th, 2021


  • Newly exported steam workshop save games will be more reliable when importing the save.
  • Added "bird droppings" for chickens and penguins to use instead of "animal droppings". (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Snakes will now accept eggs as offerings.
  • Buttons in non-item dialogs now appear with a background, distinguishing them from the dialog they're in.


  • Increased the odds of digging up better chest types the further you are away from your starting island when doing treasure maps.
  • Increased the chance of quality creature loot/corpse resources the further away you are from your starting island.
  • Decreased the threshold at which freezing/overheating can occur.
  • Water no longer freezes to ice and items will now decay within in the coastal caves.
  • Aberrant creatures now deal scaled damage instead of only 1 when dealing a chance hit and deal them more commonly.
  • Aberrant creatures are now more likely to perform their special abilities or resource drops.
  • Action tiers and kindling/tinder quality no longer give bonuses when lighting torches/candles. Their starting decay is set by the quality of the torch/candle.
  • Successfully taming a creature through offering will now provide benignity (on top of skill use bonus).
  • Taming aberrant creatures is now harder when not using offering/items. Previous, the difficulty was unchanged from normal creatures.
  • Taming aberrant creatures now provides double the reputation/benignity gain.
  • Increased difficulty of taming aberrant creatures via offering slightly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed item decay maximums not counting until observed. (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed save game mods importing the same save each game load. This fix only applies to newly created save game mods.
  • Fixed errors loading games after exporting save games to Steam Workshop.
  • Fixed multiple confirmation interrupts showing up when dismantling items. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed containers not updating their capacity when changed/re-balanced internally. (Thanks icecream!)
  • Fixed the path to tile bind pathing to the last location you pathed while holding down the preview bind instead of the location you clicked on. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed "Keep Sort Active" not working properly with durability. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed endurance and some other magical properties showing as "0" under some locales. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed equipment only being damaged when you were parrying. Cool. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed the "Combat" note only appearing when you were parrying.
  • Fixed torches and candles not getting the proper decay amount based on quality/magical properties when ignited while equipped.
  • Fixed torches and candles not getting decay bonuses from their quality or magical properties when built on the ground before being lit.
  • Fixed the red decay outline/warning on items sometimes not showing or showing too early/late.
  • Fixed not being able to travel as a single person on a dedicated server. (Thanks Majestik!)
  • Fixed tooltips sometimes not showing after interrupt dialogs are hidden. (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed puddles being placable on void tiles. (Thanks Zillvr!)
  • Fixed items having decay that should not have. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Fixed jittery animations and inaccuracy when dragging items within inventory/containers. (Thanks Skarn22!)
  • Fixed cases of items disappearing when moving to other islands (Thanks Cringe!)
  • Fixed "wayward +v" and "wayward +mod" commands no longer working.
  • Fixed incorrect doodad upgrade conversions from old versions.
  • Fixed incorrect creature HP upgrades from old versions.
  • Fixed incorrect modded creature upgrades from old versions.
  • Fixed seeds being exported with commas or other localized characters.


  • Wayward now ships with a "bin/wayward.cmd" file on Windows x64. Adding the bin folder to your PATH allows you to use the CLI synchronously via the "wayward" command (no extension required.)


  • Improved performance of walking to tile. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed InputManager producing too many logs.

Beta 2.10.3

May 4th, 2021


  • A back-up of your global save data and games will now be saved in your Wayward directory in case of Steam Cloud issues/corruptions.
  • Added a new interaction with the void.
  • Added a "savePath" launch option (for real this time - the previous option was command line only).


  • Saves will no longer shift/move positions (get sorted) after importing them.
  • The inspect dialog now retains what was inspected the last time the game was played.
  • Speed up travel time by up to 5 seconds.
  • Renamed "saveDirectory" command line argument to "savePath".
  • Multiplayer build mismatch errors now provide human-readable messages.
  • You can now import multiple saves at the same time.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed required items not being damaged in crafts. (Thanks warriorsforever482!)
  • Fixed weight reduction cascading past the first level of container. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed fur clothing not having any set durability. (Thanks Alien!)
  • Fixed being able to sleep on a placed bedding item without a warning appearing when a lit torch/candle was equipped. (Thanks Terrapin!)
  • Fixed importing custom game options not working when default skill options were not changed randomly. (Thanks darkmane!)
  • Fixed magical illumination not working when being held. (Thanks Valdig!)
  • Fixed the default inspection dialog picking a seemingly random item in certain instances.
  • Fixed item drop key binds ignoring the item filter. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed equipment appearing in the wrong slot after traveling. (Thanks Cryomantic Cultist!)
  • Fixed interrupts not allowing tooltips to appear afterwards. (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed flying creatures not protecting their owners properly. (Thanks William!)
  • Fixed walk to tile errors when near the edge of the world. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed inventory shifting after traveling. (Thanks Nobody Important!)
  • Fixed wisps and pirate ghosts not being able to move when spawned in the void (using milestone modifiers or other means). (Thanks Valdig!)
  • Fixed multiplayer options becoming out of sync when closing and reopening a server.
  • Fixed some crafts showing that fire sources were needed for crafting them but weren't actually.
  • Fixed temperature producing creatures not removing their effects after death. (Thanks TheLukeyBoi!)
  • Fixed some items showing disassembly options in item tooltips incorrectly. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed magical sorting not sorting magic "Power" items properly. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed hardware acceleration being unavailable for some older GPUs.
  • Fixed some instances of negative decimal numbers displaying with "+-" when language settings use comma for decimal numbers. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed container reference warnings caused by merchant NPCs spawning.
  • Fixed save data limitations on traveling.
  • Fixed the inspection dialog not working correctly after traveling and after using tile inspection in the previous set of islands.
  • Fixed the tile inspection overlay sprite staying when inspecting a tile, then inspecting an item afterwards.
  • Fixed tumbleweed errors produced when they are too close to the edge of a map.


  • Reduced coastal temperature variance/extremes slightly.
  • Increased the amount of loot possible from buried treasure chests the further out you are from your starting island.
  • Using open fire or enclosed fires (campfires, furnaces, etc.) in crafts/dismantling/repairing will now decay their strength slightly.


  • Fixed several UI-related memory leaks.
  • Reduced initial game memory usage by 154MB.
  • Modified the process of compiling/linking shaders to follow best practices.
  • Added several new GPU-based launch options in an effort to diagnose shader and context issues. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Improved lost context handling.
  • Converted Electron code into TypeScript.


  • Fixed "requirejs" cache busting logic. (Thanks Amax!)



  • Reduced memory usage.

Beta 2.10.2

April 22nd, 2020


  • Setting the "Turn Delay" to 0 will now disable all turning when moving. You can then use shift (by default) to face different directions.
  • Improved the sorting of games in the multiplayer menu so that open games are at the top.
  • Player tooltips will now be visible for players that are connecting to a multiplayer game.
  • The news menu will now have changelog buttons for more version release articles.
  • Notes are no longer shown when running a dedicated server.
  • The in-game changelog can now display preview images for changes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed tamed creatures no longer seeking owner's attackers. (Thanks Zalpha!)
  • Fixed Steam Workshop mods being re-downloaded even when they are already updated, increasing the speed at which mods will refresh.
  • Fixed incompatible Steam Workshop mods not showing up in mods list.
  • Fixed loading outdated or too many mods causing other mods not to load.
  • Potentially fixed a very rare bug with tattered maps that caused them to sometimes not have Xs until the game is reloaded.
  • Fixed crafting item highlights not re-highlighting after crafting items.
  • Fixed the "Steam Workshop" button showing for save exports when not connected to Steam.
  • Fixed quickslots not properly updating protection & damaged status. (Thanks Townfall!)
  • Fixed ground item inspections showing themselves when not nearby.
  • Fixed ground item inspections tripling themselves.
  • Fixed Electron IPC errors caused by console logging into dedicated servers.
  • "Flasks" have been renamed to "retorts" as that is more accurate to their purpose and graphic. (Thanks darkmane!)
  • Fixed items tooltips disappearing and leaving just the "Inspect" section if they had been destroyed. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed trying to create puddles out of bounds.
  • Fixed mousing over one craft after another not highlighting the proper items when the second craft used some of the same items as the first one. (Thanks Skarn!)
  • Fixed performance issues when traveling to or playing in already-visited ice cap islands. (Thanks Vallivanting!)
  • Fixed instances of tooltips not updating when there are changes to old dialogs, such as inventories, crafting, dismantling, and equipment.
  • Fixed some instances of incorrect floor tile-mapping.
  • Fixed fire spreading to lit torches and candles possibly giving them higher than normal decay values.
  • Fixed torches/candles resetting their maximum decay when picked back up among other issues. (Thanks Skarn!)
  • Fixed tooltips flashing/empty boxes when moving the mouse between different in game objects.
  • Fixed the required craft amount showing the wrong count of items.
  • Fixed there not being a "discovered treasure" sprite for maps in the dark theme.
  • Fixed fog of war being reset when rejoining a dedicated server that traveled to a new island. (Thanks LaoTze!)
  • Fixed spawning on the edge of the map if the players travelled to a new map while you were offline or were a brand new character on the game/server. (Thanks CloudedGuardian!)
  • Fixed multiplayer travel votes getting stuck if a player disconnects mid-vote.
  • Fixed no confirmation being shown when travelling on multiplayer games alone. (Thanks Valdig!)
  • Fixed map dialogs staying open after dropping or moving the item.
  • Fixed the quick settings dialog not refreshing options when they are changed from a different place.
  • Fixed the reference system not working for mod registrations. This fixes tooltips on things added from mods.


  • Increased the temperature variance/range within the coastal island types.
  • Decreased the temperature in coastal and ice cap caves.
  • Increased the maximum temperature in the arid island types, including in the caves.
  • Increased chance of spawning void dwellers.


  • Wayward has been upgraded to Electron 12.0.4.


  • "Registry().get()" now supports referencing a single registration inside a bulk registration.



  • Will now restore changed gameplay options when disabled.
  • Will now move faster by disabling turn delay.

Beta 2.10.1

April 17th, 2021


  • Added a new random quest requirement to challenge mode — discover buried treasures. You will spawn with treasure maps.


  • Added the amount of items you have out of how many you need in the dismantling tooltip.
  • Polished the look of status effect tooltips.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the dismantle tooltip's label being duplicated numerous times after dismantling an item.
  • Automatically fallback to WebGL1 if WebGL2 fails to compile shaders, which potentially fixes issues where some players were getting black screens while playing.
  • Fixed "{ARTICLE:exceptional specimen}" showing in the Notes dialog. (Thanks William!)
  • Fixed occasional "You cannot do that yet!" messages when moving while a map dialog is opened.
  • Fixed the items that would be used in dismantling not being highlighted.
  • Fixed tooltip flashing/layout shifting when turns/ticks pass.
  • Fixed rare desyncs for some actions that damaged items.
  • Fixed tattered map desyncs.
  • Fixed issues when loading the same mod locally and through the Steam Workshop.
  • Fixed the news menu showing duplicate "event" articles. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed quick settings tooltips being on the right rather than based on the mouse position.
  • Fixed some instances of tooltip text displaying strangely, for tooltips that appear on the left side of your mouse.
  • Fixed not being able to use buttons on disabled mods.
  • Fixed new unlock highlights only showing in Challenge mode, the one place where they should not have shown.
  • Fixed a context menu showing when you dismiss multiple pinned notes at once. (Thanks Gra!)


  • Decreased magic chance on non-exceptional items and increased chance on exceptional items slightly.


Debug Tools

  • Fixed performance issues after sleeping. (Thanks Primed_ape!)

Beta 2.10.0 "Seafarer+"

April 16th, 2021


  • Added a new temperature system, along with three temperature-related status effects, a new "insulation" property for equipment and containers, and more!
  • Added a new "Mastercrafted" item quality, only obtained through high-skill and efficacy crafting.
  • Treasure hunting has been completely redesigned.
  • Added tin ore, a lightweight but very soft and low durability metal that can be used in blunt-only weaponry, tools, armor, or mixed with copper to create bronze.
  • Added the powerful bronze metal, an alloy crafted with copper and tin and to be used in late-game weaponry, tools and armor. Iron can still outclass bronze in certain regards relating to blunt resistances and blunt-based tools.
  • Added tool use properties/values (and quality bonuses) for reinforce, start fire, repair, carve, dig, gather, rest, and more. Learn more about this by inspecting items to see their action information.
  • Magical item properties (previously called legendaries) are no longer tied to a certain quality and can exist on multiple quality types now and are no longer restricted to a single property per item.
  • Added lots of new content to ice cap biomes including new wall/floor types (ice/snow), items, equipment, creatures, plants, and more!
  • Added multiple new creatures, some with unique mechanics and items.
  • Added in attack animations for each damage type.
  • Certain actions such as pouring water or some crafts will now produce puddles that can accumulate and create shallow water sources.
  • New tamed and untamed icons will appear above creatures as well as show which items they picked up from the ground as an offering.
  • Added a new "Cold" damage type with new resistances/vulnerabilities applied to creatures and equipment.
  • Added both ice and snow walls and flooring. Snow huts and other constructed houses can be found made of them on world generation in the ice cap island type.
  • You can now hover over text in messages to see tooltips, such as the names of items, doodads, creatures, etc.
  • Status effects, item breaking warnings, and broken items will now pop-up above the player.
  • You can now inspect items and other tooltips. Added a prompt to those and world tooltips.
  • Certain items, doodads, and tiles will now melt into puddles under the right temperature (or heat) conditions. When enough puddles exist, certain tiles can cool down or turn into shallow water sources.
  • Items fired, shot, or thrown are now animated.
  • Added two new magical components.
  • Added the "Apocryphal" milestone for discovering every type of magical item.
  • Added the milestone, "Diverse", played every type of game mode. This milestone is enabled for all game modes.
  • Added all metal types of knives.
  • There are now low durability sandstone versions of bullets, hammers, and anvils.
  • Added fast world update simulations for passing turns after travel and removed the previous limit of 5000 turns passing.
  • Added two new books.
  • Added an item sort for sorting by magical properties.
  • Added a new option to disable item pick-ups when idling (using the spacebar or by clicking your character) that is disabled by default.
  • Added a button to mods to allow opening the mod's folder.
  • Added the ability to sort by worth (trade value).
  • Mod icons can now be viewed in-game.
  • Added the current update title to the main menu screen.
  • Mod `` files can now be viewed in-game.
  • Doodads now have support for notifiers and water stills will display a notifier when the water is ready to drink or gather.
  • Added a new magical "insulation" property for equipment and containers.
  • Bindings that are also bound on other bindables now show a clickable warning icon that filters to those bindables.


  • Item tooltips have been redesigned. They feature new layouts, better readability, and in the case of crafting/dismantle tooltips, feature more information.
  • For certain milestones, their tooltips now contain a list of which things have been discovered. (Thanks warriorsforever482!)
  • Opened containers will now keep their sort and order after traveling.
  • Added new recipe difficulty, "Master" for the new tiers of blacksmithing items as well as some other items.
  • The tier and quality of bedding items (leaf bedroll, hammock, etc.) will now increase turns slept/rested and stats replenished when sleeping or resting.
  • The tier and quality of gathering and harvesting tools will now decrease the chance of damaging plants when gathering and harvesting.
  • The tier and quality of carving tools will now increase the quality of items gained when carved.
  • The tier and quality of fire-making devices (hand drills, bow drills, etc.) will now add a bonus to the fire's length/decay when starting fires.
  • The tier and quality of reinforcement items (animal glue, melted copal, etc.) will now increase maximum and minimum durability when reinforcing items.
  • The tier and quality of repairing items (stone hammer, grindstone, etc.) will now decrease durability loss when repairing items.
  • The tier and quality of fishing rods or nets will now increase the chance of catching fish and items when fishing.
  • The tier and quality of treasure gathering tools will now increase the acceptable digging range when gathering treasure.
  • The tier and quality of preserving items (slime gelatin, niter, etc.) will now add a bonus to the decay timer of the preserved item.
  • The tier and quality of refining tools will now decrease the reduction of durability when refining items.
  • Tamed creatures will now move around in closed/fenced areas when they cannot follow you.
  • Water contamination is now randomized and converts between two types of water more naturally.
  • Freshwater sources can now "contaminate" seawater sources provided there is a lot more freshwater than seawater at the connection point. Previously any single tile of seawater would contaminate all connected freshwater.
  • Added a progress bar when island time is being adjusted while traveling.
  • Protected items now have a lock icon.
  • There are now icons associated with item qualities.
  • All ranged weapons will share the same action now, "Fire", and all ammunition will have a new action called "Shoot" which will attempt to use them with an equipped ranged weapon.
  • Hovering status effects (encumbered, exhausted, starving, dehydrated) now highlights any relevant stats.
  • Your stamina reduction and travel time are now dependent on the boat's tier and quality while traveling.
  • Your maximum weight will now increase when in a boat. This increase is based on the boat's tier and quality.
  • Amount of items gathered at a time is no longer determined by the tool's attack and skill but rather done through new tool properties combined with skill.
  • Ice shards can no longer be used for carving, but can instead be equipped as a weapon.
  • Fire that is created without fuel or on top of flammable objects will no longer burn to ash.
  • Item quality now follows a more standardized approach (ala WoW) for colors.
  • You can now gather with anything that you could harvest with previously.
  • Item quality is no longer mentioned in item names, but rather, is shown in color and in item tooltips.
  • Starting fires will now look in adjacent containers/tiles for kindling/tinder/fuel.
  • Milestone modifiers that spawn tamed creatures at the start will now no longer prefer to spawn water-based creatures.
  • Players, creatures, and NPCs can now "splash" water, creating puddles.
  • Magical items now have animations or are signified with an "M" with UI animations disabled.
  • Some mod tooltip information has been moved to a "more information" mod menu, in order to keep the tooltip containing the most relevant info.
  • Added a warning icon to the mods button on the main menu when mods are disabled due to moving to a new version.
  • Mod tooltips now have more colors for usability.
  • The icon for a mod's "View Steam Workshop Page" button has been changed from an eye to a Steam logo.
  • Mods that cannot be enabled due to errors no longer make their buttons (such as "uninstall" or "more information") partially transparent.
  • Added a count for how many mods are enabled, vs how many are installed, to the mods button on the main menu.
  • New version releases in the news menu now don't include their changelog, instead including a button that links to the changelog menu.
  • Added lightbox support to images in news articles.
  • Added an unread indicator to the news button on the main menu.
  • Improved the formatting of news articles.
  • Added tabs to the news menu.
  • Pinned note messages are now disabled by default (existing players will have to turn the setting off.) There is now an "unread notes" indicator on the "notes" button.
  • Clicking on the "notes" button now displays the first unread note. Displaying unread notes dismisses pinned note messages.
  • You can now select next/previous dropdown values using shift + scroll wheel. You can also edit a range input (like SFX volume) with shift + scroll wheel.
  • The idle bind now displays more information, listing that it's also used to ascend/descend stairs and pick-up items under you.
  • Plants and mushrooms that cannot grow in certain situations will now be destroyed (leaving their resources behind) instead of just removed completely.
  • The defense tooltip has been redesigned, now providing much more information when using "see more" and "inspect".
  • Tile tooltip opt-out, console source filtering, and UI experiments are now all compressed by default, cleaning up the options menu.
  • The facing tile is now highlighted when using the action menu.
  • Improved the look of line of sight so shadows are closer to objects that block sight.
  • Coconut meat is now considered a "fruit".
  • Doodads tooltips now include which magical properties they have.
  • "Transmogrify" and "enchant" actions have been swapped as transmogrification (previously enchant) will now only reroll magical properties. Its other mechanic has been moved to a new magical component.
  • Item tooltips are now removed as you type in filters. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Certain items will now put out lit doodads when they are on top of them (like snow over a lit campfire).
  • Melee is now the first/default action for spears instead of gathering.
  • Added a tooltip when hovering over a multiplayer game in the server browser as to the reason you are not able to join.
  • Added social buttons to the main menu.
  • Added ability to edit MOTD via multiplayer menu for dedicated servers.
  • Changed the naming of some armor pieces to be more accurate/varied.
  • Improved the walk to tile graphics when used over lighter tiles (like snow).
  • Title casing now correctly uses lowercase for short articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.
  • You can no longer smother fire with snow; however, you can still drop it over fire to melt and extinguish the fire that way.
  • Minor tile events are now a single list inspection rather than individual ones.
  • You can now preview the doodad's tier when built/lit in the crafting tooltip.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed digging some tiles set down by the player not keeping their durability.
  • Fixed certain tiles being too hard to route water from.
  • Fixed the "Drop on Gather" option not applying when digging. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed beach sand not changing its quality as you gathered resources from it (it can now change to gravel rarely).
  • Fixed not being able to pour water back into wells.
  • Fixed solar stills replacing tiles underneath them incorrectly. (Thanks Al Huma!)
  • Solar stills will no longer work in caves. Who did this and didn't tell me?
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs related to players leaving during another player's action packet.
  • Fixed creature pathfinding performance in some instances. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed paddling with a raft while in a backpack not always reducing your weight. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed failing to harvest anything granting full skill gains.
  • Fixed creatures being able to become tamed while out of sight in singleplayer games. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed igniting torches from fire devices (via item menu) requiring kindling (they should only require tinder). (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed renamed doodads still showing magical property names.
  • Fixed inconsistencies when toggling fog of war on the host in a multiplayer game. (Thanks neurodaemon!)
  • Fixed digging tiles back up from being placed not retaining their weight, quality, or magical properties.
  • Fixed unlocking crafting recipes through developer mode not working while in-game.
  • Fixed not being able to ignite torches with a fire starting device directly in some instances.
  • Fixed message in bottles never uncommonly returning mushy paper as before.
  • Fixed being able to use cooked fish kebabs for pemmican. (Thanks lilzoark!)
  • Burning items will no longer potentially create unlimited tiles of ash underneath them. (Thanks AI Player 2!)
  • Building up levels of water in the ice cap using flooring or terrain will no longer produce incorrect water tile types.
  • Fixed equipped items rendering beneath the player while standing over open doors or growing trees with a cloak equipped.
  • Fixed player not animating when paddling from land and other paddle-related issues.
  • Fixed the "void" counting as an obstacle for thrown/shot items.
  • Fixed some items not burning properly.
  • Fixed protected items being dropped into deep water when "Drop All" actions are used. (Thanks terribleperson!)
  • Name-based sorting will now sort by A-Z and reversed as Z-A instead of the opposite. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed snow particles showing as blue.
  • Fixed replaying games (from the death screen replay button) always using the same milestone modifiers, even when changing them. (Thanks Petalwing!)
  • Fixed player hair rendering under open gates.
  • Fixed slimes merging not updating hitching post status. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed sorting by worth not producing any message.
  • Fixed the container weight magical property not having any effect in some instances.
  • Fixed creature tooltips for non-aberrant creatures including the text that the creature is abnormally aggressive. Only affected old saves.
  • Fixed version and build mismatch multiplayer error messages having swapped arguments.
  • Fixed attempting to equip an item into the wrong slot passing a turn. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed YouTube embeds in news articles being too small and causing errors.
  • Fixed multiple hoe graphics to remove erroneous coloring.
  • Fixed soundtracks not containing additional cover artwork. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed sorting by weight not calculating the weight of items inside containers.
  • Fixed items in your inventory decaying by how much the island fast-forwarded by when traveling. (Thanks Meron!)
  • Fixed offering not updating player weight. (Thanks DragonOvLeaves!)
  • Fixed a terrain template issue where rocks could appear in glaciers.
  • Fixed NPCs not creating particles when walking in shallow water.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdown menus could become stuck on double-clicking to open.
  • Fixed quality of tile not updating on tooltip when tile type changed. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)


  • The chance of gaining skills will now somewhat depend on the item used in actions that support it. The higher the tool's tier and quality, the higher chance of gaining skill points.
  • Removed blunt vulnerabilities from copper equipment.
  • Taming creatures will now continuously add minimum/maximum health to the creature instead of subtracting it each time.
  • Copper tools (and weapons that can be used as tools) are now less efficient than their wrought iron counterpart when used for their "sharpness" qualities (like when carving, lumberjacking, etc.). Blunt-based activities (like mining) remain unchanged.
  • Removed limestone requirement for producing copper ingots.
  • Iron is slightly more common in coastal caves.
  • Starting vegetables and fruits can now be harvestable/gatherable (can appear as flowering/ripening on occasion).
  • Increased base amount of the worth property for magical items.
  • Increased impact of item tiers on consumed items when crafting quality or magical items.
  • Buried treasure will now have more loot than found treasure chests.
  • Cave entrances will now never spawn as a single tile; however, higher rarity cave chests will be a bit rarer to compensate for this new ease of access to the main cave areas.
  • Increased the amount of maximum talc gathered from rocks and sandstone with talc.
  • Enhance (previously transmogrify) will now only alter magical properties and not the quality of an item. Reduced difficulty of enhancing as a result.
  • Reduced time required to produce wisp dust from wisps.
  • All knives now have a higher "Sharpened" tier than axes of the same type.
  • Solar stills will no longer function in the ice cap or lower temperatures without an external heat source around it.
  • Limestone can now appear under rocks with snow.
  • The success rate of starting and spreading fires is now also based on temperature slightly.
  • Decreased the rarity of metals and sandstone resources in arid caves.
  • Sandstone can now contain limestone and can be found in the arid biome.
  • Copper can no longer randomly spawn in caves or under snowy rocks in the ice cap biome.
  • Tool/item quality and tier will now impact the amount of reputation gained/lost on some actions.
  • Merchant NPCs now scale their overall strength with negative reputation.
  • The "Pulchritudinous" milestone modifier now provides specifically an equippable magical item.
  • Interacting with a hitch, door, chest (either through opening or lockpicking) that is on fire will now burn the player.
  • Increased chance at damaging plants when harvesting/gathering slightly.
  • "You see" messages will no longer appear if the event occurred while the player was resting.
  • Reduced effectiveness of skill level for reducing stamina usage, success chance, and amount of items gained when gathering resources. The new tool properties and quality will now play a role as well.
  • Increased the chances of crafting or finding increased quality items slightly.
  • Pouring seawater over small freshwater sources can now pollute them.
  • Increased the bonus durability given by the "Crafter" milestone modifier.
  • You can no longer start fires over snow/ice without fuel as well as tinder/kindling (in the case of starting fires with fire devices).


  • Modding new walls, doors, and fences are now possible (they are no longer hardcoded).
  • Item recipes can require multiple doodads now.
  • The Wayward Schemas VSCode extension now adds syntax highlighting to interpolations in language files.
  • Languages can now provide `contextRules` for how title casing works.
  • Language pluralization rules `pluralRules` and `singularRules` are now arrays, making it possible to change the precedence of rules.
  • Tile events now have the ability to render under doodads through the `renderBelowDoodads` property.
  • Mods can now create registrations in bulk via `@Register.bulk`, which has support for all existing registration types.
  • You can now link your mod's GitHub repository in your `mod.json` and it will be displayed in the mod's menu.
  • Simplified the "actions" system so that action instances now have an `execute` method rather than requiring a new `ActionExecutor` instance. This change also should improve typechecking performance for modders.
  • Special language utilities (segments) now use capital letters to better differentiate them from translatable language for translators.


  • Improved performance on all scrollable dialogs in the game.
  • Improved performance of dropping/moving many items at a time.
  • Improved performance of item quality/highlight outlines (and they are no longer disabled in "Disable UI Effects" mode as a result).
  • Crafts will no longer update when the crafting dialog is closed, an option for improving performance when needed.
  • Improved game rendering performance.
  • Improved performance of hovering over items/crafts.
  • Improved the performance of water contamination/conversion.
  • Improved sprite loading speed.
  • Wayward has been updated to TypeScript 4.2.
  • Added trace recording button to developer options section.
  • Wayward has been updated to Electron 11.4.2.
  • The "An error has occurred!" message now has a tooltip with more information, and you can right-click to copy it and share it with us for debugging purposes.
  • Improved translation performance.
  • Fixed group tooltips in `GroupDropdown` components sometimes showing up when new screens were initialized.



  • No longer makes more food than required when idle.
  • Added a dialog that displays current goal and enabled/disabled status that can be opened with `Shift + T` (by default).
  • Updated README with more information about how it works.
  • Fixed issues with gathering water in some instances.
  • Fixed infinite loop when trying to dismantle an item if the required item is protected.
  • Now idles to recover from low stamina when sailing.
  • Fixed two TARS players getting stuck after running into each other.

Debug Tools

  • Fixed the layer dropdown not updating which layer you're on if you travel into a cave entrance with another panel visible.
  • Added a button to clear your inventory.
  • You can now add items of a randomly chosen type to your inventory.
  • You can now add any number of each item to your inventory, rather than just one.
  • You can now add one of every kind of item to your inventory.

Beta 2.9.6

October 11th, 2020


  • Added an attacking & damage help article, explaining how to attack and how the damage system works.
  • Added a launch option to force the use of a discrete GPU and defaulted it to on (may only effect macOS currently).


  • Protected items are now protected from disassembling, throwing, and dropping in destructive ways.
  • Solar stills will now automatically refill their water source when built on top of shallow water.
  • Map decoding messages will now reveal if the treasure is below ground when close.
  • Enchanting no longer re-rolls skills or stat types.
  • The "Best for Crafting..." sort options are now combined into one, making it a good default active sort to use along with the new "Protect" item feature when crafting.
  • There are now two new difficulties when going past the normal limits.
  • Going under the -64,000 reputation limit will now cause only aberrant creatures to spawn.
  • Reputation logging messages are now color-coded and easier to understand.
  • The illumination legendary type number will now be tied more accurately to its base value and will provide a bigger bonus. (Thanks inquisitiveToast!)
  • The multitasker milestone now checks for previously gained skills (for older save games, milestone resets, imported save games, etc.).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed saved custom game options on high-scores including effects applied by milestone modifiers, causing the replay button to double-up milestone modifier effects. (Thanks Zalpha!)
  • Fixed a smother fire exploit that lead to allowing players to plant fertile soil under already grown plants. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed the highscore "replay" button not auto-selecting the same milestone modifiers.
  • Fixed attacks causing delay in real-time mode (in singleplayer games). (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed giant spiders, chickens, and some other creatures accepting all bait types (including raw chopped fish) instead of just insects.
  • Fixed rare multiplayer packet processing errors when traveling to other islands.
  • Fixed being able to jump in a boat... really? (Thanks SirKenithan!)
  • Fixed milestone modifier effects from the initial playthrough of a game not being deterministic against replaying the game (via highscores.)
  • Fixed tooltips sometimes not returning after a screen hides.
  • Fixed the "See More" message in tooltips and more information not showing in certain instances. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed cooked fish kebabs having incorrect weight values in some instances.
  • Fixed hotkeys not working in the actions menu after changing directions. (Thanks Kenithan!)
  • Removed the ability for items that can't be sold to have the "Worth" legendary type.
  • Fixed the hoarding legendary value being shown in the wrong area on torches and candles.
  • Fixed lit tallow torches having the "Lit Candle" grouping instead of lit tallow candles.
  • Fixed the "pour" action missing on some containers of medicinal water. (Thanks DragonOvLeaves!)
  • Fixed dismantle actions working on protected items when using quickslots/item menu. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Removed medicinal item tiers as they were not used. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed winterberries changing into rotting vegetation without decay. (Thanks DragonOvLeaves!)
  • Fixed a slight memory leak due to help article menus.
  • Fixed dialogs not losing focus when interacting with the game screen.


  • You will no longer parry blows without having both hands equipped. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Black powder is no longer reinforcable.



  • Fixed attempting to gather/harvest plants when tamed creatures were on top of them.
  • Fixed errors when attempting to reinforce armor in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a sequence that caused TARS to gather water from a well and pour it out repeatedly.
  • Disabled writing TARS logs to log files.
  • Fixed getting stuck staring at traders.
  • Fixed being unable to certain repair items if the anvil was not placed next to a kiln.
  • Now knows that rocks exist under snowy rocks/mountains.
  • Fixed TARS dropping boats after sailing on occasion due to weight.
  • Fixed not being able to pick-up walls when stuck behind them.
  • Fixed TARS being able to walk into caves (without knowing how to get back up).

Beta 2.9.5

September 13th, 2020


  • The server browser now shows current island details (biome type and x/y).
  • Added full support for loading dedicated server saves and backups as a non-dedicated server or game and vice versa.
  • Lower decay items will now be sorted at the front or back instead of in the middle when sorting by decay.
  • Sorts are no longer sorted by their inverse when switching to a new type of sort.
  • Increased tick time limit to 2333ms max.
  • The /commands command will now only show commands you can perform. Command.
  • Added a confirmation for when attempting to drop a container with item(s) into deep water or the void.
  • You can no longer dig entrances into the void.
  • Improved the display of the about menu when using an interface scale less than 1.
  • Improved the display of the highscore menu when using an interface scale less than 1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed challenge quest creatures spawning in inappropriate scenarios (like fishing them up). (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed a message bug when boarding a second boat while already on a boat. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed not being able to protect items in chests. (Thanks Luxodjen!)
  • Fixed refining being able to reduce featherweight items past 0.1 weight. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed tree bark and tail feathers being able to be dismantled into items with more minimum weight. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed refining, enchanting, and transmogrifying certain items not using the proper skills. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed a few issues related to UI input and events when saving and re-loading a game, such as one which caused screenshot mode to only work for some of the UI. (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed creatures being able to walk on the void. (Thanks [SOA] Slade Wilson!)
  • Fixed attempting to paddle on top of creatures, doodads, and more allowing you to use a boat on land. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed spending a turn when attempting to use a boat outside of water.
  • Fixed equipping the torch twice in challenge mode with eternal night challenge enabled. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed MORE instances of players in multiplayer games rejoining as new characters if the game was ever closed without a save (due to crashes or incorrect server shutdowns).
  • Fixed dropping containers into water moving contained items into player's inventories.
  • Fixed performing commands that you did not have access to not showing any message/output.
  • Fixed challenge modifiers changing in Challenge Mode when traveling to a new island. (Thanks cloudcover!)
  • Fixed milestone modifiers that added percentages to all skills producing a blank skill type. (Thanks bored_o_mir!)
  • Fixed not being able to travel to another island if all other players left and you had a vote timeout. (Thanks Ardy!)
  • Fixed loading really old saves causing fog of war to be reset.
  • Fixed item notifications no longer showing after sailing to civilization and returning to the island.
  • Fixed some trypos. (Thanks Ursa!) (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed some language being cached incorrectly, causing some values to keep displaying the same, even as they are changing internally. (Hotfixed)


  • Tamed monsters no longer break doodads (walls, chests, etc.).
  • Crafted items can now be reinforced higher than found/looted items (if they can be crafted).
  • You can no longer disassemble candles.


  • Internal texture sizes are now automatically expanded to support mods with a large number of sprites. (Thanks slayerjerman!)
  • Fixed typing for global renderer variable.
  • You can now use @Mod.instance(), @Mod.log(), @Mod.saveData(), and @Mod.globalData() without a name argument on mod classes.


  • When loading Wayward using a custom resource directory, the game will now show the version appended with "(Custom)".



  • Learned how to use boats.
  • Will no longer run away from creatures only to end up drowning.
  • No longer kills itself by drinking unpurified water while at low health.
  • Fixed sometimes sleeping to death when trying to traverse large bodies of water.
  • Will now keep additional food in its inventory instead of moving them into chests.
  • Fixed TARS not pathing past NPCs.
  • Will now look for better tools after obtaining better weapons and armor.
  • Learned how to live on Arid islands.
  • Learned how to live on Ice Cap islands.
  • Now travels to other islands after expending the current island's resources.


  • Fixed tall doodads not rendering correctly. (Thanks ___𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕠___!)

Debug Tools

  • Fixed sail to civilization not working.
  • Fixed the "Tamed" checkbox not updating when viewing subsequent creatures.

Beta 2.9.4

August 23rd, 2020


  • Added a new selectable "Protected" item feature instead of only being able to apply it to equipped/quickslotted items. You can hover over items and use "P" or right-click them and select the "Protect" option to protect items.


  • Reduced the amount of delay after swapping positions or being blocked by creatures.
  • "Carve with Tool" action will no longer use "Protected" items.
  • Item tooltips are now updated as changes are made to the item.
  • The sort menu for crafting/inventory dialogs is now ordered based on frequently used selections and shows which is the default in each case.
  • Quality is no longer included when sorting by name (except in the cases of legendary types).
  • Spruce cones can now be used for stoking fires.
  • Removed delay from some actions that did not require it and added it for those that required it to fix quickslot usage issues.
  • Removed "Protected Crafting Items" and "Protect Crafting Items for Containers" in favor of the new individual item protection system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sorting by name doing a reverse sort and the reverse sort doing a normal sort.
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs related to owners of tamed creatures disconnecting.
  • Fixed a glitched item highlighting feature when hovering over boosted skills (from legendary effects) in your skills dialog. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync that occurred when players attempted to rejoin the server if they previously left while sleeping/resting.
  • Fixed an error when updating the mod.json file of a mod after publishing, and added a new, more correct & useful warning for if a situation like this happens again.
  • Fixed being able to join the server as a local game if in the process of connecting the server shut down.
  • Fixed "Navigator" milestone triggering incorrectly. (Thanks Lardi!)
  • Fixed an oversight that made it so tiered treasure chests did not have ever-increasing item quality chances. (Thanks Franck!)


  • Increased the health and damage of many mid-tier creatures.
  • Reduced damage blocked by parrying slightly.
  • Low tier treasure chests will now only provide copper-based tools, armor, and weapons. High tier treasure chests will provide wrought-iron drops instead of iron.
  • Treasure chests that are lockpicked will now be damaged, reducing usability when disassembling.


  • Added support for mods that are bigger than 100MB.
  • Improved performance of uploading/downloading workshop files.
  • Modded status effect renderers can now cancel base-game layer rendering. (Thanks Saervok!)
  • Added support for skipping walk to tile's blocked tile check.
  • Leftover Steam Cloud files are now cleaned up after publishing mods.


  • Crafts are now defaulted to sort by discovered time due to performance concerns.
  • Improved the performance of sorting, filtering, and updates to the inventory and crafting dialogs.
  • Upgraded Wayward to TypeScript 4.



  • No longer gets stuck when attempting to travel past open fire.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes getting stuck when trying to carve a corpse if it doesn't have an item that can carve.
  • Will prefer rocks over rock ground when looking for a sharp rock.
  • Protects swords from being used when dismantling.
  • No longer thinks the world is round.
  • Won't try to dig under chests anymore.
  • Will now reinforce good equipment when its durability gets low.
  • Fixed getting stuck if an NPC walked in its way.
  • Fixed loop of taking and removing items from chests when near max weight.

Beta 2.9.3

August 16th, 2020


  • Added a /backup chat command for dedicated servers.


  • Improved the accuracy of the anatomy-based "mostly uninjured" message by adding a case for full health creatures/players/NPCs. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • The save game button is now hidden for clients in multiplayer games.
  • Removed "Reputation" messages from the "Chat" message filter by default.
  • Removed vagueness in wording for enchant/transmogrify actions. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Player "turns" now start as 1 instead of 0.
  • Added a new "Events" message filter type and added several messages that were not categorized/miscategorized before.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed traveling to the west and east always producing the same island.
  • Fixed errors and desyncs related to fish and other creatures moving at the edge of the world.
  • Fixed auto save options only appearing in quick settings (and removed it from there as well). (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed clients in multiplayer games not receiving credit for Navigator and Helmsman milestones.
  • Fixed dedicated servers not saving fog of war of players when running in console mode.
  • Fixed creatures being forced to spawn over tiles they shouldn't when gathering treasure. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed updating binds not showing on quickslots until a restart.
  • Prevented new players that join non-pvp dedicated servers that switched islands from spawning at the edge of the map.
  • Fixed renamed items reverting when canceling a rename action. (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed weight not being updated when attempting to paddle when a boat was placed within a container.
  • Fixed penguins providing an incorrect reputation amount when killing them. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed instances of players in multiplayer games rejoining as new characters if the game was ever closed without a save (due to crashes or incorrect server shutdowns).
  • Fixed walk to tile failing if a tamed creature is in the way but cannot be swapped.
  • Fixed containers staying open when they were dropped into the void or deep water.
  • Fixed mods breaking with "!" in the game's path. (Thanks Cth!)
  • Removed the "You see a fire spread uncontrollably." message from the "Reputation" message filter. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed sailboats not warning about breakage on use.
  • Fixed eating aloe vera leaves also "applying" them, curing the burned status effect. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed saved opened containers not showing their name or calculating their weight.
  • Fixed some tiepos. (Thanks Ursa!)


  • Increased the amount of glue/resin required to fully reinforce normal quality items, while reducing the amount required as quality increases (was previously the reverse of these rules).


  • Fixed mod publishing erroring when publishing a mod with comments in its mod.json file.
  • Fixed the wayward +mod update command not updating the waywardVersion property in the mod.json file.
  • Fixed JSON comments not being supported with wayward +mod command.


  • Improved performance when dismantling, disassembling, and many other item interactions. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • The launch_options.json file can now have comments.



  • Fixed getting stuck by a tree if there was a corpse on top of it.
  • Will no longer try to repair kindling items.
  • Will now disable right hand when it's a shield. The left hand equip will try to be the appropriate damage type against the nearest creature.
  • Fixed failing to run away from creatures when at low health.
  • Will destroy trees more often if they are in the way of quicker pathing.
  • Fixed harvestable trees being ignored when searching for items.
  • Added the ability to create and use multiple water containers.
  • Will attempt to carry multiple kindling items in the inventory to start fires easier.
  • TARS will maintain a tidy base by moving items that are on the ground into chests after it obtains a leather armor set.
  • Will carry food, water, and a bandage with it before attempting to upgrade weapons and armor past leather.
  • Will no longer get stuck attempting to move to the same targets over and over.
  • Now always uses a knife when a recipe requires a sharpened to stop ruining swords!
  • Will no longer be scared of sharks when wearing decent equipment.
  • Will leave extra items at the base before moving far away.
  • No longer attempts to run away from targets that do not move, getting stuck.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes trying to dig/carve when it can't.
  • Will prioritize crafting items when all the requirements are within inventory (stops filling inventory up before crafting).
  • Will craft items that require a furnace/anvil more reliably (hopefully).
  • Will now return to drop off items at base once it's carrying too much.
  • Added the ability to create and use multiple water stills.

Beta 2.9.2

August 9th, 2020


  • Added a new "Drop on Dismantle" option.
  • Added a new note for hunger/starvation.


  • Containers now re-open when reloading a game or traveling.
  • Items crafted now properly checks your inventory and containers within your inventory in order, instead of checking sub-containers last. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Clicking the clear/exit button in filters now removes focus from the filter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash involving the skills dialog. (Thanks Levvy!)
  • Fixed cases where extinguished lit doodads (like furnaces, campfires, etc.) could decay and become destroyed. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed an issue where inputs could become "stuck" on after typing in the crafting/inventory filters. (Thanks Jiamil!)
  • Fixed creatures being able to walk over NPCs.
  • Fixed treasure being able to spawn in void in cave layers. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed macro bindings being lost on reload.
  • Fixed the wrong terrain type being set when placing down tiles in the "Ice Cap" region. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed world tooltips not working after dragging and dropping an item to the game screen. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed duplicate messages showing up when rejoining multiplayer games.
  • Fixed needing to use the "Show More Information" bind once after changing the "Always Show More Information" option. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed render depth/order not working correctly at certain positions on the map. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed macro input being doubled up and reset at the wrong times, causing double click to sometimes not work on items. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed join server retry button not always working correctly.
  • Fixed multiplayer clients sometimes displaying messages for other players.
  • Fixed save interrupts not always showing.
  • Fixed permanently burning not reducing player health in the challenge mode at certain health/strength values.
  • Fixed some status effects not properly affecting regeneration/reduction of stats.
  • Fixed "Worth" item value dropping unexpectedly due to reinforcement/durability calculations. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed damage notifiers moving sporadically after killing creatures while moving.
  • Fixed ash appearing over rock/impassible terrain. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed the permanently poisoned challenge modifier reducing player strength/health to very low values.
  • Fixed the "Operator" milestone not being obtainable. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Display the correct message when gathering/harvesting if the "Drop on Gather/Harvest" option was enabled but the tile beneath you was full.
  • Fixed stats not showing properly after loading a save game that uses milestone modifiers until one turn has passed.
  • Fixed dedicated servers timing out (and not reconnecting to matchmaking server) after traveling on lower-end hardware.
  • Fixed milestone modifiers not applying after travel. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed the "Explorer" milestone being unobtainable. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed closing the action menu with a click off of the menu not showing tooltips afterward in certain instances. (Thanks AxelDominatoR!)
  • Fixed quickslots changing item types when using items that turned into others.
  • Fixed solar stills being referred to as water stills in some cases. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed several cases of capitalization issues in notes. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixeded some typos. (Thanks riftborn!) (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed incorrect upgrade check on saves, leading to very large saves after repeated loads. (Thanks Amax!) (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs related to merchants, wells, and creature movement/offering. (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed the backup command not backing up if backups weren't enabled. (Hotfixed)


  • Permanent status effect challenges will no longer modify player strength/health or give additional healing items. They are balanced through their effect rates now.
  • Made stoke values for items consistent. (Thanks 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉!)


  • Comments are now supported in mod JSON files (mod.json, language files, etc), using Microsoft's jsonc-parser module. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed modded items with undefined weight causing your weight to show as NaN.
  • Fixed status effect icon paths not being relative to mod directory.


  • In-game messages are now once again logged to the console & log files.
  • Fixed source map warnings showing in developer console.



  • Lava will no longer count as a valid tile to spawn on. (Thanks Amax!)


  • Added a new item group to all troposphere items and added additional groups to all items that matched ones from the base game.
  • Snowflakes can now be used as "liquid" items or used for drinking and can be found via storm stones or boulders rarely.

Debug Tools

  • Added /DebugToolsPermission chat command. This lets dedicated servers enable debug tools for players.


  • Will no longer kill itself while resting repeatedly in multiplayer or real-time games when hungry.
  • Will no longer eat grass seeds.
  • Fixed TARS not always functioning correctly after respawning if permadeath was disabled.
  • Fixed more water still issues.
  • Fixed issues with gathering water.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes getting stuck in infinite loops when trying to acquire items.
  • Will now attempt to only move items TARS needs into its inventory when gathering and dismantling items.
  • Fixed being unable to repair copper items.

Beta 2.9.1

July 31st, 2020


  • Added a custom game options to disable traveling effects for all players or just offline players.


  • New islands are now deterministic and based on the original seed.
  • Turns now pass normally when players are ghosts.
  • Changed order of custom game options based on perceived frequent/important usage.
  • Removed the ability to trade with merchants after they had already moved away from your facing position (while in multiplayer).
  • Void tiles will now be placed on the edges of all cave layers for compatibility with old saves.
  • Links in the changelog menu now appear the same way as other links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed seeds with large numbers not being saved properly. (Thanks ODevil!)
  • Seeds are now sanitized, preventing potential strange terrain generation with unorthodox values.
  • Fixed performing actions from item menus moving the menu position instead of closing it after performing an action that caused the player to update their direction. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed container dialogs changing their position/size when traveling. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed other items being used swapped as your boat after traveling in rare instances. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed being able to move items into merchant's inventories (without trading). (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed fish (and some other items) returning bones both when being cooked and when eaten. (Thanks Abs!)
  • Fixed quickslotting containers not toggling open/close properly on hotkey press. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed torches spawned in caves not having proper decay values set.
  • Fixed game options not being correctly initialized for old save games. Fixes the new respawning system not being available in old save games that were set to "Casual". (Thanks AxelDominatoR!)
  • Fixed moving not causing item menus to close (like action menus do).
  • Fixed the export and counterclockwise buttons not working on the character selection screen at low resolutions. (Thanks Aurum!)
  • Fixed a problem that could cause the selected mod language to not be loaded on startup. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Improved reliability of traveling in multiplayer.
  • Fixed players that log in over water not swimming by default.
  • Fixed many multiplayer desyncs.
  • Fixed line of sight still being applied as a ghost in multiplayer.
  • Fixed being able to still be on your boat after traveling with PVP enabled and spawning on land.
  • Fixed paddling facing deep water tiles extinguishing held lit torches/candles.
  • Fixed excessive recent packet logging in multiplayer.
  • Fixed errors when mods try to get bindings for unregistered bindables.
  • Fixed the Helmsman milestone needing to travel to four islands instead of three. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed fog of war resetting when rejoining dedicated servers.
  • Fixed Steam and Discord Rich Presence showing the wrong player counts for multiplayer games.
  • Improved the grammar in the failed to cook message. (Thanks 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉!)
  • Fixed an oversight when players could attempt to travel in caves. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed an error when exporting save games that have not yet been loaded/saved in the latest version. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed joining games from Discord not initializing Steam integration correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where clients could not move on dedicated servers. (Hotfixed)


  • Reduced the chances of traveled to islands being "Coastal" types.
  • Reduced obscuring effect on tattered maps slightly.
  • Slimes will no longer combine into Jelly Cubes at reputation levels where they couldn't spawn normally.
  • All mushrooms will no longer increase thirst/dehydration and will spawn more commonly frequently in the coastal island.
  • Added more difficult creature spawns to "Arid" caves.


  • Fixed invalid argument segments disappearing from output strings.
  • Fixed the list segment not working correctly for some values.
  • The list segment now supports {...}, formatting a list of all arguments.
  • Fixed the escape segment not removing its own curly braces.
  • Fixed status effect registration. (Thanks Noita!)
  • Fixed modded status effect handlers not re-initializing on loading saved games. (Thanks Noita!)
  • Increased reliability of publishing/updating mods. (Hotfixed)
  • Publishing Workshop mods that contain symlinks will no longer throw errors. (Hotfixed)


  • Various logging events will no longer be logged without "Developer Mode" enabled.
  • Added support for enabling/disabling sync checks from commands.
  • Reduced the amount of logging to log files.



  • Improved logic when waiting for water from a water still in multiplayer.
  • Removed "leave desert" functionality that no longer applies for coastal islands.
  • Will now ensure the base is built near a suitable water source.
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to build an anvil.
  • Fixed being unable to repair items that require an anvil and fire.
  • Fixed rare infinite loop when trying to move items to chests.
  • Fixed TARS switching hands constantly after dying in some instances in casual mode.
  • Will now respawn when dying in casual games.
  • Fixed memory errors/issues after running for extended periods of time through multiple games.

Beta 2.9.0 "Seafarer"

July 25th, 2020


  • Added infinite persistent travel to up to three different types of islands, "Coastal", "Arid" and "Ice Cap".
  • Added 6 new creatures, 3 new plants, 6 new terrain types and 12 new items, all to exist exclusively in the new "Ice Cap" island type.
  • There is a new "void" tile in the cave layer that acts as an impassable terrain type that can be used to remove items.
  • Players in multiplayer can now travel together to new islands using a new voting system.
  • At high cartography skill levels, you will now begin to reveal fog/unexplored tiles when decoding maps. Drawing maps will reveal all fog/unexplored tiles in the area at medium skill levels.
  • Inspecting a tile now opens a dialog containing all the information, rather than putting it into messages. The dialog automatically updates as the tile contents change.
  • Encumbrance, dehydration, starvation, and exhaustion are all now status effects that appear in the UI. Their tooltips provide additional information and are more accurate with increased anatomy skill.
  • You can now import and export your list of milestone modifiers.
  • You can now add "macro" bindings, a sequence of inputs such as double/triple click. Double click has been added as a default bind for showing context menus, to improve touch support.
  • Added new locked forms of all chests with varied/tiered loot and quality for both generated chests and unearthed treasure chests.
  • Dying in casual mode or with the "respawn" option enabled now causes players to become a ghost with a "respawn" button available. The ghost can travel around to any revealed location in the world.
  • Added a "shark tooth" item, a new brittle, but higher tiered sharpened item.
  • Added a saveDirectory launch option that will allow you to modify the save directory for the game.
  • Added the "Helmsman" milestone, for traveling to all the different island types.
  • Added a "aloe vera bandage" item, a new type of bandage that can heal health as well as cure both bleeding and burned status effects.
  • Added the milestone, "Multitasker", for using each skill at least once.
  • Added a note for sailing to civilization.
  • Added a borderless launch option that will open the game without a frame (when not running in fullscreen).
  • Added two new books.


  • The "Traverse the Seas" action and functionality have been removed in exchange for the new traveling system. The bull boat/sail boat can now be used to "paddle" like the raft.
  • You will now see a secondary preview of your path when holding down control (by default) when already moving along the path.
  • The "bleeding", "poisoned", and "burned" status effects now show additional information based on your anatomy skill.
  • Improved player path-finding when traversing over water.
  • You can now select multiple saves at once in the load game menu with right click or S for deletion.
  • You can now see the game's averaged reputation between all players in the reputation tooltip.
  • You can now use ctrl+drag (by default) to move all of an item type.
  • The sextant will now show which island/area coordinates you are in as well as the normal x/y.
  • Crafts will only be updated after movement has stopped to avoid lag caused from adjacent containers/items.
  • Using drop, move or grab all actions while filtering items will now only apply those actions to the matching filtered items.
  • The game's displayed difficulty now takes into account all players reputations.
  • The "skip splash screen" option now completely skips the splash screen.
  • Merchants will now wear and gather stock/inventory suitable to the island type they are in.
  • Dialogs no longer change their min/max sizes as the UI scale is changed.
  • Newly imported slots in the load game menu now appear with a yellow border.
  • When moving the mouse from a mini-button to the button it's on, that button's tooltip will now be shown.
  • Worlds no longer wrap in on themselves from the edges.
  • The new dialogs can now be moved and resized with touch.
  • Added "input", "enable", and "disable" sound effects, to improve audio cues on UI interactions.
  • Navigating between UI components with the keyboard now shows any tooltips for the focused component.
  • The skills dialog's skill tooltips no longer show legendary items that are not equipped.
  • Tooltips now have slightly lighter backgrounds and a subtle border to more clearly separate them from other UI components.
  • You can now pet creatures that are tamed by other players.
  • Improved the order of rendering items and tile events over/above creatures and players.
  • Increased the maximum size of the player stats when viewed in a tooltip to allow space for larger values.
  • Redesigned context menus, as seen on newer UI components, to improve usability and increase consistency.
  • The "food" group has been removed/replaced by other groupings.
  • Certain terrain templates (houses, oases, etc.) will have individually set chances for items/doodads/skeletons to appear.
  • World tooltips are now event-based — changes will be reflected in the tooltip without it having to disappear and regenerate.
  • There are now two levels of height when creatures (or players) are flying over either short or tall objects/terrain.
  • Improved accuracy of sorting by craft requirements/consumables.
  • You can now reset the position of a dialog by right clicking on the dialog's name.
  • Improved death animation so fog of war is not revealed first before fade-in.
  • Legendary featherweight items now also show their total weight instead of just their reduced weight.
  • The search bar in the help menu now sticks to the top of the menu rather than scrolling away. Filtered-out help articles that share rows with filtered-in help articles are now shown as transparent.
  • Switched the default positions of the "notes" and "quests" dialog in order to improve usability for new players.
  • Redesigned menu tabs. The active menu tabs are now highlighted as you scroll and navigate.
  • The default "drop all" bind has been changed to Ctrl+Q to match other "all item" binds.
  • Introduced many items that will now spawn on certain terrain types on world generation.
  • You now have to be in a sailboat to sail to civilization.
  • Certain terrain types will now reduce in durability and eventually be burned when there is an uncontained fire on them.
  • Items and item groups that are used in recipes are now searchable in the crafting dialog when filtering.
  • Improved the readability of disabled mods in save tooltips.
  • Tattered maps will no longer reset when traveling (and store which set of island(s) they belong to).
  • Sorting by name now takes legendary types into account.
  • Tweaked the background color of non-interactable UI elements in menus in order to make it more obvious that they're non-interactable.
  • Slider inputs in menus can now be adjusted with the left and right arrow keys.
  • The skills dialog now shows more clearly when & which legendary items are applying bonuses to a skill.
  • Closing containers will now close any sub containers.
  • You can now cancel move-to-tile pathing with right click, by default.
  • The milestones dialog now updates after resetting milestone progress.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed winning screen not showing to host in challenge mode.
  • Fixed water contamination spread not working or saving properly.
  • Fixed tilling removing tile qualities.
  • Fixed instances of burn damage occurring twice or protection not being used properly.
  • Fixed an oversight that resulted in items having higher decay values than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where hoarding legendary bonuses were not applied when crafting them.
  • Fixed fire being able to propagate over and be fueled from germinating plants.
  • Fixed being able to start fires in the caves with a lens. (Thanks fils.delaroche!)
  • Corrected an oversight so that auto save can now occur (depending on settings) in games with respawning, while host player is a ghost, and in dedicated servers.
  • Fixed creatures clipping into the top of tall doodads like trees.
  • Fixed gaining reputation when attempting to fish in areas with no fish (like, for example: LAND).
  • Fixed a bug where salvaging no items from disassembling an item could still lead to a salvaged message. (Thanks zuoanqh!)
  • Fixed the tooltips of multiple challenge modifiers not being accurate when playing multiple challenge games.
  • Fixed decay level not transferring to dismantled items. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed the dismantle warning not providing the item name that may break on use. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed tall doodads clipping into player graphics while wearing a helmet.
  • Fixed differences between moveComplete and noInput events in multiplayer versus singleplayer. (Thanks DJAntonBruckner!)
  • Fixed inaccuracies in describing fire source bonuses in relation to sleeping/resting in the help menu. (Thanks zuoanqh!)
  • Fixed items clipping into trees and other tall doodads and obscuring players too much.
  • Square dialogs (IE, the map dialog) now can only be resized by the corners, they snap to other dialogs, and no matter how you resize them, will always remain square.
  • Fixed some sprite batches being out of sync on movement. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed pathing through hitched and tamed creatures causing infinite movement. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed players always spawning randomly on PVP-enabled multiplayer games when rejoining.
  • Fixed several server arguments not applying when loading an existing dedicated server game. (Thanks aikainnet!)
  • Fixed resting or sleeping on placed doodad bedding items being offset incorrectly.
  • Fixed an error when exporting the message history.
  • Fixed needing treasure in your main inventory to sail. (Thanks Azated!)
  • Fixed dropdowns not playing "select" and "activate" sounds when using keyboard support.
  • Fixed some actions from spamming messages when used in certain ways from quickslot hotkeys.
  • Fixed attributes cutting off when using alternate font style and interface scaling.
  • Fixed a bug where unlit torches/candles would automatically be destroyed when being lit from torches or have really low starting values when being lit through fire-making devices.
  • Fixed a rare bug in multiplayer games connected using the Steam Relay Network which could cause an "Unable to join game" dialog to appear while playing
  • Fixed instances where flying creatures did not "float" over certain tall/blocked objects.
  • Fixed carpet not being flammable.
  • Fixed an instance where the water still graphic could become corrupted or inaccurate to the amount of fuel it had.
  • Fixed a tattered map exploit where you could gather treasure in a guaranteed location in the world on maps that spawned on world generation.
  • Fixed the scrollbar being hidden in the message dialog when many messages were shown and scrolled to the bottom.
  • Possibly fixed some uncommon client-side mod loading issues in multiplayer games. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed legendary featherweight containers not showing the weight of items contained inside within the item's tooltip.
  • Fixed up/down arrows to re-send previous chat messages not working anymore.
  • Fixed the tile inspection tooltip not always showing when you first loaded a world or when you closed an interrupt in specific cases.
  • Fixed multiplayer settings being reset when loading a multiplayer save without hosting. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed mods showing in red when viewing which mods are enabled while hosting a server. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed choosing a new game from the multiplayer menu not appending "Untitled Save" with a number. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed items that are renamed not being filtered properly.
  • Fixed no issues being reported when trying to join a multiplayer game with mods that could not be loaded.
  • Fixed container errors on older save games.
  • Fixed "killed by" messages appearing for save slots that were in casual mode/had re-spawning enabled.
  • Fixed crafting and consuming fish kebab not damaging the wooden pole. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed keyboard support for dropdowns.
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs.
  • Fixed some errors grammatical.
  • Fixed some fires going out instantly when being started from a lit torch.
  • Fixed performing actions on the tile you are facing counting as "under" you in some cases. (Thanks DJAntonBruckner!)
  • Fixed some graphical issues with clay water stills.
  • Fixed an exploit regarding moving a raft to a chest or selling it to a merchant while paddling. (Thanks AI Player 2!)
  • Fixed being able to "rest on ground" inside boats while on shallow water or while facing a placed bedding item.
  • Fixed wooden shields not burning properly. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed being able to use the keyboard to select and edit the seed input when "Daily Challenge" mode is enabled.
  • Fixed a rare instance where creatures could not be tamed from offerings on ground if two or more players were around and the closest player was not in line of sight to the creature.
  • Fixed static in-game UI elements overlapping status effects.


  • Water now has a depletable but slowly regenerative amount of fish and items. You will need to move to other areas to successfully fish when depleted.
  • Reduced slime splitting and combining chances heavily.
  • The Starter Quest has been reduced in complexity due to the removal of sandstone/desert accessibility features.
  • Attaching a container to stills is now only blocked by items if they fill the tile completely.
  • Desalinating water from water/solar stills now takes 250 turns instead of 300.
  • Tattered maps can now point to treasure in the cave layer uncommonly with negative reputation.
  • Decreased the chance of burning pain passing on its own.
  • Logs will now dismantle into 4 wooden poles (down from 5). Logs (and all crafts that use them) have been reduced in weight slightly.
  • Iron deposits have been reduced within the starting "Coastal" island type, but increased heavily in the other island types.
  • Quality will now have a much stronger impact on an item's decay value.
  • Clay is now very rare within the "Coastal" island type (appearing in caves/swamps), but appears much more commonly in "Arid" island types.
  • Traveling and sailing to civilization will now no longer damage you based on food/water during the traveling sequence.
  • You can no longer use sundials to gain skills (or stats) after 40% camping skill.
  • You will now be able to tell the exact hour when using a sundial (instead of an estimate) when over 40% camping skill now instead of 50%.
  • You will now receive malignancy when overflowing fire by stoking the fire too much.
  • You will now receive malignancy when witnessing fire spreading uncontrollably.
  • Deeper water will now spawn more commonly in the caves.
  • Snow and lava is now rare on the starting "Coastal" island type.
  • You are now required to decode maps before they can be gathered or dug/fished up.
  • Item decay is now partially transferred to cooked/crafted results.
  • The "Navigator" milestone is no longer "hidden", and the modifier now reduces your hunger/thirst less.
  • Increased drop rate of grass seeds when tilling/digging grass tiles, but increased gathering difficulty slightly and increased growth time of grass slightly.
  • Aberrant slimes/jelly cubes now have a chance to split into non-aberrant forms.
  • Unlocking locked chests will now have a chance to summon guardians. The "Locksmith" milestone modifier will now just increase this chance instead of adding that feature.


  • The Wayward Documentation and Modding Guide has been separated.
  • Added canMoveItem & canMoveItem events.
  • All UI colors are now set as variables, allowing for easier customization/modding and better consistency.
  • Improved translation support for item menu actions.
  • Items and doodads now have a spawnOnWorldGen property which allows you to control which biome, depth, and terrain they can spawn on world generation.
  • Doodad descriptions can now have custom variation calculations to choose which sprites to use based on the current doodad state.
  • You can now register new world layers, allowing multiple mods to add new world layers and coexist.
  • The "target" property in a mod's tsconfig.json is now updated automatically with the +mod update command.
  • You can now use the arguments after +language and +stylesheet in the +mod create command in order to specify the paths to the language JSON and CSS files.
  • Added a +mod help command.
  • Fixed mod event handlers and injections being registered on init instead of load, causing mods that were not loaded in multiplayer games to still receive events.


  • Updated Wayward to Electron 8.3.1.
  • Input/simulation has been separated from the rendering loop, leading to more responsive/accurate inputs.
  • Game rendering no longer happens while no changes are taking place, reducing CPU and GPU usage.
  • You can now reload all stylesheets with F6.
  • The game's input system was rewritten to be more performant and easier to work with.
  • Wayward has been upgraded to TypeScript 3.9.
  • Improved performance of pinned messages.
  • Added a new UI experiment "HQ font rendering" accessible in the developer options which uses workarounds to sharpen up the text in the pixel font (may cause performance issues).
  • Added more logging for rare save corruption instances to narrow down the issue.


Debug Tools

  • Fixed "add item to inventory" adding more items based on how many times the dialog was closed and opened again.
  • Fixed teleporting an entity between world layers not working.
  • Added an option to teleport between world layers.
  • Fixed plants not showing the proper growth cycle when generated with spawned templates.
  • Added a "refresh tile" button to the terrain inspection dialog.
  • Added the ability to disable individual layers from rendering.
  • Fixed fog not being updated properly as a ghost when reloading the game.
  • Improved the usability of the selection panel, adding an effectless "select" action and a label counting how many targets there are. The list is now logged to the console.
  • Fixed noclip speed and animations while over water.
  • Players can now be set with invulnerable and noclip statuses at the same time.

Beta 2.8.5

March 7th, 2020


  • Added a new custom game option to limit (or increase) the amount of creature spawns.
  • Added more special events and petting rewards for creatures.
  • Implemented a multiplayer game/server description that players can use to describe their game in more detail.
  • Added a new legendary type for fire stoking effectiveness.


  • The item break warning when crafting will now mention exactly which items may be destroyed.
  • The "Grab All" and "Move All" action will now adhere to item ordering.
  • Players will now receive a warning when using items that are in or on fire when crafting with no gloves/hand protection.
  • You can now split slimes without causing damage; however, the more damage caused, the higher the chance of splitting with a bonus chance applied for slashing damage. Slime ranchers rejoice!
  • Players, doodads, items, and creatures are now offset to more accurately match the tile they are on (instead of aligning everything to the bottom of each tile).
  • Movement delay caused by low stamina will now be smoothed out like when moving while overburdened. These effects will also be combined, reducing the overall impact if both are present.
  • Added a new "thriving" stage to fire for more accurate messaging on the strength of fires.
  • Action delay caused by low stamina will now only be triggered from actions that use stamina.
  • Rafts and spyglasses will now consume one durability when using/equipping them (but also now warn you attempting to use/equip them with 1 durability).
  • Fire and tumbleweeds will now appear over items, players and creatures.
  • When interrupts happen, the game no longer treats it as though you released your mouse button while dragging items (causing you drop items on the ground for example).
  • Opening containers no longer causes delay. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Water stills can now be stoked (and may need to be depending on fuel/tinder/kindling used when lighting it).
  • Fire that spreads will now transfer some of its intensity.
  • The stoke value shown on items now equates to the exact amount of turns of fire decay you can expect from stoking.
  • Improved performance when filtering crafts, especially when moving and especially when "Use Adjacent Containers/Items" was enabled. (Thanks Dodging Rain!)
  • You can now pick up a water still that contains water (with a warning), emptying the liquid.
  • Attempting to pour liquid on a lit water still that already has water inside will now provide a warning to let you know you are putting out the fire.
  • You can no longer refine items if their maximum durability is too low.
  • Blades of grass are now edible/offerable for some creatures.
  • Jelly cubes can now also split into slimes with reduced chance compared to slimes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the first attempt to drag or move an item failing after an interrupt happened (or at the start of a game).
  • Fixed certain cases of aberrant creatures spawning even when disabling aberrant creature spawning. (Thanks Gonzo!)
  • Fixed creatures not animating when attacking. Whoa, how long has it been like that?
  • Fixed an oversight where doodad resources had reversed chances to drop.
  • Fixed an issue where trees could produce less resources when using higher tiered tools or with high skill levels. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed the first click after filtering crafting items not working. (Thanks Ratha Wynter!)
  • Fixed a desync related to tilled ground not matching on client side when using pre-generated fertile soil to plant seeds. (Thanks Sad Blueberry!)
  • Fixed taming creatures resulting in errors.
  • Fixed the random name button not working.
  • Fixed the golden sextant not being required for certain actions. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed some chat messages being repeated when reloading a game.
  • Fixed an issue where certain items could not be refined. (Thanks Dodging Rain!)
  • Fixed rejoining a previously joined dedicated server not allowing you to choose a new character (when a new game was started).
  • Fixed sorting by crafting category showing duplicate items at the top/bottom of the list and causing performance issues.
  • Fixed disabled items in quickslots not able to be removed after traded to merchants and other some other rare instances. (Thanks mrco.gllrdo!)
  • Fixed not being able to navigate between text inputs with the keyboard.
  • Fixed an error when loading saved games from the Steam Workshop (again).
  • Fixed a few outdated item/doodad/equipment sprites.
  • Fixed an error when trying to drag disabled quickslot items into your equipment menu.
  • Fixed several broken instances where UI elements were not highlighted properly.
  • Fixed the set of quests sometimes changing when attempting multiple playthroughs of the challenge mode in a single session.
  • Fixed mods not loading if you started a game too quickly after launch.
  • Fixed items with modified durability rates not receiving item breaking warnings. (Thanks Dodging Rain!)
  • Fixed creature timers passing when player(s) are dead.
  • Fixed "initial time" custom game option not taking the "day length" option into account.


  • Fishing skill can now be gained on failed attempts at bringing up fish without bait.
  • Decreased difficulty of crafting clay jugs, increased difficulty of crafting clay blowpipes.
  • The starting level of fires are now based on what fuel/kindling/tinder were used when lighting it. Stoking and fueling after starting fires may be necessary now.
  • Reduced reinforcing effectiveness slightly.
  • Reduced chances of slimes combining into a jelly cube.
  • Increased the stoke values of all flammable items slightly.
  • Reduced chance to stir up fish and item catching when fishing slightly.
  • Decreased chance to discover cave entrance when gathering.
  • Items with modified durability rates now have proper/balanced damage modifiers.
  • Reduced the maximum increased hunger and thirst rates for challenge modifiers.
  • Increased "Learn total skills" quest requirement for challenge mode slightly.
  • Additional stamina restoring items are now provided for no stamina regeneration challenge modifiers.
  • Revised some difficulty levels and chances for certain challenge modifiers for improved balance.


  • Added missing stat and statusEffect registration types.
  • The mod publishing tooltip now specifies when it will publish a new mod and when it will publish an update.
  • Fixed binds not showing up properly when hovering over button bar icons.
  • Fixed certain special items not getting the proper item damage modifier when using the OnItemDamage hook.
  • Added canCreate event for tile events.
  • Added canFaceDirections, canPerformSpecialAbilities, and canDespawn events for creatures.


  • Updated Wayward to TypeScript 3.8.2.


Debug Tools

  • Changes to whether a tile is tilled is now detected by terrain inspection.
  • Fixed the zoom level being overrided for players without Debug Tools permission. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed the zoom slider not updating as the zoom level is changed with binds. Now supports zooming in to 16x.

Beta 2.8.4

January 4th, 2020


  • Where possible, the scheduled autosaves will now be combined with rest/sleep in order to be less disruptive.
  • Skeletal remains will now animate based on proximity instead of when facing them.
  • Improved client disconnection logic when a multiplayer game has closed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed auto saving happening during resting/sleeping, causing delays that sometimes lasted after the rest/sleep.
  • Fixed the "Close Container" action not working when using it from a quickslot hotkey.
  • Fixed the "inedible" and "poisoned" notes describing you drinking from a waterskin when drinking from water directly. (Thanks jettix!)
  • Fixed scrollbars appearing next to status effect icons when pixel font was disabled. (Thanks Sneed!)
  • Fixed an outdated wooden flooring item graphic.


  • Ash cement is no longer made with clay, but will require more ash and consume water fully.
  • All items now have a higher variety of weights, allowing slightly lower weight on all items. A very select few items have been raised in weight to compensate for this change.
  • Piles of ash can now weight up to 0.2.

Beta 2.8.3

January 1st, 2020


  • You can now pass/walk through smaller or flying creatures by disabling auto attack; however, they may attack you as you pass.
  • Crafts will now give a rating of how effective you are when crafting the item (for maximal quality/durability results) based on item/doodad qualities and item/doodad tiers.
  • Added an option to configure the autosave timer, and toggle between turns and time elapsed.
  • Added status warnings to stat tooltips (when hovering over stats).


  • All multiplayer games will show now in the server browser, regardless of friend status or version differences except for private games.
  • Improved contrast of flooring versus walls (and all built structures) for all resource types for improved clarity.
  • Liquid containers can now drop or be crafted with the "potency" legendary type.
  • Autosave no longer stops movement.
  • Reduced the size of the non-pixel font slightly.
  • Fixed a few instances where item qualities were not specified in messages.
  • The last save time and save size are now viewable in the save button tooltip.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect player identifiers being set when joining multiplayer games.
  • Fixed an incorrect warning message appearing for destroying plants from gathering. (Thanks Davadin!)
  • Fixed an issue where only the first consumed item in a craft would be used for tier bonus calculations.
  • Fixed terrain qualities not appearing until reloading the save game again.
  • Fixed a scrollbar appearing beside stats and attributes in several cases. (Thanks Sneed!)
  • Fixed containers changing legendary types when being consumed. (Thanks Dodging Rain!)
  • Fixed a bug where some doodads would count for double the bonus when using them in a craft.
  • Fixed flashing occurring when opening the Steam overlay while in-game.
  • Fixed the consumable message not highlighting bad versus good stat changes.
  • Fixed animal fat still counting as fuel, leading to 0 added decay when added to torches. (Thanks EatAtSardis!)
  • Corrected numerous pluralization issues.
  • Fixed health always being set to maximum if any other health stat option is applied.
  • Fixed there not being a way to configure your starting max health in custom game mode.
  • Fixed mod issues interrupt not listing which mods were required when joining a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed tile mapping issues with ash cement flooring.


  • Defaulted more cards to use DirectX9 that had graphic issues.

Beta 2.8.2

December 17th, 2019


  • Added support for Steam networking, allowing players to connect to and host multiplayer games where they were not able to before due to networking issues.
  • Added ash cement, crafted from all that leftover ash, to be used for walls and flooring.
  • Added a help article explaining the differences between resting and sleeping and other regenerative bonuses.


  • If "Warn on Dangerous Actions" is enabled, players will now be warned when attempting to sleep with a lit fire source equipped.
  • Terrain can now spawn with differing qualities (like plants, trees, and other doodads do).
  • Consumption stat messages are now condensed into a single message.
  • Messages produced by dismantling and disassembling are now condensed/combined.
  • Improved performance of receiving items from actions, especially for any that returned multiple items (such as from dismantling, disassembling, gathering, decaying items, etc.).
  • Large numbers in the game are now broken up by locale-supported separators (such as commas or periods).
  • Added detail on how score is calculated in the "Challenge Mode" section within the "Game Modes" help article.
  • Drawn maps can now be dismantled.
  • Improved skill descriptions and help to include the fact that skill does impact quality of items gathered or harvested.
  • Sorting items by quality now sorts legendary types as well.
  • Blood is no longer spawned when the damage type is not piercing or slashing.
  • Added more information on the "Milestone Modifier" system within the "Milestones" help article.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed quests not looking into containers for required items. (Thanks EatAtSardis!)
  • Fixed an error when loading saved games from the Steam Workshop.
  • Fixed an oversight that did not allow you to fish up aberrant mudskippers. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed the "Seafaring" milestone not unlocking until rejoining a saved game. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed drawn maps having negative and/or too low durability. (Thanks Zalpha!)
  • Fixed animal dung not counting as compost. (Thanks Davadin!)
  • Fixed creature tooltips returning an incorrect happiness level. (Thanks sol!)
  • Fixed custom game options initial strength applying more strength than intended.
  • Fixed stat modifiers applying more to health than intended. (Thanks bored_o_mir!)
  • Fixed multiple stats display issues on smaller resolutions & ui scales.
  • Fixed a brief screen flash when loading into the game. (Thanks Zalpha!)
  • Fixed servers sometimes showing incorrect regions in the server browser.
  • Fixed the message filter name input not being correct when viewing subsequent filters.
  • Fixed attempting to soothe burn injury messages appearing on permanent burning pain.
  • Fixed an issue where not moving your cursor when crafting/dismantling would not always re-highlight required items in the craft/dismantle. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Potentially fixed issues with music switching randomly.
  • Fixed a bug where creatures that turned aberrant would not regenerate their loot to match. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed dismantling and disassembling saying all items were destroyed when some in fact were returned.
  • Fixed the "Corpse" note not displaying the creature's name.
  • Fixed the protected "P" visual not updating on quickslots when enabling/disabling protected options.
  • Fixed performance issues on certain distributions of Linux.
  • Fixed a grammar issue where you "cooked cooked" food items. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed the messages dialog toggle not working correctly if the messages component was hidden.


  • Increased effectiveness of resting or sleeping by fire sources or when using bedding items/doodads.
  • Sleeping will now mitigate hunger and thirst more effectively than just resting.
  • You can now perform actions on rafts that normally would have counted as "in water" or "swimming", disabling you from performing them.
  • You can no longer pet a creature indefinitely. It will reject your advances after a certain happiness and petting threshold is met.
  • Increased the durability of the raft and decreased items required to craft it (also reducing its weight slightly).
  • Reduced reputation gain from petting.
  • Reduced raw clay (and non-clay brick items) weights significantly.
  • Raw clay bricks now require two raw clay to craft.


  • Fixed Input.setMaxLength. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Removed named variables present in language files to make it easier for translators.


  • Added a disableGpuDriverBugWorkarounds launch option for debugging purposes.
  • Full conversion/version history is now saved in each game save.

Beta 2.8.1

November 23rd, 2019


  • You can now craft items through the item menu (or assign it as the default action of a quickslot).
  • Added chopped fish which can be cooked or used as fishing bait.
  • Added a tooltip for your own character with your stats as additional information.


  • Improved the visibility of selected items versus non-selected items in the inventory and crafting windows on hover states.
  • Running the Starter Quest mod will now always spawn the player in the northern part of the map (outside of the desert).
  • Using bait now has a higher chance of stirring up creatures when casting into empty water.
  • You can now gather badderlocks (among other items) from seawater regardless of skill level (was previously disabled over 100% skill).
  • Items can now decay into multiple items (in the case of larger meat, fruits or vegetables).
  • Consuming most raw or cooked fish now return bone fragments.
  • You can now cancel when attempting to sync/download a multiplayer world.
  • Fixed performance issues to do with stats on creatures and player movement.
  • Improved performance and reduced latency of game rendering.
  • Improved performance of saving games, speeding up the saving process.
  • Improved idle CPU usage and general performance of the game.
  • Improved relative performance when sleeping/resting mostly by staggering growth cycles (so they don't all happen together, causing slow turns/long sleeps).
  • The "Disable UI Animations" option has been renamed to "Disable UI Effects" and will feature even more optimizations for lower-end hardware and devices.
  • You can no longer attempt to open disabled dialogs.
  • Pressing escape in an input now clears the input to the previous text rather than blurring the input.
  • Moving in shallow water and snow will now attempt to soothe burn injuries, but at a reduced chance and will notify the player on attempts.
  • New UI static components (stats, messages, the menu bar) can now be hidden individually. Added subtle buttons for putting them back or moving them.
  • Fruit containing seeds and fish/meat containing bone fragments will now also decay with its seeds/bones. Some items have had modified weights due to this change.
  • Fish can now be dismantled into chopped fish and bone fragments.
  • Multiplayer games are now set to "Open to Anyone" by default.
  • Added an "x" button to clear filter inputs in the new UI.
  • The taming and storage quests within the Starter Quest have been moved to the very end.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed merchants not receiving new stock after reloading a saved game. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed dismantling requirements not being protectable. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow new merchants to spawn if you had killed all of them previously. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed a bug where bare trees could have unlimited resources (yikes). (Thanks Grub!)
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs relating to merchant NPCs.
  • Fixed a memory leak in challenge mode causing extreme lag.
  • Fixed the map dialog remaining open even when the tattered map was far away from the player.
  • Fixed game failing to launch on Debian due to permission issues.
  • Fixed the message log not appearing the same when set to appear on the top of the screen.
  • Fixed being able to stir up non-cave creatures within cave water.
  • Fixed lava tiles being a suitable spawn point.
  • Fixed dedicated servers starting as friends-only even though open to anyone was checked by default.
  • Fixed releasing creatures not preserving their happiness so that they could be tamed and released repeatedly.
  • Fixed music playlist being incorrect when in-game with the menu open. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed custom image paths for mod registrations not working. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed the "Abnormalizer" milestone modifier not applying its rules to other milestones that edited creatures in some way. (Thanks lovesthesoundof!)
  • Fixed treasure being blocked in cases where it shouldn't be. (Thanks Zillvr!)
  • Fixed not being able to clear blood in water. (Thanks Tkenny123!)
  • Fixed impassable tiles being able to be covered with ash. (Thanks Stelyar!)


  • Reinforcement limits now take into account weight and quality bonuses (more accurately) and will increase in durability the lower the item's durability is (instead of only 10-20 durability per reinforcement).
  • The maximum reinforcement value is now a percentage value based on the item's maximum durability instead of a static value for all items (+125), increasing maximum reinforcement on most items.
  • Increased plant growth time across most plants, but more significantly on trees.
  • You are no longer able to trade back items to merchants that they traded you.
  • Reduced fishing net durability slightly.
  • Bait is now destroyed when using it to catch a fish.
  • Reeling up fish (and other items) now costs stamina based on the item or fish weight.
  • Reduced the amount of stamina needed when rafting while overburdened, making it much more efficient than walking with heavy loads.
  • Reduced the amount of stamina needed to jump.
  • Reduced difficulty of crafting wooden doors and wooden chests.
  • Sundials will now have much more durability for normal use.


  • returnOnUse is now returnOnUseAndDecay which is used for decaying items and can now return exact items used to create the item with the new returnFromDisassembly property.
  • decaysInto now accepts multiple items as an array.
  • The wayward +mod command now supports initializing the mod with a different Typescript file name using +classFile.


  • Some older GPUs are now forced to DirectX9 rendering by default. This will fix some players issues with not being able to see their character and other rendering bugs due to hardware/driver compatibility and age.
  • Wayward has been upgraded to TypeScript 3.7.2.

Beta 2.8.0 "Odds & Ends"

October 26th, 2019


  • Added a "Milestone Modifier" system for a new form of unlockables. Toggle-able modifiers are granted upon the completion of milestones.
  • Added the rest of the environmental variations to all tiles, including animated lava variations.
  • New flat ground terrain has been added for rocks and sandstone.
  • Added animal waste to be used as compost. Animal waste production is increased as animals are fed.
  • Added a new magical creature that only spawns at positive reputation that unlocks a new way to improve and enhance items.
  • Added the golden sextant, a new common treasure that will help you reveal your coordinates.
  • There are now two new fish types for added variety and to offset shark spawning.
  • Added a new "refinement" mechanic to reduce item weight at the cost of durability using new metal refinement tools.
  • Added scale armor, crafted from reptile skin using the leatherworking skill.
  • Added new legendary properties for increased decay amounts (hoarding), increased preservation rates (preservation), and item damage reduction (endurance).
  • Added new blades of grass resource, reducing the prominence of grass seeds when digging grass.
  • You can now pet tamed creatures to increase their happiness and provide bonus effects to certain creatures.
  • Added a new "Melee" action which can be used from a quickslot or from the item/action menu to be used in conjunction with the new "Auto Attack" option or for specific item use.
  • Added support for colored lights (doodads, creatures, corpses, and tile events).
  • Added Steam Rich Presence to Wayward which will share your current game status to your Steam friends.
  • Added doodad tiers so certain doodads will provide better crafting results, making certain categories better including some clay and metal-based doodads.
  • Added a connection testing feature to check if players are able to connect to your server or game.
  • Added tallow and tallow candles, a new cooking and illumination resource.
  • Added two new milestones for completing tasks in the challenge mode.
  • Added a wooden shield, an upgraded form of the bark shield.
  • Added an option to disable UI animations for less GPU/CPU usage and better performance on older hardware and devices without discrete GPUs.
  • Added dried saguaro cactus ribs, used for kindling and fuel.
  • Reputation logging messages have been added, but are filtered off by default.
  • Added a cooked form of Joshua tree flowers, a new cooking recipe.
  • Added a help article explaining reputation.
  • Added a help article on game modes and difficulty.
  • Added ability to change timeouts through networking options.
  • Added message of the day functionality for dedicated servers.
  • Added ability to send commands to dedicated servers via SSH.
  • You can now use a rope to test the depth and water type of a well.
  • Added a couple new books.
  • Added a developer button for unlocking all milestones.
  • Added a new "Save Game" mod category.


  • All previous milestone benefits (increased starting stats) have been removed in favor of the new "Milestone Modifier" system, enabling a truer roguelike experience if desired, or unique bonuses if not.
  • Stills will no longer require containers when crafting. You will now be able to attach/detach the container (with added visuals) to the still and gather water or drink from directly.
  • Only the milestones available to be unlocked in the current game mode are now displayed in the milestones dialog. Script mods now disable milestones by default. Warnings are shown when milestones can't currently be unlocked.
  • "Dead" trees are now referred to as "bare" trees and may regrow over long periods of time.
  • The desert now spawns a different set of desert-y items on map generation.
  • The maximum height of messages (in non-windowed mode) now scales based on your resolution.
  • Shields now have an attack value and damage type.
  • Piles of ash produced by burning doodads will now be limited to smaller stacks and can spread to adjacent tiles. (Thanks BangkokPost!)
  • Fire can now spread to some corpses and will decay (be destroyed) faster when on fire.
  • Fixed up some confusing wording in item descriptions regarding cordage.
  • The Starter Quest time commitment and complexity has been reduced due to water still changes.
  • You will now receive a message when parrying an attack, mitigating extra damage on top of the parrying defense bonus.
  • Replaced the default "A save game" description when uploading save files to the Workshop with game and player stats.
  • Walk to tile now allows paths through tamed creatures.
  • Added an "Eternal Day" button to the custom game options to prevent future misunderstandings about how it should be configured. (Thanks 0d1!)
  • The Starter Quest is now disabled in challenge mode.
  • Mudskippers will now be fishable and have a unique corpse item for cooking and eating.
  • Added turn and score counters to rich presence (Steam and Discord).
  • Allowed players to ignite torches when facing another player with a lit torch equipped.
  • Igniting a torch with a torch will no longer require kindling or fuel.
  • Provided more help/information on the "Unable to Join Game" message when failing to connect to multiplayer games.
  • Plants will no longer grow when players, creatures or NPCs are on top of them or if they are on fire. (Thanks Cryomantic Cultist!)
  • Doodad containers (chests) can now receive the legendary weight capacity property.
  • Acid will now damage items and corpses that are in it.
  • Reduced possible confusion regarding tame status of creatures.
  • The fuel amount on lit doodads and desalination status on water stills will now show without "see more" enabled for tooltips.
  • Added more visual feedback when hovering over disabled inputs and selections within the UI.
  • Added a custom game option to choose between using global recipe unlocks for a save, having all recipes unlocked, or none.
  • Added open and close container actions for chests placed on the ground.
  • Improved handling of pouring seawater into a well so that the well is no longer permanently seawater afterwards in certain instances.
  • Tumbling tumbleweeds will now move on top of tiles with other tile events like fire.
  • Added an option for changing the world tooltip delay, for less flickering and better performance.
  • Fires will now properly burn other tile events like tumbling tumbleweeds, waste, and blood.
  • Blood carving has been replaced with blood clearing via pouring, digging, tilling, and more.
  • Equipping held items with the keybind now cycles which hand to equip to, rather than always equipping to the right hand.
  • Acid is now a colored light source and flammable.
  • Added descriptions to skill tooltips that mention the effectiveness of the skill on repair, reinforce, transmogrify, refine, and preserve actions.
  • Updated the inaccurate wording of many action descriptions.
  • Added bonus durability to items based on weight (so heavier things are generally a bit more durable). This can intentionally be done through crafting for maximizing bonuses.
  • Fire elementals no longer trample plants.
  • Fixed an oversight that didn't account for doodad quality when crafting using fire sources such as campfires, kilns, etc.
  • Protected items now have a visual "P" beside their graphic.
  • Scorpion and spider meat are now considered "meat" for grouping.
  • Improved dropdown filtering. It will now match individual words in addition to exact string matching.
  • Pond and garden templates will no longer spawn close to shorelines.
  • Added a way to filter mods in the mods menu, switched to use a single sort row for all mod types.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed all UI elements leaking memory. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed an incorrect defense bonus applied from parrying that resulting in more damage in some instances. (Thanks jettix!)
  • Fixed large creatures appearing under players and tall doodads in WebGL 1 mode and other inconsistencies in WebGL 2 mode.
  • Fixed torches still gaining skill and damaging fuel when attempting to add fuel when not possible among other issues. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed incorrect max weight conversion on older saves. (Thanks Scapestoat!)
  • Fixed many skill checks regarding the chemistry skill including improper crafting reputation displays. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Corrected some issues regarding placing flammable items over lit doodad (campfires) producing much more fuel than they should have. (Thanks BangkokPost!)
  • Fixed friend games not displaying as friend games in the server browser.
  • Fixed lighting from creatures lagging behind them when players moved.
  • Fixed the message dialog showing inapplicable context menu options.
  • Fixed the throwing skill not providing bonus range for slings. (Thanks Grub!)
  • Fixed some items not getting the proper randomized durability when crafted or found.
  • Fixed a reduction in weapon durability when not meeting all the requirements to fire (like bow and arrows). (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed instances where WebGL would fallback to version 1 unexpectedly.
  • Fixed light sources "flickering" during certain times of day.
  • Fixed the message dialog appearing differently based on which quadrant it was in when opened.
  • Fixed edit filter checkboxes not working when first clicking each filter.
  • Fixed carried torches not illuminating when first joining a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed the game not loading in rare instances with old items requiring an update. (Thanks Shiranai!)
  • Fixed the messages window appearing wonky when using smaller resolutions.
  • Fixed modded doodad requirements not showing up properly within crafting tooltips. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Fixed a bug where hitched creatures could despawn and leave hitching posts unusable. (Thanks Zillvr!)
  • Fixed missing functionality when doodads could cause status effects, but your equipment protected you from it.
  • Fixed scores having decimal places based on custom game settings.
  • Fixed a bug where built doodads did not retain their disassembly information when picking them back up into item form.
  • Fixed some cases where it was possible to unselect all options from a choice list.
  • Fixed iron spears and hammers not returning the pole item used in crafting when disassembling them.
  • Fixed older saves not upgrading max weight limits. (Thanks MadMarcAgain!)
  • Fixed Starter Quest (and any other unpublished mods) appearing as "undefined" in the pause menu mods list.
  • Fixed the "Protect Crafting Items for Containers" only working when both it and "Protect Crafting Items" was checked. (Thanks terribleperson!)
  • Fixed an error appearing when hovering over certain tiles that had been modified through digging in rare cases. (Thanks Tarin!)
  • Fixed incorrect weight calculation after travelling to a new island. (Thanks Tkenny123!)
  • Fixed wells not updating their water status when underground conditions had changed. (Thanks Demasis!)
  • Fixed smother fire replacing impassable terrain. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed legendary inheritance on consumables producing items that should have not been possible (like negative weight seeds). (Thanks Obbe C!)
  • Fixed carried torches not de-illuminating when leaving a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed ranged weapons not showing an "item may break" confirmation on use.
  • Fixed merchants stocking items that shouldn't have been tradable. (Thanks Cryomantic Cultist!)
  • Fixed eating aloe vera leaves functioning the same as "applying" them to soothe burn injuries.
  • Fixed quality not affecting decay levels of items properly.
  • Fixed tile variations showing up over tilled visuals.
  • Fixed starting a new game from the multiplayer menu not selecting proper defaults. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed the messages window having no spacing between the edge of screen when positioned on the right.
  • Fixed naturally generated plants and doodads not receiving a durability bonus from their quality or weight.
  • Fixed transparency on sprites not working correctly while flying things are around.
  • Fixed item groups not displaying the proper grammar or "item" article in messages/requirements.
  • Fixed lowered stamina movement affecting ghost speed.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to gather multiple treasures under certain circumstances. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed Creation Time & Turn Count save sorts not working in the Load Game Menu.
  • Fixed serverside mods installed off of dedicated-server mode being enabled internally by default.
  • Fixed not being able to scroll in the requirements section within the Quests dialog.
  • Fixed Discord integration not working for 32-bit windows clients.
  • Fixed protected items now showing they were protected while in container and not updating when equipment/quickslots were changed.
  • Fixed the private multiplayer option not functioning correctly when re-opening a previous game or server. (Thanks 0d1!)
  • Fixed a memory leak when playing a game after a previous game was loaded.
  • Fixed visual glitches when tilling near lava.
  • Fixed the mod list in the pause menu not displaying mod states correctly.
  • Fixed initial time not being imported when loading custom game options. (Thanks 0d1!)
  • Fixed the flintlock pistol saying you didn't have ammunition to fire it when missing black powder.
  • Fixed being able to select and use some disabled buttons with keyboard controls.
  • Removed the ability for status effects to deal 0 damage to you based on custom game settings.


  • Most items that previously required liquid but did not consume it will now consume a full container of water.
  • Aberrant creatures now have a higher chance of dropping non-guaranteed items and will drop double the amount of certain grouped items.
  • Items in fire will now be damaged much faster.
  • Increased possible amount of clay from each tile slightly.
  • Reduced Acid Spitters resistance to blunt damage slightly.
  • Reduced aberrant base defense scaling and maximum (capped) values.
  • Item decay time has been quadrupled in challenge mode so more item quests are realistic and fun.
  • Increased the chances at returning quality items from dismantling based on skill.
  • Removed some items that were too tedious to gather for challenge mode.
  • Players will no longer share crafting recipes in multiplayer games.
  • Trees and plants now have more durability, making them slower to burn in some cases, especially when matured.
  • Reduced transmogrification difficulty slightly.
  • Transmogrification no longer keeps exact maximum durability amount, but reduces it slightly based on how much it is over the expected amount and no longer fully repairs items.
  • Wells built in the caves will no longer be an infinite water source (they will refill overtime similar to building them above ground).
  • Decreased the difficulty of repairing items slightly.
  • Increased the difficulty of crafting advanced and expert recipes slightly.
  • Increased weight capacity (storage) legendaries will now scale higher based on their default capacity.
  • Increased the preservation effect slightly across all containers, but copper is now the highest tier due its antimicrobial and thermal properties.
  • Cod are no longer considered for killing quests for the challenge mode.
  • Increased time required to desalinate water in stills slightly to promote usage for wells/solar stills and alternate water gathering methods.
  • Reduced default amount of plant-life in the desert slightly on map generation.
  • Reduced plant growth time slightly.
  • Decreased plant regeneration chances slightly.
  • All types of trees can now start as seedling or bare on world generation.


  • Improved performance significantly on integrated GPU configurations and other low-end GPUs.
  • Updated Wayward to use Electron 6.
  • Updated Wayward to use TypeScript 3.6.3.
  • Multiplayer games started on development branch will no longer keep sync checks enabled when moving to a stable branch.
  • You will now be able to save and quit the game if the GL context does not recover.
  • Blood and acid are now tile events instead of corpses and doodads respectively.
  • Removed the required UiApi/IGameScreenApi parameters from NewUi classes.
  • Iterator chaining has been replaced with a new @wayward/goodstream module & API for increased speed.
  • Converted interrupts to use an interrupt ID system, with its own dictionary. Mods can register their own interrupts.


  • Added Wayward.exe commands for creating and updating mods, for examples see the updated Modding Guide.
  • The Wayward TypeScript declaration files, or "types", have been moved to a new repository and a node module @wayward/types.
  • Mods that have scripts can no longer provide a list of compatible minor versions, and will instead only work with a single version declared in the waywardVersion property of the mod.json file.
  • Fixed uncountables incorrectly schema'd as uncountableRules.
  • Removed the blockDig doodad property and replaced its functionality with the LitStructure doodad group.
  • Added TileUpdateType argument to the onTileUpdate hook.
  • Mods that don't provide scripts (only JSON additions) no longer need to provide a list of compatible versions.
  • Added a new @Inject decorator for injecting code into and manipulating any method across the codebase.
  • multiplayerClientside and multiplayerCompatible have been combined into multiplayer, accepting clientside, compatible, and serverside.
  • Added modding support for doodad groups.



  • Fixed errors when running with the Troposphere mod enabled.
  • Fixed attempting to dismantle/craft items while in water.
  • Notes are now disabled when running TARS.
  • It will only eat food that could cause poison if it's an emergency.
  • Pathfinding calculation time has been reduced.
  • Fixed looking for build tile freezing the game completely in some cases.
  • Prioritize building items when possible; it will no longer walk around with heavy items in the inventory while trying to complete other objectives.
  • Add a visual overlay over tiles to show how it sees the world.
  • Fixed it taking long paths through oceans only to die by running out of stamina while swimming. It will now rest before taking a long swim.
  • It will now drink from water sources on the ground when it's thirsty, has high health, and it's far away from the water still in the base.
  • Improved water still logic. It will refill and light water stills after drinking water from it.
  • Ensures the base is not built that far away from rocks.
  • Improved the use of chests and inventory space. It knows how to use chests when crafting items.
  • It now runs away from creatures when its health or stamina is low.
  • It now acquires and equips a shield.
  • It now chooses the best weapon when attacking/defending against creatures, taking damage types into account.
  • It now knows how to acquire items by dismantling others.
  • It now gathers from the "easiest" doodad/terrain when acquiring items. The easiest resource to gather from might not be the closest. It depends on what's in the path between the player and the resource.
  • Improved the objective planner. It's now smarter when executing objectives.

Balancing Tools

  • You can now freeze NPCs.


  • Fixed glass bottles no longer having the gather rainbow action.
  • Added descriptions for creatures, doodads, and improved other descriptions.

Debug Tools

  • Improved performance when teleporting or inspecting tiles while zoomed out.
  • Added a keybind for toggling full visibility (both fog & lighting).
  • Added the ability to change the brush size for Tile Paint.
  • Item & doodad dropdowns can now be filtered by item & doodad groups. A list of valid, clickable groups will be displayed to the side.
  • Added support for Doodads, Corpses, and Players in the Selection panel.
  • Added a way to filter selections by specific type.
  • Added the ability to teleport a player to the nearest selection match.

Beta 2.7.4

March 9th, 2019


  • Higher tiered tools and items now produce better quality results when crafting (for example, an iron hammer versus a stone hammer).
  • Added custom game modifiers for individually disabling certain creatures and/or aberrant spawns.
  • Different types of chests and containers now have different preservation levels for decaying items inside.
  • The quality of required doodads (furnaces, kilns, etc.) will now provide bonuses to crafted item quality.
  • Games won or lost after this update will be replayable (same seed, same options) via their highscores.
  • Introduced a new terrain variety system for a select few tiles to start with for increased visual differentiation.
  • You can now configure your starting skills and skill gain multipliers globally in the custom game options.
  • Fire elementals now spawn when causing fire to overflow through stoking or other means at lower reputation levels.


  • Player movement and actions will begin to slow as stamina decreases past 15 stamina for visual feedback before exhaustion damage occurs.
  • You can now sort items by "best for crafting requirements" or "best for crafting consumables" instead of the previous best sorting merging the two, giving poor results.
  • Open fires will now visually match their burning stage and fuel level.
  • Certain skills will now provide consumable bonuses for edible items such as the cooking skill for cooked foods much like the previous bonuses for botany for fruit/vegetables.
  • Adjacent items will now fully unlock crafting recipes instead of just allowing them to be crafted.
  • Added difficulty, mods, PVP, and friends icons to the pause menu.
  • Pressing the "enter" bind in dropdown components will now select the first entry in the list.
  • Hitting creatures or other players with torches in water will now extinguish them.
  • Item and stat notifications now follow the players and creatures.
  • You can now use the up & down arrow keys to navigate through your sent chat messages, in order to resend text or commands.
  • Improved scared creature AI so they will attempt to move away from attacking players on occasion and pathfind more intelligently.
  • Slimes can now on occasion combine into a jelly cube.
  • You can now import and export "Custom Mode" game options.
  • When you are not able to cause any damage to a creature, an immune notifier will now show on each hit.
  • Item pick-ups no longer delay movement based on the amount of items picked up. Item notifications are now sped up to match the amount.
  • You can now set the seed for challenge games (not daily).
  • Milestones will now only unlock within hardcore and challenge modes.
  • You can now stoke fire elementals to heal them.
  • You will now be able to catch fish adjacent to tiles from where your line was cast to.
  • Increased difference in color between miss messages/notifiers versus exceptional items and stat message/notifiers versus legendary items.
  • You can now blacklist types of messages in a message filter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed swapping equipment in hands not working properly. (Thanks rifticles!)
  • Fixed the "enter" bind unfocusing the selected button.
  • Fixed the left & right arrow keys not working in text inputs.
  • Fixed being able to repair trees with hammers.
  • Fixed being able to transmogrify magical essence with itself. (Thanks Rofldong!)
  • Fixed tentacles not being considered raw meat and worm meat not being considered meat.
  • Fixed sleeping/resting removing hooded equipment on your character.
  • Fixed the appearance of a few UI components in Screenshot Mode: tooltips, the pause button (in multiplayer), and the menu bar.
  • Fixed keyboard support not working on dropdown components in menus.
  • Fixed notifier sometimes not fading out items and numbers properly.
  • Fixed container dialog titles not being updated when removing a rename.
  • Fixed an error when loading a game that had a disabled mod's quest requirement pinned.
  • Fixed a bug where players would gain extra stat values when equipped with legendary stat-increasing equipment. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed log files getting very large when joining multiplayer servers.
  • Fixed black screen and out of memory issues when joining large servers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the global save data to import incorrectly. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to only partially load due to corrupt global save data. (Thanks Nandalee!)
  • Fixed blurring the chat input sometimes sending the message.
  • Fixed previously tamed creatures not attacking the player while being hitched if they previously were attempting to attack another creature. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed language setting being reset when closing from in-game.
  • Fixed a issue that did not update the name of a container when transmogrifying it. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed modded images not displaying on UI elements on macOS.
  • Fixed item notifiers not fading out properly or showing all items that were picked up.
  • NPCs will no longer hurt themselves by walking into dangerous things.
  • Prevented hangs due to Steam Workshop issues when starting the game. (Thanks Matthew Cline!)
  • Fixed traversing the sea sometimes resulting in errors. (Thanks Kimiko!)


  • Missing in combat will now have less of a chance to gain skill.
  • Some creatures are now harder to hit based on what tile they are on including fish in water.
  • Slightly reduced the benefit of using increased quality items affecting crafted item quality (due to other changes that benefit crafts).
  • Decreased the effectiveness of stoking fire and reduced fire starting fuel levels slightly.
  • Decreased odds of increasing metabolism through skill use.
  • As aberrant creatures scale with players, the quality of their loot and carved resources are now increased as well.
  • Decreased the weight of coal and increased its fuel potential and trading worth.
  • Trampling plants now has a rare chance to spawn claw worms (this includes both players and other creatures).
  • Reduced base aberrant defense and increased effectiveness of individual resistances and vulnerabilities.
  • You will no longer take double damage and "work yourself into exhausting" when taking damage from starving/dehydration at low stamina values.
  • Increased the damage produced by stepping in lava.
  • Decreased the amount of ash dropped from lit torches.
  • Pineapples will no longer provide any health benefits when consuming them.
  • Slightly decreased effectiveness of botany/mycology skills affecting consumable items.


  • Added the hook ShouldCraft for cancelling crafts.
  • Added the hook OnInspectionSection for tweaking tile inspections in tooltips.
  • Allowed providesLight to function without providesFire.


  • Performance improvements when loading games.


Debug Tools

  • Fixed desyncs when using the kill action on players.

Beta 2.7.3

January 19th, 2019


  • Added new options for messages, allowing you to configure the log length, whether buttons are visible in the chat row, and whether timestamps should be rendered.
  • Added ability for dedicated servers to be private.
  • Added an option to disable note pinning to the notes dialog.
  • Added an invite game button within the "Multiplayer" menu that will open the Steam friends overlay.
  • Added five additional dedicated server command line arguments: +pvp, +private, +maxPlayers, +turnMode, and +new.


  • Traps will now notify all nearby players of trap misses and reward skill points to the trap owners if they are in view.
  • Watering plants will now increase their health/durability.
  • The gardening skill now provides a bonus reduction of plant and mushroom growth time when watering them.
  • The game's bindings have been moved to a new "Bindings Menu" accessible from the options menu.
  • The "World" menu and button has been split up into "Modes" and "Multiplayer".
  • Creatures will now only de-spawn on your current Z level (preventing cave creatures from de-spawning before making your way down there).
  • The focus will no longer be removed from the chat on "enter", and "cancel" (esc) no longer pauses the game when the chat is focused.
  • The terrain quality is now shown in tooltips.
  • The "Diagonal Movement" option is now named "Alternating Direction Movement".
  • Item tooltips will now match world tooltip styles in regards to item quality.
  • Renamed legendary items will no longer include their flavorful suffixes.
  • Improved the appearance of icons and many other components in small UI scales.
  • You can now rename games in challenge mode for multiplayer servers.
  • Improved the readability and UX of stat multipliers.
  • Increased difference in color between skill increases and remarkable items.


  • Copper ore now weighs less (on average) than iron ore, reducing the weight of all copper-crafted items.
  • Copper smelting no longer requires carbon powder.
  • Metal chests now require 15 ingots (down from 20).
  • Tweaked the nighttime creature spawning in between -4000 to 4000 reputation so that only easier hostile creatures will spawn.
  • Decreased reputation gain when planting seeds, but increased reputation when watering.
  • Increased chance of digging up resources/items for most types of terrain/flooring.
  • Removed the ability for smaller fruits to produce seeds after eating them (like for raspberries, cucumbers, etc.). They can still be dismantled to produce seeds.
  • Reduced the effectiveness of resting (over sleeping) for stamina regeneration.
  • Resting will no longer provide increased healing benefits (only sleeping will produce such effects).
  • Growing plants on fertile soil will no longer add their full fertility potential on each growth stage.
  • Watering plants with seawater will now harm plants.
  • Harvesting and gathering will now damage plants rarely based on skill.
  • Regenerative effects of plants has been reduced.
  • Decreased lock picking success chance slightly.
  • Dough will now decay. (Thanks Arnkh!)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the "Welcome" quest not showing up as pinned on a new game start.
  • Fixed hitched tamed creatures moving positions when moved into. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Fixed the Operator and Hunter milestones not being achievable. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed merchants not starting with any inventory when travelling to new islands.
  • Fixed tooltips not updating when turns pass.
  • Fixed an issue where sharks could still spawn within fresh water. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed hitched creatures not dropping items or consuming offered items on the ground among other issues. (Thanks Ygdrad!)
  • Fixed thrown items erroneously taking 2 points of damage.
  • Fixed movement not stopping when cancelling out of walk to tile. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed difficulty icons overlapping on small UI scales. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed bind translations not updating when switching languages.
  • Fixed the messages dialog not closing when moving it to a quadrant.
  • Fixed the join by game code menu not remembering the last game code joined.
  • Fixed some in-game things only being translated after changing the language in-game.
  • Fixed mouse moving causing "janky" movement when pointing at certain angles when diagonal movement was disabled.
  • Fixed tooltips sometimes not working after a loading interrupt.
  • Fixed disabled character slots from unhiding when loading the game.
  • Fixed a hard lock in the death menu when killed while resting, sleeping, renaming, or confirming.
  • The save slots no longer re-order visibly upon opening the load game menu.
  • Fixed menu tooltips appearing in the corner for a split second.
  • Fixed a broken install date showing for local mods.
  • Fixed changing your workshop mod subscriptions while on the mods menu not refreshing the list.
  • Fixed interrupts not being dismissed when disconnecting from a server.
  • Fixed some issues with wording and requirements within the Starter Quest. (Thanks Azazel!)
  • Fixed an oversight that didn't produce item durability warnings when using ranged weapons. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
  • Fixed several grammar issues. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed milestones messages being displayed incorrectly on occasion.
  • Fixed English rules being included in other languages (Thanks fenymak!).
  • Fixed the item qualities note failing to be translated. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Fixed disabling a mod that provides the currently selected language not deselecting the language.


  • Fixed changing the mod list between saves causing Registry().get() properties to reference the wrong registrations.
  • Fixed mods with registrations that require each other freezing the game (Thanks Lovefield!).
  • Custom stylesheets are now loaded by path, allowing the sheet to reference resources from within the mod directory more easily.
  • Creatures, doodads, and tile events are no longer required to have descriptions.
  • Added the OnGetTranslation hook for mods to manipulate translations post-interpolation.
  • Command names are now translateable.


OwO Whats This

  • A silly new language mod.

Challenge Server

  • A new mod for those hosting dedicated servers which automatically runs challenge mode games.

Debug Tools

  • Fixed the dialog not toggling the tab drawer correctly on open.

Beta 2.7.2

December 28th, 2018


  • Players will no longer connect to games fully when connecting without the proper mods enabled.
  • Plants that have its main resource as a gatherable will now mention that when revealing that it is ready to harvest.
  • Plants that can not be harvested will now reveal which stage is the most ideal to gather.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue server side that prevented users from joining games using WebRTC (default mode).
  • Fixed mod save data not actually saving & sometimes persisting to the next loaded world.
  • Fixed walk to tile failing in high latency situations.
  • Prevented double clicking the continue game button corrupting the game. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Fixed being unable to use actions in rare cases during multiplayer games.
  • Fixed the Steam overlay rendering fully white in windowed mode until a window resize happened.
  • Fixed the player's head being offset when sleeping in a bedroll.
  • Fixed an issue where players with no reputation would cause creature spawning issues and display incorrectly when viewed within Discord.
  • Dying by drinking water directly from the ground will no longer log that you drank from a waterskin.
  • Fixed field of view changes to transition properly when turns were passed by other players.
  • Fixed a translation issue that caused errors with links to not display properly.


  • Added a new note for treasure maps/hunting.


  • Reduced weight range of lightening legendaries.
  • Creature spawn rate will now be increased based on connected players and quest requirements in challenge mode.


  • Tags are now updated when publishing new versions of mods.
  • game.updateView and game.updateRender now require a source argument. Mods should pass in RenderSource.Mod for it.
  • Fixed inspection type registration when the handler function was passed directly.



  • Improved well building logic.
  • Fixed not idling to pass turns in simulated turn mode.

Beta 2.7.1

December 23rd, 2018


  • Improved performance across several aspects of the game including adjacent container crafting.
  • Servers with a different build than the client in the server list will no longer be displayed (servers running development branch shouldn't show up for everyone).
  • Character heads no longer incorrectly shift in position when facing south or north.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed strength increasing by 26 each time "you felt your strength increasing". (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed the screen from being black for a couple seconds after joining a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed a rare desync in challenge mode when a creature is spawned after a player has completed a tame/kill creature requirement.
  • Fixed the "Health Issues" note not always showing the correct items in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed the tops of heads clipping through doors and trees.
  • Fixed the stranded note sometimes showing up for everyone when another player joins the game.
  • Fixed bald hair styles from clipping over tall doodads. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed a desync caused by trying to plant seeds into tilled ground that spawned in abandoned gardens.
  • Fixed "return to title" confirmation text in multiplayer, challenge mode, and when the player is a ghost. Also fixed text on death & win in the same cases.
  • Fixed player death messages not appearing to everyone in multiplayer.
  • Removed a rogue "A" prefix in the repair/reinforce/transmogrify item menu actions. (Thanks Tkenny123!)
  • Fixed the UI being shifted down when the game isn't paused.



  • Added the ability to craft and build wells.
  • Fixed trying to plant seeds on the wrong type of terrain.
  • Fixed trying to gather from a water still while it was full of ash.

Beta 2.7.0 "Deserted Trials"

December 22nd, 2018


  • Added a "Custom" game mode that allows setting different game options and modifiers.
  • Challenge mode has been redesigned with unique sets of quests and custom difficulty modifiers for quick play sessions.
  • You can now see a list of all open multiplayer servers via a server browser in the Multiplayer menu.
  • 9 new music tracks, composed and produced by Austin Dhillon have been added to the game.
  • Added hitching posts, an item and doodad that will allow players to tether creatures, a contest winning idea submitted by Xechorizo.
  • Added wells that can be built to collect and store fresh, unpurified water. This idea was a contest winner, submitted by Adrien S. Enzo.
  • Added metal cookware, flour, dough and hardtack as an intro into baking. Hardtack itself was a contest winner, submitted by RatElemental.
  • Introducing the "Aloe Vera" plant. Useful for its antiseptic qualities and application to the skin to sooth burning pain.
  • Added the quick and nimble "Antelope Jackrabbit" to the reworked desert biome.
  • There are now multiple types of sand, "beach sand" and "desert sand" with unique properties in regard to plant life and creature spawning.
  • Added a new type of desert tree. Introducing the "Joshua Tree" that produces fruit and leaves suitable for cordage.
  • Added a new type of cactus for the desert. Introducing the tall and girthy, "Saguaro Cactus".
  • Added the dangerous "Rattlesnake", a new creature spotted in the desert biome.
  • Added a shareable game code for multiplayer games (due to new Steam privacy settings not showing "Join Game" in some cases).
  • Legendary items now have flavorful names based on what kind of legendary are.
  • Added a few new books and added a randomized book to the player's starting inventory (based on milestone unlocks).
  • Added support for LAN. You can now connect to multiplayer games using an internal IP address.
  • Adding a new desert-dwelling creature. Introducing the "scorpion", the arachnid known for its ominous stinger.
  • Some creatures, including the claw worm will now help grow and heal plants when moving over them and at a higher chance when tamed.
  • Scrolls and maps will no longer be consumed on use and can be shared between players. They can also be dismantled into "shredded paper" along with books.
  • Added Discord Rich Presence to Wayward, allowing players to view game details within Discord and join others in multiplayer games if they send an invite or are asked to join.
  • Added a way to export/import global save data (for debug/testing) within the options menu.
  • Implemented a GPU power preference option (to lower/raise power consumption for better battery life or performance).
  • Added support for Challenge Mode in multiplayer.
  • Added three new legendary properties.
  • Added "Playtime" support for Steam Workshop modifications. This will allow users to search mods by playtime and display if they have used individual mods in the past.
  • Added "Operator" and "Huntsman" milestones.
  • Added a "best" item sort option (for highest quality/durability, lowest weight).
  • Added a couple new garden templates that can spawn randomly on world generation.
  • Added a new note and help article for explaining item qualities.


  • Redesigned the skill and milestone dialogs. They're easier to read, cause less lag, and you can now sort/filter them too.
  • The quality of items and doodads are now shown in their names, and in all cases they are now colored, giving additional context to messages.
  • Item piles/stacks are now limited based on item weight (rather than a max of 12 across all items).
  • The Starter Quest has been redesigned with the new questing system.
  • Players will now be notified overhead of missed attacks and zero damage hits.
  • Tooltips for tiles have been redesigned. They are now broken into "sections" for each thing on the tile, and important information is highlighted in the description.
  • Character selection is now skipped when joining a dedicated server you've joined before.
  • Smaller creatures will no longer trample plants.
  • NPCs will no longer become hostile from taking damage from non-player sources.
  • Players will now receive reputation loss/gain when damaging and killing other players based on their opponent's reputation.
  • Merchants will now always keep a minimum stock of four items (excluding those taken by players).
  • Items that have no defined durability will now produce damaged item sounds and warning messages (this includes most crafting resources).
  • Tooltips for NPCs, players, high quality items, and aberrant creatures now have borders in their tooltips matching their respective colors.
  • Players will now receive reputation loss/gain from their tamed creatures attacking and/or killing other players based on the target opponent's reputation.
  • Items that are not repairable will no longer mention they are "in need of repair".
  • Cartography now reveals which direction the map is in with varying degrees of accuracy (based on cartography skill).
  • Added in a resting delay between each turn to allow the "Cancel" button to function more consistently.
  • Named or tamed creatures no longer "inexplicably" die.
  • There is now a separate mouse turn delay option, allowing you to set a unique value for keyboard and mouse movement delays for turning.
  • Books will now be renamed after reading them based on what they are.
  • Water creatures will no longer spawn in bodies of water that are too small when fished or baited with food items. Sea creatures will also no longer spawn in fresh water through these means.
  • The appearance of tattered maps has been tweaked and positional information will now display in the map dialog.
  • You can no longer set down flooring over top of fires and other tile events.
  • Improved the screen animation when dying with respawning enabled.
  • Slither suckers will now adapt to the tiles they are placed down on instead of being dropped as an item or not at all if they could not naturally move on the tiles surrounding the player.
  • Added a new untradable item grouping for some items that will no longer be bought/sold by merchants.
  • Black powder use with weapons will no longer require a full item each use, but rather use its durability as "charges".
  • You can no longer fish up badderlocks (seaweed) from fresh water sources.
  • Multiplayer options are now saved with worlds. Loading a game that was last open to multiplayer will ask if you want to load it as multiplayer again.
  • The "insect" item category is now referred to as "bait".
  • Importing a save game now only displays JSON files (the file extension Wayward uses for saves) by default.
  • Improved performance of dropping many items into deep water.
  • Spiders no longer bleed red blood. Wat.
  • Items and corpses in lists, such as those that would appear in messages or tooltips, are now sorted by item quantity.
  • Sleeping or resting with a lit torch will extinguish it or cause fires around the player.
  • Cooked insect meat is no longer considered an "insect".
  • Stamina regenerated during sleep and rest is now scaled based on maximum dexterity/stamina.
  • Increased the visually differences between wooden spears and wooden poles.
  • Improved dialog scroll controls by increasing their width and reducing resizing anchor sizes (as they could expand over scrollbars previously).
  • Tweaked the "exceptional" purple color to be more readable when used for text.
  • Added in an option to enable/disable protected crafting items to apply to items inside protected containers. (Thanks Stungun!)
  • Built legendary illumination torches will now produce their legendary effects.
  • Music tracks are now dynamically chosen and weighted based on the player's current situation in-game. This feature can be disabled in the options.
  • New UI dialogs now remember their locations/sizes the last time they were moved/resized, so that if the screen scale changes, when the screen scale returns they return to their saved positions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed world tooltips from rapidly flashing on/off if hovering over an object while using an item/performing actions. (Thanks Monkeys!)
  • Fixed facing directions not working in multiplayer games (for clients).
  • Fixed a bug that did not save legendary properties on doodads when placed and picked back up.
  • Prevented movement/scrolling speed from affecting creature movement speed.
  • Fixed an issue joining servers with very large worlds (larger than 40MB).
  • Fixed weapons using black powder even when you did not have any ammunition available.
  • Fixed some walk to tile issues when near or on the world's edge. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Disabled pausing the game during the death animation.
  • Fixed a visual glitch when lava appeared near rock/mountain faces producing a colored border until the save was reloaded.
  • Tweaked the rendering order of some in-game graphics so certain objects will not pop in/over the character any longer.
  • Fixed legendary containers from being re-rolled on use. (Thanks DanekJovax!)
  • Copal resin is now considered a "powder". (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed bind names (bindPress) not being able to be translated.
  • Fixed a bug where walking into a trap door spider with attacking (left/right hands) disabled would not reveal it.
  • Fixed a bug where traps would not revert back to the correct item properties (leading to randomized weight, unmodified names, etc.) when being set off.
  • Fixed an issue where anchor and control elements for new dialogs would be offset with small resolutions.
  • Fixed errors when loading a save with an unknown note (from a disabled mod).
  • Fixed a bug that passed a turn when attempting to decode a map that was not of the current world.
  • Fixed a disassembly exploit where it would be possible to always return one item even if the recipe only used one item, allowing infinite repeated crafting/disassembly. (Thanks Dez!)
  • Fixed being able to craft stone arrowheads and other stone tools with obsidian. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed the "Menu Cancel" bind not working to go back from some menus, like the Options menu.
  • Fixed a rare issue where corpses could be displayed in the wrong graphic.
  • Fixed hooks not registering correctly if another hook had been registered to the same priority but was deregistered.
  • Fixed soil being duplicated and then dropped when digging up caves repeatedly. (Thanks Xech!)
  • Legendary items that had a reduced weight will no longer update to new weights (when changed) that would lead to 0 or negative weight items.
  • Fixed some mods staying partially enabled when connecting to a non-modded multiplayer server.
  • Fixed an oversight that caused reduced effectiveness of offering items to creatures to increase the maximum happiness level.
  • Ghost movement in simulated turns mode no longer passes turns for living players.
  • Fixed a bug that caused NewUI save data to be synced to clients in multiplayer. The fix for this may require players to reorganize their dialog/UI positions. Apologies!
  • Fixed the "Encumbered" note causing errors if you had less than 3 unique items in your inventory.
  • Fixed some options appearing cropped when not using the pixel font. (Thanks Dolphin!)
  • Fixed many spelling misteaks.
  • Fixed the "New Game" menu showing an incorrect save name and not letting you play the Challenge mode when at the maximum amount of save slots.
  • Fixed "enter" not causing a sound in interrupts when choosing "yes" or confirming.
  • Fixed the "open server" check button in the world menu defaulting the server to real-time mode rather than simulated turns.
  • The paused icon in real-time mode & multiplayer is now clickable, and the game no longer automatically unpauses when the host closes an interrupt.


  • Some creatures will now have a chance to skip movement for a turn (with the chance being different for each creature) but all creatures will now have a lower chance to become uninterested. Affected creatures will generally have a higher attack now.
  • Fishing rods no longer require bait when crafted but casting to catch fish will now use bait to attract them to your hook or net.
  • Increased the stamina received from drinking and eating most types of food.
  • Creatures that may spawn from dropping food into water, fishing, or gathering treasure will no longer move or attack after spawning.
  • Aberrant corpses will now increase reputation if the creature was normally non-hostile.
  • Added a spawning cap to merchant NPCs.
  • The taming quest within the Starter Quest has been moved further down the line.
  • Tactics will now raise when using throwing or marksmanship as a combat skill on successful hits.
  • Books now have a higher chance to be a "special" book.
  • Glass flasks are now less durable, require more ingredients and are harder to craft.
  • Creatures will now trample plants when attacking from a tile that has a plant.


  • All mod registrations are now done via a new suite of @Register decorators. Check out the modding guide or the Troposphere modification to learn how it's done!
  • Mods can now add their own sections to tile tooltips/inspections, with @Register.inspectionType.
  • Added support for adding Workshop tags for modifications via mod.json.
  • Mods can now register custom ItemTypeGroups, for use in recipes or item sorting.



  • Improved base building logic. Bases should now be built in better locations.
  • Fixed attempting to gather from tiles with other players on it.

Debug Tools

  • Fixed fog and lighting options being global instead of per-player.
  • Fixed the FOV/FOW not returning after healing from death.
  • Noclipping movement is no longer delayed when overweight.
  • Fixed "walk to tile" path not being reset when teleporting.
  • You can now teleport on top of impassable doodads and terrain when noclip is enabled.
  • Added the ability to set plant growth stages.


  • Added a new "questing" system; the system that is used for Challenge Mode quests. It comes with mod support, so mods can provide their own quests (modders: see Starter Quest to learn how it's done).
  • Updated Wayward to use Electron 3.0.12.
  • The actions system has been rewritten in order to more strongly type action execution and provide a more robust API. Modded actions will be different as a result. See the Debug Tools or Troposphere mods for examples.
  • The language system has been rewritten to fix many longstanding issues. Pluralization rules are now handled by language-provided regular expression replacements, numbers are now translatable, and most hardcoded strings have been removed.
  • The max save size has been doubled.
  • System hardware (CPU, GPU, and memory) is now logged for easier troubleshooting.
  • Added an openGpuInfoPage launch option to allow opening GPU info page (chrome://gpu) for debugging GPU issues.
  • Updated Wayward to TypeScript 3.2.

Beta 2.6.6

September 14th, 2018


  • You can now cancel out of resting.
  • More than one merchant NPC is now able to spawn per world.
  • Healing merchants will now remove their hostility against you.
  • "Carve With Tool" now provides an item break confirmation when the option is enabled.
  • You can now pour out water on to other players to soothe their burn injuries.
  • Merchants and other players (when PVP is enabled) can no longer spawn within a player's view.
  • Merchants will now be burned when standing in fire (or lava).
  • The game will now continue to fade in even when the game is paused.
  • Messages are now displayed top-to-bottom when in an upper quadrant.


  • There is now a reputation loss or gain (instead of a guaranteed loss) when tamed creatures fight other creatures (based on if their target is hostile or not) and is applied specifically to the owner.
  • You can no longer jump over players and NPCs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed save errors on some hardware by reducing the amount of memory required to save the game (this will also make saving the game faster).
  • Fixed mods failing to load when joining a server, if a mod needed another mod as a dependency but the loading order was incorrect.
  • Fixed the game not quitting if it had been reloaded.
  • Fixed items not lighting on fire when dropped onto lava from a player's death or broken container.
  • Fixed an error on opening the options menu after using the "Enable All" button in the mods menu.
  • Fixed the "Enable All" button in the mods menu not updating the mod check buttons visually.
  • Fixed a regression where the mod options button was not hiding/showing when a mod is enabled/disabled.
  • Fixed a regression where mods were not able to use this.getPath() before image paths.
  • Fixed tile changes not saving in modded world layers.
  • Fixed a regression where mods were not able to import the Mod class by name.
  • Fixed a regression where menu bar buttons registered using mod.addMenuBarButton loaded images from the wrong path.
  • Fixed responding "no" to enable/disable "required mod" interrupts not cancelling enabling/disabling the first mod.
  • Fixed errors caused by loading a save which had previously had a mod enabled with custom stats.


  • Added "inter-mod registries", for mods to provide things to others (or not, if the target mod is not present).



  • Fixed taking damage as a ghost when falling from the troposphere.
  • Fixed emptying a water tile in the troposphere spawning a dirt tile in its place.

Balancing Tools

  • Now compatible with Debug Tools 2.0.

Debug Tools

  • Other players besides the host on a server now do not have permission to use Debug Tools by default (this can be changed by inspecting the player).
  • Fixed a bug that caused panels registering as hook hosts if you disabled debug tools after loading a game with it.
  • Fixed an error when closing the Debug Tools dialog.
  • Now supports other mods adding custom panels, inspection panels, and entity inspection sections.
  • Fixed adding items to inventory producing multiple items based on how many times you opened the inspect dialog.
  • Fixed items from mods loaded after Debug Tools not appearing in "Add Item to Inventory" inspection dropdowns.
  • Actions can now be used while moving.

Beta 2.6.5

September 1st, 2018


  • In "Simulated Turns" mode, the game tick now occurs simultaneously with the player turn. The next game tick is still delayed by the same amount of time.
  • Plant spreading will now no longer cross doodads that block movement (walls, fences, etc.).
  • Multiple changes have been done to items produced when many items burn, including many fixes/consistency improvements.
  • Piles of ash can now burn away with enough time.
  • Doodads will provide more accurate and consistent items when burning, especially during different growth stages or stages of resource gathering for plants.
  • Items in fire (that can be burned) will now reduce in durability until eventually burning instead of sometimes instantly producing burned items.
  • Some items may now produce multiple items when burning (such as logs producing multiple charcoal). Crafted items will now also be more consistent with what they burn into based on what was used in the craft.
  • You can now connect to a server with required mods disabled. The game will automatically enable them for you and disable them after disconnecting.
  • Items that can spawn creatures on decay or break will now be able to spawn on a wider variety of tiles.
  • A saving screen will now show when exiting the game by closing the window.
  • You can now disable the custom cursor in the options menu.
  • Added some information about crafting fertile soil within the gardening help article.
  • Mods in the multiplayer menu now show their multiplayer compatibility in their tooltip. (Thanks black silence!)
  • Ghosts can no longer write notes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed difficulty appearing as a number instead of a message. (Thanks NB!)
  • Fixed players being briefly invisible when they join a multiplayer game in simulated turn mode.
  • Removed incorrect checks for under player when using an adjacent tile for sleeping.
  • Fixed the help article filter matching formatting code within article text.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow you to re-roll legendary item properties by crafting, then disassembling the item.
  • Fixed walk to tile sometimes displaying the wrong path in multiplayer.
  • Fixed being able to use the "/pause" command in single player/turn-based mode.
  • Fixed container weight display not updating when using consumables within them.
  • Fixed a rare issue where over repeated uses of the options menu the game may begin to become laggier (due to a UI leak).
  • Fixed unpublished mods marked as unloadable: false warning the user every time they load the save. (Thanks CloneDeath!)
  • Fixed imagePath loading mod resources from the game's root rather than the mod's root for stats, status effects, menu bar buttons, and more. (Thanks CloneDeath!)
  • Fixed not being able to use class instances with methods as descriptions in some mod registration functions. (Thanks CloneDeath!)
  • Fixed the "cannot be run on this system or browser" error screen fading in rapidly, and disappearing to loading screen.
  • Fixed a bug where creatures could continue attacking dead players/ghosts.
  • Prevented connected clients in multiplayer games from visually manipulating the state of game pausing (even though it had no impact).
  • Possibly fixed an issue where saving never completed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused worlds last used for multiplayer in simulated turns mode to stay as simulated turns mode in single player.
  • Fixed incorrect weight set for coconut containers of goat milk.
  • Removed ability to dismantle books as weight can be incorrect after opening books and revealing other/new items.
  • Fixed possible desyncs when crafting and starting fires.
  • Fixed the region that allowed idling from the mouse movement bind being sized incorrectly depending on the zoom level.
  • Fixed an issue where some creatures could get stuck when spawning from treasure chests.
  • Fixed each mod only being able to add one NewUi Dialog.
  • Fixed walk to tile issues near world edge.


  • Increased animal taming and bartering (trading) reputation gains.
  • Reduced the weight of limestone and limestone powder.
  • Reduced the stoke value of charcoal due to its new abundance with the other burning changes.
  • Items are now damaged when dropping to the ground on player death in casual and when breaking chests.


  • Updated the "Modding Guide" with a new tutorial for creating the "Hello World" example mod among other changes and fixes.
  • Added the GetZoomLevel hook, for overriding the default zoom functionality.
  • Added the PostFieldOfView hook, called when the field of view has been initialized.
  • Added a GetTilePenalty hook, used for manipulating which tiles should be preferred using "walk to tile".
  • @HookMethod now does type checking on the method it decorates. If the method is not a valid hook, it will error.
  • Added the GetCameraPosition hook for implementing a custom camera.
  • It is no longer necessary to mark mods with only customizations as "multiplayerCompatible", and it is no longer necessary to mark mods with no scripts or customizations as "multiplayerClientside".
  • Added multiple decorators such as @Mod.instance, @Mod.log, or @Mod.saveData for injecting a mod's objects into fields.
  • Added the GetMaxSpritesForLayer hook for changing the maximum number of sprites that can be rendered in a SpriteBatchLayer at once.


  • Released a new "Compatibility Branch" that may resolve some compatibility issues on some hardware configurations.
  • Updated Wayward to Electron 3.0.0-beta 6.
  • Improved the performance of calling most hooks.
  • Tiles can now have multiple overlays.
  • Added new properties to IActionArgument.


Debug Tools

  • The Debug Tools mod has been completed redesigned and has a brand new feature set.


  • You can now use "walk to tile" to walk directly into a hole in the troposphere, but in all other cases you will path around the hole.
  • Increased the base durability of the nimbus.
  • Fixed artifacting of the overworld during movement.

Ridiculous Hairdos

  • Marked as compatible for multiplayer.

Beta 2.6.4

August 5th, 2018


  • Replaced the multiplayer menu with the world menu, allowing you to change your turn mode and tick rate in an existing world.
  • You can now copy the message log, and export the entire message history in your current filter.


  • Added an item breaking warning for dismantle and disassemble requirements.
  • Added filtering to the help menu for searching keywords.
  • Creatures are now easier to tame and will be tamed for longer based on how many times they have been tamed previously.
  • Added a "learn more" link to certain notes that open up relevant help articles.
  • Added a confirmation for attempting to heal yourself or others when at full health and not bleeding.
  • Replaced paused/resumed messages with a new pause/play icon.
  • Improved the look and consistency of all wooden items.
  • Official modifications shown in changelogs are now linked to their Workshop entry via their heading.
  • Added message logging for moving items, revealing the name of the container you moved the item(s) into.
  • You can now ignite torches with other torches or fire starting devices directly in your inventory.
  • Renamed the "Extincteur" milestone to "Exterminator".
  • Moving all items to a container will now no longer stop at the first instance of an item being too heavy to move, but instead will check if subsequent items are able to fit.
  • Doodads that cause status effects will now warn players when attempting to walk over them.
  • Dangerous movement confirmations (attempting to walk on fire/cacti/etc.) no longer show if they wouldn't actually hurt the player (via equipment protection).
  • Doodads and fire requirements are now separated within item tooltips, showing a red label if you don't have either or.
  • Added icons for all help articles.
  • Walk to tile will now walk through wooden gates.
  • Fire elementals and lava beetles can now be used as a fire source for crafting and lighting torches.
  • The dedicated server IP or hostname field will now remember the last server you joined.
  • Decreased how long the server pauses when players are connecting.
  • Improved the loading screen messages when joining a server.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would not let you remove anything from a container if "Use Adjacent Containers/Items" was disabled. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed disassembly "Additional Requirements" label showing for item tooltips that could not be disassembled.
  • Fixed some instances where tick time could freeze by changing some options while the game is running.
  • Fixed some instances where legendary item defense values were not getting applied (doodad and burn damage).
  • Fixed the server welcome message counting the server as a player.
  • Fixed copper disassembly requirements not showing that it requires a fire source.
  • Fixed the message area shrinking in size over time while the developer tools were open and docked to the side of the game.
  • Fixed some error messages showing HTML code.
  • Fixed the translation for time only showing PM in the hours of noon and midnight.
  • Fixed an oversight where healing other players did not stop bleeding or provide healing notifiers.
  • Fixed a rare desync when new players join a server.
  • Fixed a bug where item confirmations did not display if an item was used as the default use in a quickslot.
  • Fixed directional facing binds not working (shift + W/A/S/D by default).
  • Fixed a few tipos.
  • Fixed the open crafting dialog bind and button not toggling crafting (if it was set to dismantle). (Thanks Junis!)


  • Damage from stepping on doodads (such as cacti) will now take into account foot protection instead of the total of all armor. Parrying will no longer be factored into damage reduction.
  • You will now only lose half the stamina (based on item weight) when failing to craft items.


  • Mods can now add their own dialogs using the new UI system (no HTML/jQuery required).
  • Mods can now add their own notes.
  • Mods can now add their own help articles.
  • The fog color is now moddable.
  • Added an IsTileBlocked hook, used for "walk to tile" pathing.


  • Fixed extreme performance hits from static in-game UI, especially when old messages are removed and scrolled.
  • Updated Wayward to Electron 3.0.0 beta 4 (from beta 2).
  • Update Wayward to use TypeScript 3.



  • Fixed walk to tile pathing through holes in the clouds.
  • The fog color in the troposphere is now white, instead of black.
  • Fixed the nimbus not being damaged on use.
  • Added a help article and note for flying.

Beta 2.6.3

July 20th, 2018


  • Added a "Simulated Turns" multiplayer mode, which allows time/turn passing as long as players are performing actions, otherwise the game will be paused.
  • Added adjacent container dismantling.
  • Added a /save chat command.
  • Added an option to disable auto saving.
  • Added an option to toggle adjacent container crafting.


  • Added support for using multiple movement binds at the same time.
  • Added support for adjacent containers for disassembling/dismantling requirements.
  • Decreased saving and loading time, especially for dedicated servers. The file size of saves has increased due to this change (although exported saves will still be compressed).
  • Added an extra check to see if you are already facing a crafting requirement before turning to face the first instance found.
  • Added display of skill use reputation impact within crafting tooltips.
  • Merchant NPCs will now spawn on game saves that do not have them (from previous versions).
  • All hard-coded bind hints will now show what your actual binds are (instead of using the defaults) within the Starter Quest.
  • Added more information to the stats help entry to explain how their maximum values work.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed dismantling ignoring the order of items if no turn was passed after sorting items. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)
  • Fixed an issue where some players were experiencing the game freezing/crashing while saving.
  • Fixed occasional uncaught errors related to multiplayer connections (when hosting a dedicated server).
  • Fixed the attack damage label values not updating.
  • Fixed a bug where both the character selection and main menu would appear when joining a game from a player's Steam profile with Wayward closed.
  • Fixed an issue with some integrated GPUs that caused incorrect colors and other rendering glitches/visual artifacts.
  • Fixed an issue where disassembled items could result in items with higher minimum durability than their maximum. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause keyboard controls to become stuck after holding them down while pressing the chat focus bind. (Thanks AbstrXact_Data!)
  • Fixed the chat bind working when an interrupt is visible.
  • Fixed the "Menu Enter" bind not working on input interrupt menus.
  • Tumbleweeds may now drop their resources on adjacent tiles as dropping on the same tile did not allow it to grow. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed an issue where some books could contain items that resulted in you weighing more after opening them. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)
  • Fixed a bug where weight did not update after learning from an old educational scroll.
  • Fixed the "equip hovered item" bind still toggling the equipment dialog when you're hovering an item.
  • Fixed an extra space appearing in Starter Quest completion messages.
  • Fixed legendary strength items not effecting max weight when equipped. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed an issue that caused dialog filters to filter incorrect items in.
  • Fixed an instance where hitting locked chests or creatures barehanded with hand protection provided no benefits.
  • Fixed gathering with hands not damaging your equipment enough, leading to this method being better than gathering with an actual tool. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed swimming animations not resetting after travelling.
  • Fixed an issue where legendary skill items could potentially result in percents with more than 1 decimal point. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed a bug where legendary attack damage was not applying to melee weaponry. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed a bug where loading saves without previously loaded mods would still attempt to add modded items, skills, etc. through normal means.
  • Fixed move to tile not stopping movement while moving in front of an NPC. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed +load for dedicated servers not generating a new world if the save specified did not exist.
  • Fixed the dismantle filter getting reset after passing a turn. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed renamed containers not displaying their new name until they are closed and re-opened. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)
  • Fixed the menu bar overlapping quickslots when there are enough menu bar buttons at certain resolutions.
  • Fixed some text being removed when switching languages.


  • Removed the ability to get hurt (or bleed) from gathering most plants with no tool/hand protection.
  • Carving corpses will now provide positive reputation in cases where the creature was hostile. (Thanks Aaron!)
  • Treasure guardians will now be more difficult at lower reputation levels.
  • Attacking creatures or hitting locked chests barehanded (without hand protection) can now cause bleeding.
  • Doubled spyglass durability.
  • Only tamed chickens will now lay eggs. Clucks-be-gone!
  • Added a larger lower range for exceptional/legendary item durability that are found or transmogrified (does not effect crafted items, which have a much larger cap).
  • Using your hands will now use more stamina than using tools for gathering, harvesting, digging, and attacking.
  • Decreased base aberrant spawning chances, and further decreased the chance as your reputation is raised.


  • Upgraded to Electron 3.0.0 which should improve compatibility and performance, especially on lower-end machines.

Beta 2.6.2

July 3rd, 2018

Bug Fixes

  • Possibly fixed a bug where sometimes keyboard movement and controls would become "stuck" until a mouse click was made on the screen.
  • Possibly fixed containers showing behind the game screen rarely (making it so it appeared as nothing happened when you tried to open containers).
  • Fixed an oversight where you could only rest on the ground with a bedroll placed under you. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)
  • Fixed sleeping on a bedroll you are facing not checking for fire adjacent to facing tile (but rather the tile you started on). (Thanks Theodis!)
  • Fixed an issue where multiple tooltips would appear if the information updated while your mouse was still hovered over it. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed the possibility of players timing out while the server is saving. (Thanks Valdig!)
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync caused by healing tamed creatures. (Thanks MrAmazing!)
  • Fixed a rare chance that players were unable to join a multiplayer game that they previously disconnected from.
  • Fixed a bug that made you bleed inappropriately when starving to death, drowning, taking poison damage, and many other things.
  • Fixed the filter not working in container dialogs. (Thanks Banaman!)
  • Fixed items getting held in cursor after dying while dragging an item.
  • Fixed crafting tooltips reporting incorrect item amounts based adjacent containers/items. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed resting/sleeping screens closing when players join in multiplayer.
  • Fixed treasure maps not having the tops of trees in the "drawing".
  • Fixed sugar canes not producing resources to gather when budding and fixed some wording on their description. (Thanks Fangthane!)
  • Fixed death in multiplayer games not triggering ghost vision or closing certain dialogs when in hardcore difficulty.
  • Fixed the middle mouse button failing to move to tile in many situations.
  • Fixed message sources (filter editing) not being translated for the Starter Quest.
  • Fixed some notes missing spaces by italicized words.
  • Fixed some wording issues within the Starter Quest completion messages. (Thanks CMDR Kargen Dracos [INR]!)


  • Move to tile will now stop when taking damage from stamina/encumbrance.


  • Slightly increased the weight of coconuts (as sometimes dismantling them would produce items with unrealistic weights).


  • Added PreSaveGame and PostSaveGame hooks
  • Added a ShouldStopWalkToTileMovement hook.


  • Added a backgroundThrottling option for reducing resources when Wayward is minimized/not in focus. This is only intended for use in single player games.



  • Fixed an issue where TARS would attempt to place items continuously within the same container.
  • Fixed message sources (filter editing) not being translated.
  • Fixed TARS randomly attempting to go into the water and end up killing itself tragically.
  • Fixed an issue where TARS would keep trying to rest while at -1 stats, leading to eventual death.

Beta 2.6.1

June 30th, 2018

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some performance issues on lower end machines as well as many macOS machines (you wouldn't believe what the cause was).
  • Fixed walk to tile not moving correctly in cases of high latency in multiplayer games. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed auto harvest still working when both hands are disabled. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed an issue where multiplayer games could increase too large in size due to saved messages, causing players to no longer to be able to connect afterwards.
  • Fixed dedicated servers not starting properly when single quotes were present in the name. (Thanks Theodis!)
  • Fixed the player count command counting the server in dedicated servers. (Thanks Theodis!)
  • Fixed an error that happened when trying to feed/tame previously tamed creatures (from an upgraded save). (Thanks Cort Gdard!)
  • Fixed absent players on upgraded server saves receiving 0 in all stats. (Thanks Theodis!)


  • Added viewing/sending message support to the dedicated server menu.


  • Merchants will now face you when trading with them.
  • Increased the volume of creature movement/taming sound effects.


  • Increased the chance for sharks to despawn when out of view and range from them.
  • Feathers are now considered tinder and can be used to stoke fires.
  • Decreased the odds of chickens and harpies dropping feathers.



  • TARS will now use move to tile path previews for movement display (instead of particle effects).

Beta 2.6 "Mercantile"

June 29th, 2018


  • Added NPCs to the game that will spawn rarely and randomly in your world that you can barter and trade with.
  • You can now pathfind/move automatically to a tile using ctrl + left click (or middle mouse click) by default. You can preview the path by holding down ctrl. (Thanks Amax!)
  • You can now use adjacent tiles with items or containers as a source for crafting ingredients and recipe discovery.
  • Added tons of new legendary properties that are applied based on the item including damage, defense, stats, reduced item weight and many more.
  • Added a new "Notes" system to replace the previous hint system, providing non-intrusive hints and flavor to discovering the mechanics of Wayward.
  • Dying in hardcore mode will no longer instantly delete your save. You can now explore the world as a ghost, and retain worlds where you are a ghost.
  • Added animal glue, crafted from boiling animal bones and tissue.
  • Added coconut containers along with more coconut depth including dismantling to coconut husks, peeled coconuts and coconut meat.
  • Added "bone meal", to be used for fertilizer with compost and soil to create fertile soil.
  • Added a new set of obsidian tools and weaponry.
  • Added preview thumbnails to save slots in the load game menu.
  • Redesigned the help menu to feature a list-based layout to quickly find help articles with shortcut/navigation support.
  • Added "old educational scrolls", a new item that can help train specific skills.
  • Introduced the slippery "mudskipper" creature.
  • You can now filter the controls in the options menu.
  • Added two new skin tones, two new hair colors.
  • "Dead bushes" have been replaced with tumbleweeds with unique functionality.
  • Added three new milestones, "Pacifier", "Merchant", and "Notekeeper".
  • Added a console mode for dedicated servers.
  • Added the ability to pause multiplayer games (within the multiplayer menu).
  • All items are now able to be legendary tiered (not only equipables).
  • Added an option to disable visibility of helmets (will only effect your character).
  • Added more books and writings.
  • You can now make sand casts with clay, sandstone, and rock, instead of just wood with new types of sand casts added.
  • Added "stripped leather", dismantled from leather hides and used as cordage for strings.
  • You can now "build" bedding items, allowing you to use them directly on the ground instead of directly from your inventory.
  • Added a new action, "smother fire" to piles of dirt, sand, etc. used to extinguish fires.
  • Added a chat button that can send messages using mouse controls.


  • Trees will no longer be inexplicably randomized which often did not produce all resources from the tree, especially when gathering during the ripening stage. Rocks/mountains will also no longer be randomized fully.
  • You can now change the positions of the static elements in-game (stats, messages, and the menu bar).
  • Implemented better support for high DPI displays, reducing blurry graphics and other rendering artifacts.
  • Resource gathering (as well as carving and harvesting) will now produce resources in steps on each action at a time instead of all items at once.
  • "Auto Gather" is now "Auto Gather/Harvest" and has been disabled by default.
  • Scared creatures will no longer flee from you outside of small radius, making it so they will no longer be found near shorelines most of the time.
  • You can now randomize your character name separately from your customizations.
  • When connecting to a multiplayer game, it will now reveal how many players are connected and what your ping is via messages.
  • Special mountain resource types (limestone, talc, iron, etc.) will no longer switch to their normal forms when depleting the resource, instead, they will have a mix of all resources present at the same time.
  • Aberrant creatures will now drop high quality items and provide higher quality resources on carving (including the legendary tier) instead of dropping purely random items.
  • Messages are now retained between saving and loading the game.
  • Reorganized the way highscores are displayed, added colorization and difficulty icons.
  • Iron and wrought iron armor now look unique from each other.
  • Added a "close container" action if a container is opened to add back in the functionality to close containers with the item menu.
  • Clay now spawns as part of normal world generation.
  • Hooded items will no longer show helmets underneath them.
  • Added more multilingual and international keyboard bind support.
  • You can now scroll through the message history when the messages dialog is closed.
  • You can now filter messages based on their sources (for instance, chat, combat, skills, etc.).
  • Mod options now have subtabs in the options menu. Clicking on their options button in the mods menu now scrolls to their own section instead of the mod options section.
  • Wearing gloves/boots will now protect players from status effects caused by gathering/harvesting and stepping on certain plants/doodads.
  • Added a quest for learning quickslot usage in the Starter Quest (due to auto gather/harvest changes).
  • Botany and mycology will now be used for harvesting benefits instead of planting. Gardening will now be used for planting instead of harvesting.
  • You can now create a passage of lava when digging down into lava.
  • You can now consume glue (why though?).
  • "Heal Creature" is now "Heal Other" and will work on other players and entities.
  • There is now a maximum length when renaming items, creatures, etc.
  • Rolling back to a previous version of Wayward will now warn about save corruption and provide a way to close the game.
  • Improved the creature graphics of sandcats, imps, harpies, goats, and claw worms by adding outlines.
  • Reduced walking sound volume slightly.
  • "Carve with tool" is now shown when facing gathererable tile events and harvestable doodads and carving can now be used as a shortcut for gathering/harvesting them.
  • "Fertile dirt" terrain has now been renamed to "fertile soil" to match the item counterpart.
  • In-game iconography (for the menu bar and equipment slots) have been increased in pixel depth and now have increased readability.
  • Added bind colorization to the menu bar button tooltips.
  • Tile events (tumbleweeds and honey fungus) are set up to be gathered instead of harvested, as it is always a destructive process.
  • Bones can now be dismantled into bone fragments with a hammer.
  • You can no longer "Collect" (pick-up) doodads when there are players or corpses over them.
  • Added a starter quest for building wooden chests and creature taming.
  • "Drop on Gather" is now "Drop on Gather/Harvest" and will now log what item was harvest/gathered and dropped in messages.
  • Improved the look and color of shadows under hair.
  • Music is now stopped/restarted when muting/unmuting.
  • Added a bit of variation/randomization in the amount of resources gathered from plants/mountains, especially during their final stages for plants.
  • The difficulty and whether you've won or died in a save is now shown in the save slot tooltip.
  • The harvest action will now be applied to all resources that do not destroy the plant. Using "Gather" on harvestable plants will automatically use "Harvest".
  • Combined the effective/ineffective damage messages if the damage types matched multiple armor pieces with conflicting resistances/vulnerabilities.
  • Category and skill sorting layouts in the crafting window will now display alphabetically and will reverse itself if selected again.
  • Resource gathering skills will now provide bonuses to how many resources you gather/harvest/carve at one time.
  • Clay terrain templates now appear more organic.
  • Clay brick houses will now possibly spawn items and doodads (like other generated templates).
  • Improved the visual communication with bad (left) and good (right) drink liquid icons appearing on container items.
  • Added a keybind for saving the game.
  • The "friends" menu now automatically refreshes every few seconds.
  • Wrought iron no longer appears with "rust" on it visually and features a new color scheme.
  • Gathering/harvesting messages will now reveal which hand was hurt during gathering if auto gathering/harvesting.
  • "Amber" is now "copal" and requires to be ground to be melted for use in reinforcing items.
  • Resting or sleeping when in real-time mode will no longer make reference to hours.
  • Some rudimentary touch support has been re-enabled.
  • Orb of influences will now reveal if the impact was negative or positive when rubbing.
  • Renamed the "archery and firearms" skill to "marksmanship".
  • Ornate capes are now repaired and reinforced with the tailoring skill. (Thanks ghostyTrollcrow!)
  • Wooden spears and swords now use the woodworking skill to craft.
  • Treasure guardians will now spawn more consistently, increasing the difficulty slightly.
  • The bull boat now uses a leather hide instead of tanned leather. (Thanks Axxron, Scourge of the tts!)
  • Added some missing skill types for dismantle items (which were defaulting to tinkering previously).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an oversight that did not take into account repair requirements when repairing doodads. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a rare case of a multiplayer server shutting down 3 minutes after a client connects. (Thanks Renzourin!)
  • Corrected some instances where fire did not spread or overflow to certain tiles/item/doodad scenarios. (Thanks ghostyTrollcrow!)
  • Added a workaround for the 'GL_EXT_frag_depth' extension not being supported on some hardware.
  • Fixed an issue with the Explorer milestone that did not unlock tiles by gathering from them. (Thanks helixA!)
  • Fixed client crashing not disconnecting players from server in some instances.
  • Fixed multiple issues that would result in focusing on the search filter when clicking on a dialog. (Thanks ghostyTrollcrow, Svarog!)
  • Fixed having hashtags in directory paths not being able to load modifications. (Thanks timestop1528!)
  • The dedicated server identifier is now randomized, correcting connection issues when importing a client-sided save game and trying to connect to your own server. (Thanks Jaxic!)
  • Fixed not being able to set more than one secondary bind.
  • Fixed a bug that froze the game while trying to rest while a hint window was up. (Thanks PaladinQueen!)
  • Fixed the default dialog opacity being 5000% instead of 50%. The default has been changed to 80%.
  • Fixed a bug that would double terrain items when digging cave entrances back up after being covered. (Thanks WandNova!)
  • Fixed a bug that always returned the bonus minus 1 when using consumable items with a skill/quality bonus. (Thanks ghostyTrollcrow!)
  • Fixed changing the language not updating the translations in the current screen.
  • Fixed the fullscreen option not being checked on first launch of the game (even though it is fullscreened by default).
  • Fixed Steamworks not working on 32-bit Linux.
  • Fixed the usableWhenPaused action option not working. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed a graphics issue that occurred on some hardware in WebGL 1 mode where half the screen (diagonally) rendered incorrectly.
  • Fixed some unclear messaging regarding offering items to already tamed aberrant creatures. (Thanks UrbanGear!)
  • Fixed not being able to search for "chemistry" items and crafts within the craft/item filter. (Thanks Axxron, Scourge of the tts!)
  • Fixed lava not illuminating the caves if it was the first time you went down and saw lava.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would notify you of increasing health instead of decreasing after traveling.
  • Fixed languages not being added to the language dropdown if the options menu was opened, and then the language mod was enabled afterwards.
  • Fixed a memory error from adding too many lava/lighting tiles (through custom means/modifications).
  • Corrected the tailoring skill description by mentioning leather when it should not have. (Thanks Lyceq!)
  • Corrected a Steam bug that allowed non-Steam friends to join friend-only games.
  • Fixed some multiplayer desyncs.
  • Fixed some metal chests not requiring fire or anvils to craft.
  • Fixed a graphical issue on macOS where some icon animations were blurry.
  • Fixed the "Grasp" action reducing durability when nothing was available to grasp.
  • Fixed an issue where automatically enabling a language (through enabling a mod) did not save it as the language selected.
  • Fixed filled liquid containers and lit torches not using the proper skill when reinforcing them. (Thanks ghostyTrollcrow!)
  • Fixed a bug that produced low durability items that did not show their red border when gathering/harvesting from plants that were low durability.
  • Fixed corpses from named creatures not appearing in quotes.
  • Fixed legendaries with a chemistry skill bonus not working or displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where item quality benefits were not appearing for items that didn't have a skill associated with them.
  • Fixed a bug where you could dig close to both seawater and fresh water and produce water that did not contaminate. (Thanks PaladinQueen!)
  • Fixed an oversight that allowed dead trees to heal over time. (Thanks ladyimp!)
  • Fixed starvation not causing the hunger bar to shake.
  • Fixed an issue where you could lose a flooring or any "set down" item permanently when using it to "extinguish" an open fire.
  • Fixed an issue where checking/unchecking options did not update quick settings.
  • Fixed "Open Mods Folder" not opening the mods folder for users that didn't have a readme.txt.
  • Repeated disassembly and re-crafting of items will no longer scale the component's max durability with the new crafted item. (Thanks the rift!)
  • Fixed wooden poles and copper arrows not counting as flammable items.
  • Fixed named creature corpses not showing as their names if there was more than one of the same type on a tile.
  • Fixed not being able to change to a time before 7:30am on the first day (affected Debug Tools). (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed a bug that did not take into account stamina reduction for alternate creature carving skills such as botany or mining (for certain unique creatures).
  • Fixed grammar issues in messages and tooltips when multiple items were renamed the same thing and were placed on the same tile.
  • Fixed an issue where template spawning would leave tile events (honey fungus) attached to nothing.
  • Fixed save names that were too long pushing save buttons off of the button viewport.
  • Corrected a harvesting message typo.
  • Fixed shortcut actions (like using dig on a tree to gather) from doubling their delay.
  • Fixed "carve with tool" being an option when facing a creature inexplicably.
  • Fixed an issue where "Reload and Continue Game" did not save other player data in a multiplayer game.
  • Auto saves no longer happen while resting/sleeping (leading to some pauses/freezing after resting/sleeping). (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed a typo in doodad and creature rename interrupts.


  • Copper tools, equipment and weapons are now "cold worked/formed" and no longer require casting or fire (except for when repairing).
  • Decreased default claw worm spawn chances and increased the effectiveness of reputation on either reducing or increasing the chance.
  • Reduced the maximum durability limit on items, giving more incentive to craft higher tiered items at higher skill levels/qualities.
  • Reduced chance of crafting legendary items (based on recipe item quality), weighing it more on skill rather than items due to the inclusion of legendary ingredients.
  • The odds of less "useful" plants have been increased on world generation (including poison ivy, tumbleweeds, fly amanita).
  • Skill legendaries can now have higher skill values and may include decimal values.
  • Chickens will now spawn at positive reputation levels instead of negative ones.
  • Goats and slimes will now spawn with positive reputation.
  • Disassembling items will now incur a 25% durability penalty on all base components instead of 50%.
  • Decreased the chances of receiving same or higher quality items from plants with quality (especially at legendary levels).
  • Decreased all resistances of giant rats, giant spiders, claw worms, and zombies by 1-2 points.
  • Decreased the chances of spreading plants retaining their parent's quality slightly.
  • Nitre, coal and iron will now be rarer in comparison to the other ores and minerals.
  • Fishing rods, fishing nets, and all hoes now provide positive reputation on crafting.
  • Decreased effectiveness of reinforcing slightly (due to inclusion of animal glue).
  • Increased durability and defense for all metal items; however, also increased the attack for medium to high tiered creatures to compensate.
  • Collecting (or picking up) doodads that are on fire will now burn you if you are not using a tool.
  • The stone knife now requires a handle and string to craft, but has increased durability.
  • Stone spears no longer specifically require wooden poles (and can use bone poles instead).
  • Stone arrows now require intermediate skill level instead of advanced.
  • Trampling can now occur on all growing plants during the seedling through vegetative stages.
  • Decreased the rate of egg production on chickens.


  • Hooks are now registered via the @HookMethod decorator instead of a mod.json field.
  • Added an API to add custom stats.
  • Added an API to add new status effects.
  • Added modding support for tile events via addTileEvent.
  • You can now add custom corpses for creatures by adding another corpse description object to addCreature.
  • Added an optional hook priority system. Each hook can choose its priority relative to other mods that use the same hook.
  • game.isTileEmpty now takes an ITile. Added a game.isPositionEmpty to replace the old functionality.
  • Added modding support for overlays (sprite layer used for making walk to tile graphics).
  • Added an OnItemDamage hook.
  • Added a proper @returns to getTileLightLevel. (Thanks Amax!)
  • The return of most hooks is now type-checked, and invalid results are ignored.
  • Added support for adding custom NPCs.
  • Added a suite of NPC-based hooks.
  • The menu bar button mod support now requires a description object that supports custom icons, a tooltip, and an onActivate method. Removed the OnButtonBarClick hook.
  • Added a GetPlayerMovementIntent hook.
  • Added a usableWhenPaused property for actions.
  • Added a PreLoadWorldDifferences hook.
  • Added an OnItemQuickslot hook.
  • Removed the GetNextMusicTrack hook in favor of editing or creating a custom EnumCursor which can handle which music track to go to.
  • Removed the CanClientMove hook.
  • Logging now supports multiple sources. Mods now have their own loggers accessible with this.getLog().
  • Fixed getContainerReference not accepting the proper amount of arguments.


  • Improved the performance of inventory and crafting sorting/updating.
  • Added a new property limitFps, defaulted to monitor refresh rate in launch options. Can be raised or lowered for additional performance/power saving.
  • Screen and menu transitions should now be smoother.
  • An error will now be displayed when trying to import very old save games from the Steam Workshop (instead of simply not working).
  • Changed the text system to use a more powerful interpolator, allowing arguments, colored text, and more in the future.
  • Updated music to use Web Audio APIs. Music no longer has to be faded/muted on loading.
  • Added a new property disableVSync to disable VSync when set to true in launch options.
  • The stats system has been reworked. All humans and creatures now use the same system.
  • Refactored enum iteration to use functional programming techniques, drastically increased the speed/performance of getRandom and getLength.
  • Added a new angleBackend property in launch options that will switch the back-end renderer with the following options: "default", "d9", "d11", "software", "gl", "gles" for additional hardware debugging.
  • Updated Wayward to use Electron 2.0.2.
  • Updated Wayward to use TypeScript 2.9.1.
  • Invalid (nonexistent) hair and skin colors now still work in existing characters or worlds.
  • Rewrote the Stats UI to be generated on the fly based on the stats that exist on the player.
  • Console output can now be filtered by source when in developer mode.
  • Added a new error message for save loading failures.
  • NewUi Components can now have custom context menus.
  • Utilities are now separated into different files (and their own namespaces).
  • Added a new colorProfile property in launch options that will force a color profile for the game with the following values: "srgb" (default), "rgb", "gamma24", and "none".
  • Changed BindingManager to capture presses globally, not per screen, to simplify the code and make the behavior more consistent.
  • Refactored most of the NewUi to simplify it, preferring a functional programming style.
  • Tile events now supports a graphicVariation property like doodads and no longer require to spread with spreadMax property.
  • Added NewUi dialogs, to eventually replace all the old dialogs. They can snap together and they resize with the viewport. As of this update, only four dialogs are using it: Messages, Notes, Quick Settings, and Edit Filters (for Messages).
  • Added a way to use Random utility functions as non-seeded.
  • Added additional GPU logging when enabling additionalLogging in launch options.



  • Introducing TARS, a Wayward bot.

Debug Tools

  • Added a spawn NPC section.
  • Added a kill all NPCs button.
  • The default backslash bind will now work for international keyboards as well. (Thanks Bud!)
  • Fixed displaying modded things in dropdowns all lowercase and without spaces. For example, "glassbottlefilledwitharainbow".


  • All creatures now have corpses.

Alpha Tracks

  • Released a music mod, "Alpha Tracks" which adds two Wayward tracks used earlier in production.

Beta 2.5.7

February 19th, 2018


  • Length of rest/sleep is now negatively impacted when resting/sleeping on snow, shallow water, cooling lava, and swamp tiles.
  • Disabled some creatures from being able to "stumble" where it would not make sense. (Thanks Amax!)
  • You can no longer attempt to rest/sleep on lava or cave entrances.
  • Unknown items (items that were added from mods that are no longer loaded) will now have proper grammar usage of the "an" article.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an oversight that did not allow water levels to change when gathering from sea water tiles.
  • Removed auto container closing due to a item performance issue that results in lag, preventing container opening. (Thanks cff29546!)
  • Fixed an issue where no body of water was too big/deep to stop reduction of water levels when gathering water (should have been set at >= 50 connected tiles with bonuses for depth).
  • Fixed an issue where two hints happening one after another would pause the game indefinitely within real-time mode (until restart).
  • Fixed an oversight that resulted in binds being stuck when closing the Steam overlay while in-game. (Thanks STRIKER AWAKENING!)
  • Fixed a bug where the "Join Our Community" heading was grayed out within the about/news menu.
  • Fixed some sentence case/grammar issues.


  • Increased the default tick time/rate when playing multiplayer so creatures are a bit slower to attack/move. This can be changed at any time in the multiplayer menu.
  • Apple trees will now spawn with a variety of growth stages instead of only ripening on world generation.
  • Increased de-spawning rate slightly.
  • Harvesting or gathering from plants that cause status effects will now trigger those effects (poison ivy).
  • Increased chance of slime splitting slightly.


  • Added a GetAmbientColor hook.
  • Added a GetPlayerFieldOfViewRadius hook.
  • Added a GetTileLightLevel hook.


  • Updated Wayward to TypeScript 2.7.
  • Updated Wayward to Electron 1.8.2, improving performance and compatibility.



  • Improved naming/grammar of all items/doodads/tiles/actions.
  • Fixed an issue where rainbows or snowflakes did not spawn or drop and could not be used properly.

Debug Tools

  • Added a toggle lighting button.


  • Improved naming/grammar of items and actions.

Beta 2.5.6

February 4th, 2018


  • Reduced the delay when picking up items (and sped up the item notifier animation).
  • Added a loading animation before the splash/Unlok screen.
  • Corpses will now be named what they were while alive.
  • Slightly increased the player movement speed.


  • Added a customizable bind (defaulted to escape) that will allow you to unfocus the chat bar.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed moving into an open container not closing it (and producing a weird animation). (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed gravel piles being named compost piles when pluralized. (Thanks Mamapillar!)
  • Fixed some instances of menu elements being sorted visibly if loading the menus too fast after starting the game.
  • Fixed clicking mod options from mod menu not scrolling down to mod options section if you have never opened the options menu before. (Thanks Amax!
  • Fixed local modifications not detecting that they were loaded when loading a game. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed quickslot binds spamming themselves when held down if a specific action was selected for the slot. (Thanks KogasaGaSagasa!)
  • Fixed mods being initialized again after they are uninitialized when game is reloaded. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed an issue where quickslot numbers/assignments would stay attached to items in multiplayer when dropping them. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a visual glitch that kept highlighted items highlighted after crafting/dismantling until another item was hovered over.
  • Corrected dismantle highlights not highlighting damaged items with a special yellow selection border.
  • Fixed an issue where different torch types required different resources to be lit.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in custom player binds being reassigned to different binds when new binds were added to the game. (Thanks OnsenManju!)
  • Fixed audio sliders still being operable within the pause menu.


  • Heavily reduced chance to fail when planting seeds/mushrooms, and added a bonus to botany/mycology that will result in faster seed/spore germination time based on skill level.


  • Fixed the reference for canDoodadSpawn taking the wrong parameter type. (Thanks Amax!)


Debug Tools

  • Developer Tools has been renamed to "Debug Tools" to reduce confusion with native "developer tools" already within Wayward.

Beta 2.5.5

January 21st, 2018


  • Added a "Move (All) to Facing Container" selection to the item menu to match the previous drop to container functionality.
  • Added multiplayer compatibility to the Starter Quest.


  • Gathering will no longer result in a chance of 0 durability items placed on top of trees.
  • Added 11 new hotkeys and removed "Backspace" as the 13th hotkey, and instead added shift modifiers for hotkeys 13-24.
  • Improved the audio falloff so very distant sounds are no longer heard, making it easier to locate players in most instances.
  • The skeletal mage wand will now only attempt to teleport into open tiles (randomized). Previously it would fail if attempting to teleport into a blocked tile.
  • "Pick-up All" is now mentioned within the "Fast Pick-up" hint.
  • Renamed the "Milk" option to "Gather Milk".

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the game would endlessly attempt to sync when joining a multiplayer game through the Steam overlay. (Thanks Bruskedragon!)
  • Fixed an issue where players would stay connected to server indefinitely if they lost connection while playing (or their computer crashed). (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed save game mods importing themselves every time the title screen is shown.
  • Fixed a visual glitch that resulted in lit torches not showing the "ember" graphic when being placed down with under 200 decay. (Thanks the rift!)
  • Fixed a PVP-related multiplayer desync. (Thanks Kyun!)
  • Fixed tile events not having the proper sentence case in tooltips.
  • Fixed the "Pulchritudinous" milestone not triggering again when transmogrifying equipped items. (Thanks Maugrift!)
  • Fixed a bug where sliders (audio) could be interacted with while in-game when options were closed. (Thanks Snart!)
  • Corrected a couple grammar issues.


  • Reputation is no longer decreased when releasing tamed creatures. (Thanks Tribarrel!)
  • Decreased the chance of creatures breaking doodads/walls slightly.
  • Creatures will have a lower chance to wake players up from 2 tiles away.
  • Decreased the chance of waking up from wall/doodad breakage from further away.
  • Added a chance to remove a full water tile (even non-shallow water tiles) when drinking/gathering water (based on amount of connected water tiles).


  • Fixed some links that did not work within the modding guide.


  • Replaced game.getPlayerAtTile/Position with game.getPlayersAtTile/Position.

Beta 2.5.4

January 14th, 2017


  • Palm leaves are now considered tinder.
  • You can now once again remove quickslotted items by dragging and dropping from your quickslots (like prior to beta 2.5).
  • Mods now refresh when closing the Steam Overlay anywhere in the main menu. The "load game" menu now reloads the save list when mods are refreshed.
  • The item list for containers now displays in the correct sentence case (for both inspect messages and tooltips).
  • Removed the visual notifier for decayed lit torches, and removed references to "unequipping" them on decay.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed items breaking their quickslot assignment when they were automatically re-assigned when getting the item in your inventory again in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug that would result in hatching a chicken (and boiling the egg) when placing an egg on cooling lava. Yep. (Thanks holyshield!)
  • Fixed an issue where binds could get stuck pressed during an auto save.
  • Corrected a visual glitch when equipping the spyglass.
  • Fixed games not loading with custom skills (while skill window is set to auto open) after the mod has been disabled.
  • Fixed containers not closing on death. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed the auto save screen not staying up until the save had completed.
  • Fixed quick moving items (using the new bind) facing you into a certain direction.
  • Fixed an issue where using "Continue Game" did not warn about any missing mods you may have.
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow save game mods to be imported unless you loaded a game and then went back to the main menu.
  • Fixed multiple binds appearing as "OR bind OR bind"
  • Fixed audio fading in/out not being implemented correctly (leading to abrupt music stopping/starting) for some players in some instances.
  • Fixed a bug where hovering over a skill or milestone would flash and show "N/A" when passing a turn. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed inspect messages showing incorrect sentence cases doodads, creatures, and tile events.
  • Fixed incorrect pluralization on some items including "Pile of Sands". (Thanks the rift!)
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in lit doodads staying embers forever among other oddities. (Thanks MadMarcAgain!)
  • Fixed a visual glitch when gathering treasure on top of a cave entrance. (Thanks Tevervin!)
  • Fixed some grammar/wording issues within the Starter Quest.
  • Fixed various glitches when using actions by the world's edge.
  • Fixed incorrect graphics being visible when planting seeds on the world's edge. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed some grammar issues with damage types in combat messages.
  • Fixed recipes not unlocking if one of the components was quickslotted/equipped and protected crafting items was enabled. (Thanks DarkAcheron!)
  • Fixed rare instances of templates (walls/doors) appearing over cave entrances on world generation. (Thanks holyshield!)
  • Fixed the Starter Quest mod always showing as disabled when loading save games with it enabled. (Thanks Megan!)


  • Creatures can no longer become tamed with items that are not crafted by players (if the item can be crafted), fixing Hobgoblins being tame from their own traps. (Thanks jopi!)


  • Added a registerPacket method to BaseMod that allow mods to easily add new packets.


  • Fixed spawn coordinates not saving the "z" value on game reload. (Thanks Amax!)


Developer Tools

  • Fixed grasp and deliberate pick-up actions not working when noclipping.

Beta 2.5.3

January 6th, 2018


  • Single walls now show as full walls instead of as a post and improved tile-mapping for horizontal walling, closing large gaps when not connected to other walls.
  • All torch stands will now have unique graphics and proper weights/light levels that match their wooden pole/bark torch/animal fat torch counterparts.
  • Paddling (using the raft) will now check if there is water in front of you (and move you if so) instead of requiring you to be in water (potentially dousing torches).
  • Added an "Open Logs Folder" button to the developer section in options.
  • Collector and Explorer milestones no longer trigger for modded items.


  • Length of fire is now doubled across all sources.
  • Vampire bats and zombies will now be scared during daytime (while outside of caves).
  • Hostile creatures may now lose interest in attacking for a short time after killing an enemy/player.
  • Production of ash has been decreased slightly on lit doodads and torches.
  • Starting fire with lit torches now has a much higher success rate over other fire starting devices.
  • Pemmican will now reduce more thirst (-2 to -3); however, prepared pemmican will reduce less thirst (-2 to -1).
  • Trap door spiders will now be revealed when attacking them (even when missing).


  • The game now becomes paused when the game's GL context is lost (for whatever reason).
  • Re-implemented "zoomFactor" within launch_options.json so players can enable UI scaling in-game as a workaround, since the new interface scale doesn't effect in-game UI.
  • Added option to force WebGL 1/2 in launch_options.json.
  • Networking has been rewritten to allow a fallback to WebSockets in the case where WebRTC fails to connect for some players. This is done through port 38740.


  • Added a new clay house to desert template spawns.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where you could still try to quickslot items with a full quickslot bar, causing multiple issues. (Thanks jc_rabbit!)
  • Fixed a bug where you could not move the exact weight limit of items to a container using the "move all" selection. (Thanks Stungun!)
  • Fixed "Join Game" not showing the character select screen when used while the game is not running.
  • Fixed quickslots becoming stuck performing actions while holding them down when a hint or confirmation screen came up.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring GL context for WebGL 1 was not working correctly. (Thanks Tuche!)
  • Fixed unknown items (from unloaded mods) from not showing up in tooltips.
  • Fixed the multiplayer button in the pause menu sometimes not appearing.
  • Fixed the idle bind becoming stuck idling while holding it down when a hint or confirmation screen came up.
  • Fixed a weight issue with message in a bottles weighing more when unpacked (depending on item given). (Thanks mikehail!)
  • Fixed an issue where you could potentially corrupt save games by clicking while loading after using the "Reload and Continue Game" to load games multiple times.
  • Corrected some grammar issues.


  • Fixed several language bugs including interrupt choices and doodad quality not being translatable. (Thanks holyshield!)
  • Updated some outdated references in the modding guide. (Thanks ninjanomnom!)
  • Updated the Hello World mod and modding guide with the changes presented in beta 2.5.


Developer Tools

  • You can now set your weight bonus (increase/decrease weight capacity without modifying strength).
  • Added a "Reset WebGL" button.

Pirate Language

  • Fixed the language appearing as "English".

Beta 2.5.2

December 29th, 2017


  • Water is now ready to gather from lit stills when the fire reduces to embers.
  • Mods are now no longer automatically enabled unless you subscribe to them while in-game.
  • You can now place flooring beside walls/doors/gates/fences without having to pick them up first.
  • Game saves will now show which mods are running once again via their tooltip.
  • Mod descriptions are once again shown in mod tooltips.
  • Updated some hints with new information.
  • Added a +load "game name" argument for dedicated servers to automatically load a save on startup.
  • Filtering items will now show matches for dismantled item names.


  • The starter quest is now translatable in other languages.
  • Added a gardening hint, explaining the different growth stages and gathering/harvesting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed modded hairstyles not loading correctly in Character menus on most machines.
  • Fixed being unable to disable locally installed mods when the same mod was installed via Steam Workshop.
  • Corrected an issue that corrupted the lit water still graphic when reducing to embers after pouring water on it. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed facing another direction closing the action menu (reverting to previous functionality).
  • Fixed the "Load Game" menu not confirming if you want to load a save with missing mods.
  • Fixed mods being visually enabled (checked) even if they are were compatible.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when removing the last character from the Character Selection screen, causing the menu to become empty.
  • Fixed map memory (exploration area) being lost sometimes when hosting using a dedicated server. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed button bar keybind tooltips not refreshing after being rebound.
  • Fixed an issue where a translation of a bind resulted in an error.
  • Fixed an issue where some crafted items (fishing rod for example) were being regenerated on game reload due to incorrect disassembly items being attached to it.
  • Fixed an issue that cancelled the sleeping/rest screen when an autosave happened.
  • Fixed being able to throw/shoot/fire past a closed doors and walls.
  • Fixed dismantle weights being impossibly low for the minimum weight for ornate blue books.
  • Added a flammable property to items so that fire cannot spread to nonflammable items. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed being able to enable a mod if the the dependency is was not compatible. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed the inability to join a multiplayer game if you clicked "Join Game" before the main menu loaded.
  • Fixed some quick setting options from overlapping into each other.
  • Fixed improper grammar with the solar still description. (Thanks Gtd!)
  • Fixed the formatting of the missing mod message when joining a server without the proper mods.
  • Fixed some keys not being bindable.


  • When water routing with digging, shallow, medium and deep water tiles are now treated differently, increasing chances of routing the deeper it gets.
  • Removed the restriction of needing at least five connected water tiles to dig/route from; however, the less water tiles that are connected, the more rare it will be to route.


  • Removed method definitions for a few mouse-related hooks superseded in beta 2.5.
  • Removed inaccurate section about mod reloading in Modding Guide.
  • Fixed/improved a few JSDoc comments related to hooks and bindings.


  • Wayward has been updated to Electron 1.7.10, possibly fixing some rendering issues on macOS.
  • Removed old or unused messages in translation (English) files.
  • Added a bind for reloading and continuing the most recent game, when in developer mode.
  • Fixed player's weightBonus not being accessible (again).



  • Corrected a bug that was not showing the equipped argus item.

Beta 2.5.1

December 25th, 2017


  • Item quality and skill bonuses are now applied when healing creatures.
  • Healing amount is now listed for creature healing in item tooltips.
  • Fire overflowing (caused from over-stoking a fire) can now spread to nonflammable tiles (except for water) with flammable items on it.
  • Over-stoking open fires can now overflow fire on to adjacent tiles mirroring the functionality of doodads.
  • Smooth rocks can now be dismantled into stones.
  • Added dedicated server command line option, "hardwareAcceleration" to control hardware acceleration.
  • Lit doodads will now always be greater than any open fire that exists on top of it (due to over-stoking, items, etc.).
  • Fixed up some padding and widths on various UI elements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs caused by leaving the skills window open.
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync caused by sorting items.
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync caused by quick slotting items.
  • Prevented a bug that caused doodads to disappear when a lava beetle spit lava under it.
  • Fixed an issue where stones from piles of rocks were too heavy. (Thanks black silence!)
  • Fixed an issue where bundles of switchgrass and bushels of wheat could have too low of weight when dismantled. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Corrected a hard limit that corrupted game saving/loading when changing the world too much (and possibly other causes).
  • Fixed items not burning when a lava beetle spit lava underneath them.
  • Fixed the OnTileUpdate hook not being called when players join a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed the "failed to load required mods" multiplayer message not always showing the mods that failed to load.
  • Fixed up a couple grammar mistakes.


  • Overflowing fire can now spread to tiles with creatures on them.
  • Balanced desert oases by adding more varied tree growth states (less mature trees) and more grass.


  • Fixed "TooltipLocation.BottomLeft" and "TooltipLocation.BottomRight" not positioning tooltips correctly. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed "CheckButton.getText" and "CheckButton.setText" not using the correct text. (Thanks Amax!)



  • Fixed a bug that did not update your crafts and weight on respawning. (Thanks Amax!)

Beta 2.5 "Kinship"

December 22nd, 2017


  • Added a multiplayer mode with casual/hardcore difficulty settings and a PVP option.
  • You can now milk tamed goats. Your taming skill will reduce the amount happiness your goat will lose when being milked.
  • Added new binds for moving towards the mouse, facing towards the mouse, facing directionals, toggling an item in a quickslot, clearing an item from its quickslot, moving an item, toggling an item as equipment, toggling screenshot mode, and showing more information in tooltips.
  • Controlled fires (campfires, furnaces, etc.) will now last longer as they will eventually reduce to embers that can be re-stoked for normal functionality.
  • Added a new ore type, along with all the craftable tools, armors and weapons associated with it.
  • Added new buttons in Options for removing save games, highscores, milestones, characters, resetting unlocked crafting recipes, resetting all bindings to defaults, and resetting options to defaults.
  • There are now 20 saves slots.
  • You can now hold down shift (rebindable) to turn directions without moving.
  • "Protected Crafting Items" will now work for dismantling as well, and will no longer display protected items within the listing.
  • New aesthetically consistent pixelized cover screens have replaced the old artwork.
  • Added cooling lava and obsidian tiles (with a new resource and new functionality).
  • Added many new items including some rare items, lore-related items and added all types of mortars and pestles.
  • Added a "Quick Settings" menu for quickly accessing commonly changed gameplay settings.
  • Uploading save games will now automatically create thumbnails based on an automatic screenshot of the last in-game view.
  • Creatures will now take offerings from the ground and become tamed.
  • Added a new option that will add a confirmation dialog when using an item that is about to break.
  • Water stills will now show their container is full when gathering is available.
  • Added the "slithersucker". What could it be?
  • Added a new mohawk hairstyle.
  • Added a "pause menu" when in game which pauses single-player games in real-time turn mode. From it you may continue the game, return to the main menu, view the game options, and view multiplayer options for your world.
  • Add two new milestones, "Weathered", and "Seasoned".
  • Skill hovers now reveal which stats each skill can increase.
  • Added a new loot group for high level monsters that contains better loot (for their level).
  • Added a starter quest that teaches the mechanics of left/right hand use.
  • Arrows are now crafted with arrow shafts (making them lighter overall).
  • Added a menu for viewing Steam news in-game.
  • Bonuses are now granted for exceptional and remarkable items for stoking fire.
  • Added a new menu that automatically saves previous characters you've used, to use again or create new characters from.
  • Added location-based damage from burning sources. Feet and hand armor will now be used exclusively for certain fire sources.
  • Added "quickmove" binds to replace dropping into containers. You may quickmove items into a container you are facing, or quickmove items into the open container dialog.
  • The character creator now requires characters to have names (with random default era-accurate names). The characters' names now appear in the highscores list.
  • Added ability to copy text in opened messages dialog.
  • Added a resistance/vulnerability output for creatures with accuracy based on anatomy skill.
  • Added bind support for navigating around the game's menus.


  • Redesigned all menus, ranging from the save game screen, to the options screen, to interrupting screens such as loading, confirm, or input screens.
  • Improved the look of wooden doors and tilemapping on all walls.
  • Updated the controls system to allow multiple binds on the same bindable action, more press types (mouse left, right, middle, scroll up and down, etc), and ctrl, alt, shift modifiers along with any press.
  • Aberrants no longer scale based on tactics/parrying bonuses from legendary items. (Thanks holyshield!)
  • Additional requirements are now specified in the item tooltips for disassembly.
  • Moved game options to a new menu with all the different game modes present when starting a new game, including a new turn-based/real-time options.
  • Tamed or named creatures no longer despawn. (Thanks Megan!)
  • You can now use a custom character in the daily challenge.
  • Added a randomize button to the character creation menu.
  • Legendary items will no longer prevent skill gain (or effect skill gain chances) if your skill goes over 100%.
  • Creatures will now try to move out of open fires.
  • Particle speed and decay is no longer based on framerate, which caused variability of speed on some machines.
  • Walls will now count as obstacles for ranged attacks.
  • Daily challenge highscores now list the daily challenge date in their name.
  • Added sort options for save slots.
  • Added sort options for mods.
  • Added support for enabling/disabling different types of tooltips. Added an option to show tooltips for terrain.
  • Creatures will now pathfind further distances.
  • Lighting fires with a torch no longer uses decay.
  • Added team artwork to the about menu.
  • Dropping an item now always drops the item. There are three settings for drop location: "Drop on Facing Tile", "Drop At Feet", and "Drop At Feet When Facing Tile is Blocked".
  • When being damaged by a creature while sleeping/resting, it is no longer considered persisting pain. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Messages in a bottle now have a chance to drop paper (and less of a chance to drop refined sand).
  • Added sort options for highscores.
  • Saves by default now export with their name in the filename.
  • A confirmation screen will now appear when walking over traps if the warn on dangerous action is enabled.
  • Added new binds for zooming in and out.
  • Condensed messages when picking up all items in a stack.
  • Added highscore places to highscores menu.
  • Added binds for toggling developer mode, reloading the game, and toggling developer tools.
  • Animal skulls can now be dismantled into bone fragments.
  • Tilling or digging grass will now raise gardening instead of mining. (Thanks Aurion!)
  • Items will now be checked that their disassembly items match a known recipe (so old items will transfer over to updated/new recipes from old saves).
  • You are no longer able to water route directly from grass or other flooring tiles. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • You will no longer receive hand damage when using hand armor/protection when gathering, digging, etc.
  • Blood will no longer be able to be placed on the same tile as other blood and will attempt to be placed at an adjacent tile.
  • Plants will now produce damaged gatherables when being damaged (through trample/fire/throwing).
  • You will no longer receive a fire warning when moving into a doodad that is on fire if auto gather is disabled.
  • When digging cave entrances, tiles and flooring on the other side now get dropped as items (instead of disappearing). (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Added tabs to the options menu and reorganized the options.
  • Fire elementals now have their own loot group of items.
  • Delays of actions and quickslot usages are now consistent, speeding up many quickslot actions.
  • Separated the title menu bind and the bind to close all dialogs.
  • Clicking on a menu title now scrolls to the top of the menu.
  • Added some missing tools to loot groups and potential starting items.
  • Added plant roots to wheat gathering to be consistent with other plants. (Thanks Megan!)
  • The mortar and pestle you must create in the Starter Quest can now be either stone, sandstone or wood.
  • Action and item menus are now hidden when going into options/help/rename/confirmation screens.
  • Creatures that can spawn after the decay or durability has reached 0 on some items will now attempt to find any adjacent tile, instead of just a random one.
  • Lava can now randomly turn to cooled lava (instead of ash previously). You will also now receive obsidian instead of ash on gather.
  • You can now pour out liquids into lava to cool or harden it.
  • Changed interface scaling to be at specific multipliers, and locked the upscaling maximum to what can fit on the screen.
  • Protected items using the "Protected Crafting Items" option will now be displayed within the item tooltip.
  • Fire elemental corpses are now animated.
  • The resource gathering hint will now only show for mature trees and rocks/sandstone.
  • You can now gather from growing (normal) grass.
  • Gathering and harvesting from damaged plants will now produce damaged items.
  • Skullcaps now require a hammer to craft (instead of a rock).
  • Inksticks now use carbon powder for their recipe.
  • Corpse tooltips are now condensed by grouping and count.
  • Added a binding for displaying more information within item tooltips, defaulting to Shift.
  • Chives can now be harvested for seeds during the ripening stage and gathered during the budding stage.
  • Ranged attacks on to doodads will now damage them.
  • Aberrant slimes will now split into other aberrant slimes 100% of the time. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Modified creature health messages to refrain from using words like "healthy" to prevent things like "healthy zombies".
  • Plants now have a chance to spread their quality on to their children plants.
  • You no longer require a set amount of food or water when travelling; however, you will use them as needed and may begin to starve and dehydrate if you do not have enough.
  • Anatomy revealed health messages for creatures now uses different language for low and moderate accuracy with verbiage such as "appears" and "seems".
  • Increased the spreading factor of normal grass by large amount. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • The "offer" action is no longer context sensitive and can be assigned without a facing a creature.
  • Fixed a white box that appeared briefly when loading Wayward.
  • Added messages for enabling/disabling hand usage.
  • The Starter Quest now asks for either stone or sandstone campfires and water still resources and crafting (instead of forcing stone).
  • You can now "win" or complete the game multiple times and record the highscore, it will no longer simply return you to the main menu.
  • Fixed up some confusing wording in the Starter Quest concerning building doodads, clicking items, and skewer use.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where toggling left or right hands with the keybinds would not effect your hand usage when the equipment window was closed.
  • Fixed a bug that was not applying bonus decay based on skill and quality to crafted items with decay.
  • Fixed an issue where the selected quick slot action did not keep a checkmark beside it when re-opening the item's menu. (Thanks Brad!)
  • Dead trees can no longer be fertile. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a bug where creatures would prefer going either left or right all the time.
  • Fixed mod customizations changing when exporting/importing characters or saves between installations where customization mods were installed in a different order.
  • Fixed an issue where some items could have their disassembly recipe broken, leading to not being able to disassemble them. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Added in a fix and possible prevention for a bug that would corrupt the inventory of a player in rare instances. (Thanks Aurion!)
  • Fixed an issue where harvesting and gathering did not reveal hidden creatures.
  • Fixed the over-eating/hydration messages not showing the correct values. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a bug where the trapping creature chance worked in reverse of skill gain. Yikes. (Thanks holyshield!)
  • Fixed a bug where destroying a plant while it was fire would not burn you.
  • Fixed doodad disassembly data not getting saved when building/picking them back up. (Thanks RawCode!)
  • Fixed a bug where desert oases did not spawn any coconut trees around them.
  • Respawning will now reset trapped status so one movement is no longer cancelled after dying from a trap.
  • Added a fix that will verify item orders to prevent item corruption/duplication. (Thanks Onkel Herrmann!)
  • Fixed another issue where lit/animated doodads would sometimes show incorrect graphics (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue where players would appear to be walking on water when spawning on top of water (in casual mode).
  • Fixed an issue where world tooltips were not refreshing when idling. (Thanks Lyceq!)
  • Fixed boglings becoming untamed instantly after offering them accepted items. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed an oversight that set the Lava Beetle Helmet as 0.1 weight. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Rabbits will now accept carrots, apples, lettuce and pineapples. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue where old maps could be used in new worlds.
  • Fixed multiple "The fire around you is warm and comforting." messages from appearing when sleeping next to multiple fire sources. (Thanks tim!)
  • Fixed an issue where cods and blindfish would attempt to attack other creatures when tamed without any result. They no longer try to defend you. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed flying creatures not appearing above trees when flying over them.
  • Fixed a graphic issue with the dreads hairstyle while swimming.
  • Fixed an incorrect message appearing when attempting to pack dirt. (Thanks tim!)
  • Fixed an issue where weight was not being saved when picking up doodads that were built/placed. (Thanks Megan!)
  • The stone anvil now uses stonecrafting and the iron anvil now uses blacksmithing. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed several cases on incorrect character cases in messages.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed aberrant creatures to drop "Unknown" items. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Prevented the "Talented" milestone from showing with more than 1 decimal place.
  • Fixed many grammatical issues.
  • Fixed an oversight that allowed you to gather water underneath a creature or a pile of items. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed the honey fungus description from being uncapitalized in the tooltip.
  • Fixed the message text being red when healing tamed creatures. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed a bug that revealed trapdoor spiders via tooltips when they were on top of a doodad or item. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed an incorrect particle color that was set for grass.
  • Fixed an issue where some world generation templates would spawn growing doodads over top of improper tile types.
  • Fixed a bug that granted full parry defense even when not duel wielding.
  • Fixed a bug that would produce a randomized legendary property on torches when picking them up from being built. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed another issue regarding milestones not updating when transmogrifying while equipped. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an old bug that prevented flying creatures from spawning on top of doodads that blocked normal movement. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed an issue where extinguishing a fire on top of a lit doodad that contained items on the tile would not actually extinguish it. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed a bug that did not update the game properly when extinguishing fires on top of fully grown plants or full water stills.
  • Fixed the raft not producing any particles when paddling.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from lighting a pile of 12 items on fire. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue where the message dialog (when expanded) could freeze item moving, causing item ghosting/duping.
  • Fixed an oversight that caused trees not to count as obstacles for ranged attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where drawn maps (that dropped as loot or created internally) were not being created with map information. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed a bug that was not giving the correct chance for giving quality items from harvesting/gathering.
  • Fixed the "Navigator" and "Seafarer" milestones from not triggering. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed a bug where tamed creatures could attack you and be unreleasable when reloading a game. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue where using a quickslot hotkey would not trigger gathering confirmation dialogs (for gathering while on fire/destroying the plant).
  • Fixed a bug that did not produce particles or sound effects across world borders. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a bug that was using mining skill to dictate tilling chance of success.
  • Fixed an issue where dialog windows would clamp to your resolution incorrectly on the height axis. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed various typos.
  • Fixed a bug where your crafts were not updated when breaking an item from attacking.
  • Fixed an issue that did not allow ponds or desert templates from spawning on world generation.
  • Fixed a bug that showed the gathering while on fire message when moving into a tree that was not grown yet and other edge cases.
  • Fixed a bug that caused gathering at map edges to not damage the terrain.
  • Fixed errors occurring when dying after consuming an item.


  • Reduced the weight of branches, wooden poles and wooden dowels.
  • The chance of claw worm spawning is now based on player's reputation and has been decreased near the 0 reputation mark as a result.
  • Slings and bows now require two hands to fire/shoot.
  • Offering items to aberrant creatures can now fail (based on skill).
  • Increased minimum stone arrowhead weight (to be more inline with iron/wrought iron arrowhead weights).
  • Arrows now use cordage (instead of a full string), reducing their maximum weight.
  • Increased the damage of most melee weapons.
  • When using lava/cooling lava, it now has a chance to cool down or spread fire around.
  • Slightly decreased damage benefit from tactics.
  • Reduced the damage of all arrows and bullets due to new skill damage increase.
  • Added a rare chance for quality of gathered/harvested resources to be one quality above what the plant was.
  • Trees will no longer alter their gathering drops based on quality. Other quality benefits will still apply.
  • Reduced aberrant damage slightly.
  • Increased base gathering success chances moderately.
  • Reduced the maximum fuel that can be placed on to torches.
  • You can no longer gather wheat fully while it is flowering. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • The sand cast flask (and talcum) is now used specifically for metal items that would typically require a cast to create them. This also applies to wrought iron items now.
  • Player armor resistances are now scaled with increased aberrant damage, meaning less damage will be taken with resistant armors. The same is also applied for vulnerabilities in reverse.
  • Cods and blindfish now accept insect items as offering, but are harder to tame naturally.
  • Increased the health of bears, sharks, grey wolves and sandcats slightly.
  • Increased damage benefit from archery/throwing skills (on top of tactics).
  • Reduced the damage of all pickaxes and hoes.
  • Increased lava spawns within caves.
  • Hobgoblin traps now do significantly more damage.
  • Destroying a plant when gathering with a tool will now damage the tool.
  • Reduced the amount of iron per tile slightly.
  • Raspberries now quench 1 thirst.
  • You will no longer receive parrying skill bonuses while not dual wielding.
  • Equipping two held items will now always add at least one defense from parrying.
  • Reduced chance of getting plant roots from grass tiles, and increased chance for grass to turn to dirt when gathering seeds.
  • More limestone will drop from each tile (up from 2 to 4).
  • Trap damage can now be negated by base/blunt defense. The skill damage reduction has been slightly lowered due to this.


  • Added a mod options button that appears for enabled mods, when that mod provides options.
  • Modification of weightBonus is now available via localPlayer.weightBonus.
  • Added PreExecuteAction and PostExecuteAction hooks.
  • Added OnPlayerJoin and OnPlayerLeave hooks.
  • Item quality, resistances, and vulnerabilities are now translatable.
  • Added an OnMoveComplete hook.
  • Fixed the character creation menu not respecting imageOverrides.
  • Added a PreExecuteCommand hook.
  • The game version is now translatable.
  • Keystrokes (for bindings) are now translatable.
  • Added "CommandManager", allowing mods to create custom chat commands.
  • Added method of loading additional mods when playing in browser mode through a "wayward.mods" localStorage property. Specify a comma delimited list of mods to load.
  • Added an OnTileUpdate hook.
  • Added CanPickupDoodad and OnPickupDoodad hooks.
  • Mods can now only be enabled/disabled if all dependencies/dependents are also enabled/disabled. The game now prompts for if you want to enable/disable them automatically.
  • Added hooks for getWeightStatus and getWeightMovementPenalty.
  • mod.json is no longer updated if the publish file id is already correct.
  • Added a "multiplayerClientside" property for allowing mods to load in multiplayer that only effect client.
  • Fixed some improper/outdated documentation for functions in the modding guide. (Thanks Amax!) (Thanks tim!)
  • Cache busting is now disabled when running Wayward in Electron (so Chromium Developer Tools changes are kept). (Thanks Amax!)
  • Added CanDoodadSpawn and OnDoodadSpawn hooks.
  • Added a new hook "OnUninitialized" to be called after a mod has completely unloaded.
  • Added a Wayward++ navigation class to take advantage of near native speed for path-finding.
  • Mod references will now be automatically published each night for the development branch via Github.


  • Updated Wayward to use TypeScript 2.6.
  • Updated Wayward to use Electron 1.7.9.
  • Wayward will now automatically restore WebGL context when lost (due to crash).
  • Fixed slowed performance of tamed creature pathing to enemies.
  • Log files now show log source names instead of source ids.
  • Changed callback functions around the codebase to promise functions.
  • Changed "Developer Logging" to "Developer Mode", and added "Original Version" to save tooltips when in developer mode.
  • Added support for corpse animations.



  • Players can no longer reincarnate into water or deep water.
  • Skills and stats are now randomized a bit on reincarnation.

Ridiculous Hairdos

  • Added two new hairdos and a few new hair colors and skin tones.

Developer Tools

  • Converted all tools to use the action system (for multiplayer compatibility).
  • You will no longer take damage or have a warning prompt when no-clipping over dangerous tiles.
  • Added an "Open Dialog on Load" option.
  • Tiles that cannot normally be tilled will no longer receive a tilled status (causing graphical issues).
  • Added a teleport to host button (for multiplayer).
  • Added a /refresh chat command to refresh stats.
  • Added a particle spawner.
  • Removed the invalid "None" item.
  • Added a tame creature button.
  • Added a reputation slider.

Beta 2.4.4

August 27th, 2017


  • Dying in casual mode will now log information on how you died.
  • When dying in casual mode, it will no longer mention unequipping items.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a regression where a single requirement was unlocking recipes.
  • You no longer will get a warning confirmation when attacking a creature that is on a dangerous doodad/tile/fire. (Thanks Megan!)
  • Fixed an issue where the death sound effect would not play all the time when dying in casual mode.


  • Removed some outdated references included within mod references.

Beta 2.4.3

August 26th, 2017


  • When starting fires with torches, you can now either have a kindling item or a fuel item (preference goes to kindling).
  • You can now attempt to gather from more stages on all plants. You can now also intentionally destroy plants while they are growing (with confirmation).
  • Most plants now have many more resources from gathering including leaves and plant roots from most stages on most plants adding more distinction from harvest/gather.
  • When renamed items appear in messages/tooltips, they will now have their proper character case and quotes surrounding them. (Thanks Xech!)
  • Improved the growing grass graphic. It now also has all the normal growing plant stages.
  • If you rub an orb and it would have no effect, it not longer consumes itself. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Drink is no longer the first option for seawater within the item menu.
  • Added the ability to rename all doodads.
  • Added less confusing text when harvesting a plant that can only be gathered.
  • Fixed up some improper message types being applied to certain messages.
  • You can now pour medicinal water on yourself. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Improved the "bouncy" hair style graphic.
  • Added less confusing planting messages when the tile was not suitable or if something was in the way.
  • Increased line-height on tooltip titles for added padding on long titles.
  • Changed the order of benignity/malignity in the reputation tooltip. Game changer!


  • Dying with negative reputation now increases benignity, dying with positive reputation now increases malignity (in casual mode).
  • Increased gardening reputation, but removed the reputation (and skill) gain when packing dirt (untilling).
  • Reduced the chances of gathering fruits/seeds slightly from trees when fully ripened. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Removed anatomy bonuses from receiving status effects (poison/bleeding) from doodads. This bonus will now only apply to creatures/combat.
  • Anatomy now also effects chance to get burned (like poisoned/bleeding) from creatures.
  • Aberrant creatures now have double the chance to cause status effects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that may have lead to corrupt save games due to item ordering. (Thanks Onkel Herrmann!)
  • Fixed a undiscovered bug that would reset/change tiles around templates (spawned houses, ponds, lava) when reloading the save. (Thanks amul!)
  • Fixed a message that showed traps doing "0" damage to creatures.
  • Fixed an incorrect tree hitting sound effect triggering while gathering non-tree plants.
  • Fixed a bug that unselected game option buttons (visually) when hovering over game options with tooltips.
  • Particles that trigger when walking on water no longer get triggered on the last tile, but will now trigger on the tile moved to.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with flooring that would clip outside of walls on the corners of houses.
  • Fixed some cases where item order did not unlock certain recipes. (Thanks Rivet!)

Beta 2.4.2

August 19th, 2017


  • Maple, spruce, and cypress trees will now cycle back to budding stage when reaching their final maturity.
  • Attempting creature taming will now give reputation.
  • You can no longer trample germinating plants.
  • Improved consistency of many doodad particle colors, including adding support for different colors based on growth stages.
  • Increased the color range of particles and slowed down their decay speed slightly.


  • You can now attempt to drop items on the same tile as a creature.
  • Added a thirteenth keybind as backspace by default.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that made tamed creatures produce blood and particle effects even when they had not caused damage to their target.
  • Fixed a bug where digging up certain tiles could duplicate items received from them (like cobblestone for example). (Thanks evildagmar!)
  • Fixed an issue where water stills from older saves could get into a corrupted state. (Thanks Dynaflame!)
  • Fixed a line of sight issue that would give full line of sight past a fire event/doodad when using a spyglass. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue where animal taming done through offering was not giving any reputation. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed fire spreading to water tiles with items on it. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed the "Offer" action not being available when the creature was on top of a doodad. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed a bug that would cancel the sleeping overlay/screen if using a quickslot to sleep/rest before the screen ended its fade out event.
  • Fixed a bug where collected doodads did not retain their name. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed vampire bats and zombies despawning in caves during daytime incorrectly.
  • Generated houses and other templates will no longer be spawned over cave entrances/exits. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed some item borders getting cropped off within the equipment window. (Thanks Xech!)
  • Fixed an oversight that would show a item notifier above the player when dropping a lit torch.
  • Fixed a bug that was not counting items that were equipped and altered towards equipment milestones. (Thanks Xech!)


  • Reputation loss now only occurs when tamed creatures actually hurt other creatures (unlike before where it happened whether they caused damage or not). (Thanks sechsauge!)

Beta 2.4.1

August 14th, 2017


  • Fires can now spread on to non-flammable tiles when there are flammable items on it.
  • Spawned doodads (on world generation or through spreading) will now gain durability based on their quality.
  • You no longer have to be facing a fire to gain sleep benefits from it. All adjacent tiles are now checked.
  • You can no longer craft pile of ashes from charcoal. As if you ever wanted to! (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Mushrooms can now spread or grow on top of wooden flooring.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed doodads spawning with a random quality but never showing what it was until picked up/gathered. Fix will only effect new worlds. (Thanks Momop!)
  • Fixed an issue where you could not upload game saves to the Steam Workshop. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed a brief flash of black when moving across the edge of the world.
  • Fixed errors when opening the New/Join Game menus, after disabling a mod that adds skin or hair colors.


  • There is no longer a 100% chance of returning quality items based on the doodad when gathering/harvesting - it is now varied based on the skill used to gather/harvest it.
  • Time skitters now have vulnerability to blunt damage.
  • Skeletal remains will now spawn within caves on world generation.
  • Increased corpse decay times and modified many based on their size/type.
  • Added one point of hydration (-thirst) to apples, but removed one point of satiation (-hunger).
  • Increased hunger timer speed slightly (won't effect old saves).
  • Decreased hand drill durability, but increased both fire plough and bow drill durability.



  • Fixed an issue where your field of vision was not updated when reincarnating if you were moving/attacking.

Beta 2.4 "Cultivate"

August 12th, 2017


  • Added over 25 new items, mostly new fruits, vegetables, seeds, and plant resources.
  • Added a new harvesting action that gathers fruits/vegetables/resources from plants without destroying them (like gathering does).
  • Added a non-permadeath casual mode.
  • There is now a 6-7 stage growing cycle for all plant life (including trees) with unique graphics for all stages of development.
  • Added four new types of trees that feature new spawn locations and biomes. Trees with berries/vines/fungus have been converted to apple/cypress/spruce trees on older saves.
  • Added a new "Direction Turn Delay" option.
  • New games will now use window positions, sizes and opened status from the last save you played in (or died in).
  • Added a new gardening skill for tilling, watering, and fertile soil/compost/fertilizer crafting.
  • Added new "kindling" group that allows use for twigs, tree bark, or new wooden dowels.
  • Added dismantle item images in item tooltips.
  • Wooden shavings are now dismantled from twigs or wooden dowels (instead of crafted directly from twigs).
  • Trees are now considered "doodads" and will feature a growth/life cycle similar to all plants.
  • Added "wooden dowels", dismantled from wooden poles and used as kindling or as hinges in woodworking recipes.
  • Added a new long style haircut.
  • Fire starting requirements now check the tile you are starting a fire on instead of specifically needing the materials in your inventory to start it.
  • Added two new milestones: "Boundless" and "Talented".
  • Skill reputation impact is now listed in skill tooltips.
  • Added a forceWaveAudio launch option for sound debugging (if audio in-game is not working for you).
  • Added the lively, yet hardy goat creature.
  • Traps will now pause creatures or you for a turn when doing damage.
  • Tree fungus (now honey fungus) exists on top of trees and can spread to some surrounding trees. It can also be harvested directly.
  • You can now rename tamed creatures.
  • Item quality now adds bonuses for consumables.
  • The stat effects for consumables are now revealed in item tool-tips (if you have used them before).


  • Turning is no longer delayed in the same fashion as actual movement, allowing you to turn more responsively, but delay your movement as much as you want (using the new Direction Turn Delay option).
  • Performance across the board has been improved, and CPU usage has been decreased.
  • Decreased first game loading times by a few seconds, possibly more on lower-end machines.
  • Added damage types to all non-blunt items so that throwing things like sharp rocks will now count as slashing/piercing and bone fragments as piercing for example.
  • The damage from traps is now revealed in their messages.
  • Transmogrification no longer reduces the item's maximum durability. (Thanks Skarn22!)
  • All plants have been renamed to their real-life counterparts and produce more realistic resources.
  • There is now a growing/decay variation present on corpses, doodads (plants) and tile events (fire).
  • Trap door spiders will no longer move on top of water.
  • Creatures will no longer get stuck behind doodads and fire that would otherwise block their movement.
  • Fertile soil will now provide growth speed bonuses on anything planted on top of it. Plants will also have more fertility (can propagate) during their last growth stage if planted on it.
  • Fixed some landmass distortion near the borders of the world's edge in world generation.
  • Dismantle/disassembly requirements now show in red if you do not have them.
  • Item weight checks are now applied to disassembly item data as well, fixing some issues where disassembling old items would result in more/less weight than original item.
  • You can now drop items on top of traps; however, it will set them off. Throwing items on top of traps will also set them off.
  • Creature health messages now reveal how your anatomy skill is effecting the analysis of their health.
  • The death message for dying by consuming an item now reveals which item it was.
  • You no longer "attempt" to drop multiple items when the attempt was successful. (Thanks cxkis!)
  • Added highlight effects as warning for encumbered/overweight statuses, parrying bonuses changes, and legendary equipment bonuses.
  • You can now gather and harvest while resources are on fire (however, it will warn and burn you).
  • Wooden poles can now be built into torch stands directly.
  • Floors will no longer clip through the end of walls, causing a visual glitch.
  • Reduced movement speeds will now appear less choppy visually.
  • Improved item border design by making them a bit more subtle with a glow and making them bit/pixel depth accurate.
  • Added message feedback for when you are attempting to do actions too quickly (through the action/item menu). (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Grass blades are now "hay" and come from multiple plants.
  • Collect, gather, and harvest are now used as fallbacks when using carve/digging actions on doodads, saving players some time not needing to specify differing actions on quickslotted items.
  • Sharp rocks can now be dismantled into stones.
  • You can now purify water (as opposed to just being able to desalinate) using solar/water stills.
  • The click noise is no longer triggered when changing directions when the action menu is open.
  • Watering plants will now provide growth speed benefits instead of fertility benefits.
  • Stone knives are now slashing/piercing instead of just slashing.
  • You can now drop items on top of a solar still; however, it will no longer desalinate while items are on top of it.
  • Movement slowdown when encumbered and overweight is now scaled based on how close or over you are to your weight limit instead of hard values.
  • Improved cave terrain generation to increase their cavernous appearance. Giant cave lakes are a bit smaller and include more interesting geological formations.
  • Boiled eggs now require tongs instead of a skewer.
  • The "gather" action now applies to doodads that have resources (previously just limited to trees/rocks). "Pick-up" is now reserved for doodads that are structures/built objects.
  • Improved the readability of skill descriptions.
  • Improved the grammar of all item dropping messages.
  • The weight of doodads is now checked on game load to make sure they don't go out of normal range on weight updates.
  • You no longer receive resources when caving in a cave entrance/exit.
  • Setting off traps while walking over them no longer automatically picks them up on the same turn.
  • Added failure messages for gathering, digging and tilling.
  • Improved milestone progress performance.
  • Doodad tooltips will now name doodads based on their growth stage.
  • Removed acorns, saplings and big berry items from the game. These have been replaced by other similar items.
  • Trampling and extinguishing fire (by pouring water/dousing with items) now increases reputation.
  • All game and Steam icons changed to graphic where Wayward character is not cut off/cropped.
  • A loading screen is now shown while travelling (instead of just a black screen with no visuals).
  • The actions menu is now disabled while sleeping/resting.
  • You now "drown" in water when out of stamina while swimming, instead of just "working yourself into exhaustion".
  • The resting/sleeping interrupted message now reveals why you were woken up.
  • Simplified the fire making step within the Starter Quest by merging two quests together.
  • Equipped torches now produce ash just as built torch stands do. (Thanks GauHellDragon!)
  • Added a confirmation dialog for releasing tamed creatures.
  • You can no longer use actions while moving (which could sometimes lead to multiple turns happening simultaneously).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where tamed creatures would not defend you properly.
  • Fixed an issue where you could parry the burning damage from lava. (Thanks Yenwood!)
  • Fixed a bug where travelling away did not give a reputation boost. (Thanks blay.paul!)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented ore veins from being any larger than two connected ores. Slightly re-balanced ore spawning with this fix.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented doors from saving their orientation (when placed vertically).
  • Fixed pirate ghosts not being able to fly over mountains.
  • Fixed a bug that removed any item thrown/shot on to a stack of 12 or more items. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed a bug where players could set down a chest, collect it, then continue to put items in the chest, deleting all items on close. (Thanks Xech!)
  • Fixed cave entrances having a lowered rate for caving them in when digging on them. (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed an incorrect reputation value for clay walls and flooring (changed from -25 to +25). (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • You can no longer exploit/spam the use of actions from the action menu faster than should have been possible.
  • Fixed an oversight that resulted in shot ammunition not triggering lava effects when landing into lava.
  • Fixed sorting crafts by unlocked time not working. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
  • Fixed a very obscure edge case where animated doodads/tiles could animate to an incorrect graphic. (Thanks the rift!)
  • Fixed a layout issue that caused the scrollbar in windows to shift items around in the window when it appeared/disappeared. (Thanks the rift!)
  • Fixed a sorting/item dragging issue where you could not accurately drop the item to the bottom of the container/inventory on occasion.
  • Fixed a rare bug where you could start without a starting skill.
  • Fixed cases where a map might not show the red damaged border after using it.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't drop items on the same tile as an open wooden gate.
  • Fixed some instances of creatures not facing the proper direction when moving left to right or vice versa.
  • Fixed an issue where some items (found as loot) would disassemble to the wrong amount of items.
  • Fixed Open Broadcaster Software not rendering Wayward in Game/Window Capture modes.
  • Fixed worm meat not being grouped as "insect". (Thanks sechsauge!)
  • Fixed an issue where at noon and midnight the sundial would result in a message stating "It appears to be around zero o'clock." (Thanks Xech!)
  • Fixed an issue with where giant rat graphics were improperly positioned when moving west.
  • Fixed an instance where creatures could become invisible due to a misalignment of position.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple items/UI elements were not being highlighted while going through the Starter Quest steps.
  • Fixed container sorting (for tile chests/containers) not saving when "Keep Sort Active" was enabled. (Thanks wayfarer!)
  • Fixed an issue where using certain actions from quickslots would trigger the clicking noise.
  • Fixed skeletal remains removing itself and "returning to life" even though it never did when the tile was blocked.
  • Fixed various typos in doodad and item descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where highlighting effects would not properly fade out and abruptly cut the animation short before ending.
  • Fixed the outdated skeletal mage description text.
  • Fixed a bug where changelog buttons had an incorrect font size when using the alternate font. (Thanks Monkeys!)
  • Flying creatures will no longer make splash particles when flying over water.
  • Fixed a bug that loaded the wrong changelog versions after importing an older save game (or moving up versions).
  • You will no longer go the same seed/map when traversing the sea/sailing to civilization when not moving/passing a single turn in between. (Thanks blay.paul!)


  • Tweaked the abundance of needles by reducing durability of animal claws, making the dismantling of bone fragments only return one bone needle and reducing the chance of getting animal claws from some animals.
  • You now require to be holding an item in each hand to get the defense bonus from your parrying skill.
  • Reduced lumberjacking and mining malignity (reputation decrease) rates slightly.
  • Gardening endeavors now gives more reputation over all actions (tilling, planting, watering, etc.).
  • Increased the time it takes for plants to grow in maturity.
  • Desalinated water now provides a bit more thirst and health benefits over purified water.
  • Leather armor now has fire resistance.
  • Lava can now burn away in rare instances.
  • Anatomy use now increases your reputation/benignity.
  • Slightly reduced skill bonus for consumable items.
  • Significantly reduced the malignity gained from gaining metabolism and stamina.
  • Inksticks are no longer consumed fully when drawing maps (some durability is just removed).
  • Reduced starting malignity slightly when playing daily challenge mode.
  • Hurting your hands can now cause bleeding rarely (based on anatomy skill).
  • Increased chance of gathering items without tools, but also increased chance of hurting your hands.
  • Decreased the benefits of coconuts and reduced the amount of coconut trees that spawn in the desert (due to new tree changes causing imbalance).
  • Decreased max attack of giant rats and claw worms slightly.
  • Gathering no longer gives you resource amounts exactly matched to your tool attack, but rather it will now be used as a maximum item amount (based on skill).
  • Dead bushes no longer give you a branch (replaced with more twigs).
  • Increased the chance to trample (extinguish) fire by walking onto it.
  • Creatures will be tamed for longer with lower taming skill values (fixing the issue where some creatures would be tamed for 1 turn with 0% skill).
  • Item dismantling can now return lower quality items based on skill (and item's base quality).
  • Added more tools to the list of possible starting tools for new games.
  • Swamp tiles can now be used to grow more types of plants.
  • There is now a success/failure state to gathering plants/fungi (like gathering from trees/rocks previously). Based on botany/mycology depending on type.
  • Increased difficulty of starting a fire slightly (based on camping skill).


  • Added a player argument to the OnTurnComplete hook.
  • Added a player argument to the ProcessInput hook.
  • Fixed some instances where mods could corrupt saves with items. (Thanks Driko!)
  • Added a OnQueueSoundEffect hook.
  • Fixed itemManager.removeContainerItems() missing the first item in the container for removal. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Added a GetNextMusicTrack hook.
  • Mods can now add new music and sound effects via addSoundEffect and addMusic.
  • The "compatibleMinorVersions" property of the mod.json is now required for mods to be enabled.


  • Wayward has been upgraded to use WebGL 2.0.
  • Wayward is now backed by WebAssembly technology.
  • Wayward has been updated to TypeScript 2.4.
  • Additional errors and logging are now available when the game save files exceed the maximum limit.
  • TileEvents can now exist as multiple distinct types per tile and can feature unique functionality.
  • Replaced tile.xId with tile.x (creatureId to creature, doodadId to doodad, corpseId to corpse, tileEventId to tileEvent).
  • Wayward has been upgraded to Electron v1.7.4.


Developer Tools

  • Added a "Travel Away" debug button that bypasses requirements.
  • Noclip no longer corrupts randomness when enabled.
  • Toggle tilled will now work on facing tiles (like all other interactions).


  • You will no longer spawn on top of a doodad when reincarnating.

Beta 2.3.4

April 28th, 2017


  • Added an option to invoke the actions menu via right click on game screen (instead of inspect) that is defaulted on.
  • Added a resource gathering hint.
  • Added a quickslot hint.


  • There is now a face direction delay to prevent erroneous movements after turning a direction.
  • The default option for context menus (item menus) is now right click instead of left click.
  • You can now use shift + right click to drop items from inventory, remove items from quickslots, move items from containers to inventory, and unequip items when using the new defaulted right click context menu option.
  • Inspect has been removed from the actions menu, and instead will require shift + right click to perform on the game screen or through the use of the new "right click inspect" option.
  • The hint for reputation now triggers at a higher malignity/benignity.
  • The taming hint is now only shown when killing a peaceful creature.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sort by recent not working correctly.
  • Fixed items being defaulted to the first quickslot option even when they actually defaulted to throw. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed not being able to move items from nested containers back to parents when at maximum weight even if the change wouldn't impact weight (or vice versa). (Thanks cxkis!)
  • Fixed a rendering/visual glitch when placing tiles over shallow fresh water.
  • Fixed Starter Quest and other mod windows from being cropped/sized incorrectly when updating from previous versions of the game. (Thanks Rafael M.!)
  • Fixed a grammar issue with decayed messages using the item's prefix incorrectly. (Thanks Urban Monkey!)
  • Fixed the description for wooden fence mentioning three logs instead of two. (Thanks Urban Monkey!)
  • Fixed some improper grammar with the doodad damage message. (Thanks Guted!)
  • Fixed an error when loading saved games that had custom hairstyles set, but the mod providing the hair style was disabled/removed.
  • Fixed the "Open Mods Folder" button rendering incorrectly at smaller resolutions.
  • Fixed console errors when deselecting hair or skin colors.
  • Fixed language extensions prompting users to update their language settings.


  • Added a FAQ/help section on importing to the modding guide.


Ridiculous Hairdos

  • Added new skin tones and a new "hairstyle".

Beta 2.3.3

April 21st, 2017


  • Added sleeping animations and graphics.
  • Added difficulty rating in reputation tooltip based on reputation level.
  • You can now rename doodads directly (instead of having to pick them up as an item first).
  • Added transition effects to stat bar changes and animations for stat reductions.


  • Added ability for dismantle to work with items within containers in inventory.
  • The action menu now updates as you turn directions.
  • Plants will now spread to grass tiles again (except for non-spreading plants and growing grass).
  • Tilling grass will now attempt to dig it up.
  • Changed the tree bark to stripped bark recipe to be a dismantle action instead. You now receive two stripped bark on dismantle.
  • Music no longer fades out/in when browsing the changelog, returning to the main menu, saving, and other times when it's not necessary.
  • Orb of Malign has been renamed to Orb of Influence.
  • Improved the skill description for mining to include digging (and new tilling inclusion).
  • The same sound effect can no longer play within 100ms of each other.
  • All official keybinds now include proper spacing between words. "LeftHand", "RightHand", "StarterQuest" are now "Left Hand, "Right Hand" and "Starter Quest".
  • You can now import multiple save games from the Workshop at the time (currently only works for newer save games).
  • Fixed some equip/unequip grammar. Minor text fixes!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed occurrences of items not burning when thrown into lava. (Thanks cxkis!)
  • Fixed an issue where slimes could move positions on death. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
  • Fixed an issue where some items could be created without proper disassembly ingredients/components (mostly waterskins).
  • Fixed instances where items that decayed into other items were getting incorrect weights. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
  • Fixed torches to decay into charcoal instead of ash (to be consistent with their on burn property). (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
  • Fixed a bug that did not take into account a container's contents when determining the weight when throwing it (for damage/restrictions).
  • Fixed switching a torch to another hand extinguishing it. (Thanks Adrien S Enzo!)
  • Fixed a control freeze that occurred when you received a hint at the same time as closing the hint/help window.
  • Fixed an issue where some messages were being removed/replaced when scrolling up in the message window (when populating past messages).
  • Fixed an issue that would potentially spawn creatures in wrong positions and cause incorrect particle locations when throwing items into deep water.
  • Fixed dismantling/disassembly only giving a skill gain if the skill used wasn't defaulted to tinkering.
  • Fixed mods not loading properly if they had special characters in the names (such as "#").
  • Fixed sound positions for creature actions (they came from the creature rather than the tile with the action).
  • Fixed a rare case where the hint/help window would be incorrectly sized when starting a new game (if a hint displayed on death).
  • Fixed the craftable/uncraftable separator being visible when filtering removes either section.


  • Woven fabric now requires 8 cordage items instead of 5 string to craft.
  • Feather and cotton bedrolls no longer require specifically woven fabric or cotton fabric respectively (any fabric will work now), but increased their required feather/cotton amount.
  • The hammock now requires a frame. Durability has been increased to 50 (from 25), requires 1 less rope (but an extra string), and requires 2 poles. Skill level reduced from advanced to intermediate.
  • Replaced strength/weight restrictions when throwing heavy items with stamina reductions based on the item's weight.
  • Reduced overall damage caused by item's weight when throwing (due to other throwing balancing changes). Container contents weight is halved in this calculation.
  • There is now a minimum of 1 damage caused by throwing any item (on hit).
  • Increased the weight of scales slightly.
  • The mining skill is now used in tilling (with a small chance at failing a till).
  • Increased health on grey wolves and sandcats slightly.
  • Slightly less reputation (benignity) is gained on hostile creature kills.


  • Added a KeyBind dictionary for language mods.
  • Added language extensions, a language json file that provides default translations for mod-added dictionaries or entries.

Beta 2.3.2

April 14th, 2017


  • Added a confirm screen to see if users want to update their language settings when enabling a language mod. This change only applies to languages provided with the language.json format.


  • When the new weight system detects incorrect item weights, it will no longer re-roll the weight, but rather set it to the minimum/maximum based on what it found. (Thanks Skarn22!)
  • Added clearer separation between craftables and non-craftables in the crafting menu. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Renamed the "Unlocked Time" sort to "Discovered Time".
  • Chickens now accept insects as offerings. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where fuel, tinder, and kindling were either being consumed or damaged (on fail), even if they weren't being used to start a fire. (Thanks Skarn22!)
  • Creatures will now swap positions with the player if they try enter/exit an entrance at the same time as them, instead of going on top of them. (Thanks Adrien S. Enzo!)
  • Fixed an error when trying to dig back up a cave entrance found in water. (Thanks Bot Silver 1!)
  • Fixed not using your selected hand(s) when hitting a locked chest and producing particles on the player instead of on the chest.
  • Fixed the botany skill not providing extra benefits when consuming flower seeds, grass seeds, pineapples, coconuts, flower petals, thistles, poison ivy leaves, tall grass seeds or acorns. (Thanks Grub!)
  • Fixed "Alternate Context Menu" option not working inside containers or quickslots. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed the "using your bare hands to..." death message adding in numbers (message IDs) instead of proper english text at the end.
  • Fixed an issue where some mods would be grayed out improperly in the mods menu. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed container windows being able to be resized to a width that would cut off the bottom buttons/controls.
  • Fixed the quest for getting the Stone Water Still materials requiring more rocks than it should have in the Starter Quest. (Thanks Obbe C!)
  • Fixed a slight pop-up/flash when selecting different hairstyles in the character customization.
  • Fixed the map graphic lagging behind when the map window was resized.
  • Fixed custom hairstyles not loading within the character customization screen if loaded as a local modification.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented filled clay jugs to get the proper maximum and minimum weight for the item weight checks (added in 2.3.1).
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in shallow sea water forming when placing tiles over fresh water. (Thanks Morning River!)
  • Fixed particles showing through the ground (z-axis) when FOV is disabled. (Thanks Bot Silver 1!)
  • Fixed an issue that would lead to a frozen loading screen when uninstalling old/broken/corrupt Workshop mods.
  • Fixed a few missing words in the hints section.
  • The Starter Quest window can no longer be resized to no effect and fixed a small issue that would resize the window with a smaller height than should of been possible on occasion.


  • You no longer start at -64,000 reputation when in daily challenge mode, but rather, a lower randomized amount.
  • Vine weight reduced down from 0.7 to 0.3 (to match palm leaves). This should normalize more item weights that use fabric/cloth/cordage.
  • Skill bonuses on consumables/edibles are now randomized per stat.
  • Skeletal Mages now require line of sight to cast their spells.


  • Added a 'stylesheet' property to the mod.json which can be used to append stylesheets automatically.
  • A variety of hooks are no longer missing from references. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Mods can now disable resizing and/or set their width/height to "auto" when using createDialog.


  • Removed the concept of "untoggleable" mods - all mods can now be enabled/disabled, regardless of their content.
  • Moved crafting tab style rules so that any dialog can make use of them. The styles are applied to any element with the "tab" class.
  • Added missing corpse translation strings to english.json. The language serializer has been updated to export this corpse dictionary.


Developer Tools

  • You can no longer attempt to resize the window's height to no effect.

Beta 2.3.1

April 7th, 2017


  • You will no longer see unloadable mods in the game save tooltip. It will only show required mods to load the save properly.
  • The changelog menu now will only show changelogs up to the current version you're using.
  • You can now dig up treasures with your hands (without tool).
  • Starter Quest now shows shows your current progress out of all steps available before completing.
  • Improved some wording/formatting and fixed some typos within the Starter Quest.
  • More particle and sounds effects added to treasure digging.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed iron materials and other items that came from earlier versions weighing too much or too little in the new version. There is a new system that will check for weight inconsistencies on game load. (Thanks wayfarer!)
  • Fixed rare instances where items dropped via loot, or created through mods would result in heavier items than should have been possible.
  • Fixed several instances where dismantled items could produce items that did not conform to normal item weight ranges. (Thanks Grub!)
  • Fixed an issue where containers would not accept their exact maximum weight. (Thanks Morning River!)
  • Fixed a "Failed to load changelog" error when browsing the changelog section.
  • Fixed the crafting tab showing dismantle items at the bottom of the window on rare instances.
  • Fixed an issue that would result in more space being added in between the Starter Quest icon and the rest of the icons at the top the more you created new games.
  • Fixed a message that produced an incorrect variable "0" output when trying to drop items on creatures.
  • Fixed an issue where some mods would not enable/disable properly.
  • Fixed sleeping or resting not showing the proper "ZZZ" animation.
  • Fixed some animation/audio glitches when going into new game/saving/returning to main menu/sleeping.
  • Fixed the developer logging checkbox getting cut off on hover.
  • Fixed the "Default" button for keybinds overlapping inputs.


  • Chickens will now produce eggs at double the rate when tamed.


  • Fixed an issue where some keybinds were duplicated when loaded and other issues regarding mods overwriting features of other mods.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not reference modded items as recipe components for other modded items.
  • Renamed requiredMods (outdated) to dependencies in the modding guide. (Thanks Amax!)



  • Nimbus is now craftable (and uses the Flying skill).

Beta 2.3 "Expression"

March 31st, 2017


  • Added character customization. You can now choose a hair style, hair color, and skin tone. Included with this is the ability to import and export characters.
  • Added a new game menu that will allow you to choose a game save name, world seed, and character customization.
  • Added multiple new hair styles with small improvements to the old ones (more detail).
  • Fertile soil is now crafted and placed down to till and plant things in (instead of placing it over plants to increase fertility).
  • Added hoes and tilling functionality.
  • Spatial audio has been implemented. Sound effects will now sound more distant or directional, based on the source position.
  • Iron ore now weighs less and have more material per vein. This allows smaller iron crafts (lockpicks, bullets, arrowheads, etc.) to be dissembled again and take less resources. Iron craft requirements have been re-adjusted to accommodate this change resulting in many iron items weighing less.
  • Tongs have a new "Grasp" use that will allow you to pick-up items in fire/lava without hurting or burning yourself.
  • Separated out the pickaxe functionality from the stone axe. They are now two separate items. Also added an iron/wrought iron axe.
  • A changelog section has been added to the main menu, with support for viewing the current and previous changelogs.
  • Three new milestones added for -64,000/+64,000 reputation and animal taming.
  • The turn count is now listed in the malignity tooltip and in the highscore list.
  • You can now sort crafts by unlocked time.
  • Redesigned the skills and milestone dialogs with progress bars.
  • You will now be interrupted during resting or sleeping if a creature is damaging a wall or doodad within 5 tiles of you.
  • An "Un-equip all" button has been added to the equipment window.
  • You can now dismantle gravel into a pile of sand and stones. Its weight has been increased to accommodate this change.
  • Added a new creature with unique interactions.
  • Ash can now be placed down as a tile.
  • Containers now save their sorting after closing.
  • Creatures will now enter/exit caves if your reputation is lower than their spawning malignity (unless tamed).
  • You are now allowed to drop items on some doodads. If the doodad is lit, it will cause fire to propagate on the items if they are flammable.
  • "Keep Sort Active" will now also apply to containers.
  • Skeletal mages spawn skeletal remains instead of stone walls.
  • There is now a keybind to open the dismantle tab of the crafting dialog. The crafting keybind will open the crafting tab. Either key will close the dialog if the tab is already open.
  • Added a crafted reputation (malignity) rate in item tooltips.
  • You can now select which hand to use for attacking/gathering now. You will no longer attack/gather with both hands simultaneously.
  • Added our new developer, Aari to the credits.
  • Hide UI option added (for screenshots).
  • The icon for reputation (malignity) will now change based on good/bad reputation.
  • Wayward will now provide an error when running on an unsupported browser or system.
  • Added a combat hint.
  • Templates (houses, ponds, lava, etc.) are now mirrored and rotated to provide more variation.


  • Malignity has been renamed to "Reputation" with two factors, malignity and benignity (bad/good). Positive values of reputation are good; negatives are bad.
  • Fertility of a plant is now boosted if planted or spread to a fertile dirt tile (placed via fertile soil). Additional fertility is given by watering exclusively (using the pouring action).
  • Trampling plants now removes durability from them instead of fertility, causing them to eventually break based on durability.
  • Plants no longer grow/spread/heal when there are items on top of them.
  • Improvements made to fire starting and torch lighting logic. Now only certain conditions will require kindling and fuel.
  • Improved creature performance, increasing movement speeds on lower-end machines.
  • Chickens will now lay eggs once again instead of them needing to be carved from the corpse.
  • You can no longer release and tame so quickly after each creature release.
  • Creatures now become scared when their health gets below 10% or 1 health instead of 3 for all creatures.
  • Tuned the sundial messages to more accurately represent the current time (with at least 50% camping skill).
  • Sound effects and particles no longer occur all at once after sleeping/resting.
  • Lit doodads (and fire on its own) will now produce ash as they burn.
  • Lava now damages or heals creatures.
  • Iron/wrought iron shields now bob on movement.
  • "Doodad Required" is now labeled as "Additional Requirements" as there can be multiple and non-doodads required.
  • Improved the UI of Crafting/Dismantle tabs.
  • Fixed some consistency issues with hover effects and background colors for help/options.
  • The loading/saving animation now starts and animates quicker.
  • Item groups are no longer listed with prefixes within item tooltips.
  • Saving your game from in-game now displays a "Saving Game..." message.
  • Corpses on lava will now trigger a fire to start.
  • Added sound effects for creature special abilities.
  • Creature special abilities are now logged in messages.
  • Healing actions are no longer notified/sounded on creatures when they are already at full health.
  • Animal pelts are now included in the "fabric" group.
  • You can now use animal fur to stoke fire.
  • Doodad/wall damaging sounds will now happen out of line of sight/field of view, within a large radius.
  • You will now turn to face used doodads/fire sources when dismantling/disassembling/crafting.
  • Daily Challenge and Normal play now have separate tabs in the Highscores submenu.
  • Added particle effects for more actions, including dropping items into water.
  • The save button is no longer displayed within the daily challenge.
  • Pulchritudinous, Prepared, Collector, and Treasurer milestones will now check if their requirements are met on game load.
  • Disabled the "enabled" checkbox on mods that only provide languages as switching their enabled status had no effect.
  • You can now use a raft in shallow water.
  • Added some hierarchical tweaks/improvements in the about/options menu.
  • Giant rat corpse colors are now consistent with their living graphics.
  • Added max lengths for all inputs and filters.
  • Improved the milestone earned message and grammar.
  • Added unique gained/lost messages for hunger and thirst.
  • Removed the quest that asked you to equip two held items in the Starter Quest.
  • Decreased chance of ash spawning on burning flammable doodads/plants.
  • Added hints in the form of messages to suggest using your hands to gather, dig, or resting without a bedroll was less effective than using items.
  • Improved dialog resizing by increasing the anchor size and adding proper space on the bottom tops of dialogs as not to interfere with other buttons or filters.
  • Traps now only display a message if you are within line of sight with them.
  • Extra items received from milestone completion will no longer modify/be randomized from seeds (which could corrupt the seed for player to player).
  • Improved many messages by replacing "item", "this", etc. with actual names of things used on/with.
  • The item graphics for iron/wrought iron items are now more consistently mirrored to differentiate them from each other.
  • Increased visual readability and consistency of stat bars and icons.
  • Added a button to the top button bar for opening/closing the Starter Quest window.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that produced incorrect durability on harvested/gathered items from plants.
  • Fixed an issue where building up terrain over water and then digging that terrain would not give the correct item back.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tactics to only be raised on a creature's death blow instead of when any damage was caused.
  • Moving or picking up over a tile with both fire and lava will no longer try to do burn damage twice.
  • Fixed the Collector milestone having one too many items, making obtaining it impossible without mods enabled.
  • Fixed not being able to ignite a torch from lava or doodads on fire.
  • Fixed autosave not working and displaying a save message in daily challenge mode.
  • Fixed an issue with quickslots where they would not detect new instances of an item when created through certain interactions.
  • Improved the transitions between caves and the overworld. You will no longer appear to slide into the entrance/exit.
  • Fixed a bug where a tamed creature could swap positions with you, and potentially corrupt any fish that was under you into a bugged state.
  • Fixed sort by decay not working correctly.
  • Inputs are no longer processed while the loading screen is shown, which fixed a bug that allowed you to move while resting/sleeping.
  • Collecting growing grass no longer returns the grass seeds.
  • Fixed an issue that did not recalculate lighting after an item changed states (when a torch was doused for example).
  • Fixed an issue where fire could not spread to tiles to the right/bottom of itself.
  • Fixed spyglass counting as a light source when equipped
  • Fixed a bug where uncraftable items were not being sorted when crafts were sorted by name.
  • Fixed a bug that did not produce a bare tree when gathering from a tree that was grown on a tile that was originally water.
  • Fixed an issue where fire elementals could spawn fire on non-flammable doodads.
  • Fixed container/inventory sorts reversing when loading the game with the "Keep Sort Active" option enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused warnings when switching language with no saves.
  • Fixed weapons and shields not rendering over hair when facing in a forward direction.
  • Fixed many incorrect offsets/missing pixels for several equipped items and other inconsistencies.
  • Fixed an instance where a creature could become instantly untamed after taming it.
  • Fixed an issue where saving/loading screens would sometimes open/close too quickly, causing a flash.
  • Changed the order of when player burning happened, so it no longer happens after movement (mod compatibility fix).
  • Fixed a bug that would produce inaccurate vulnerable/resistant armor messages when getting damaged by creatures.
  • Fixed a bug that did not propagate tile effects (getting burned, setting off traps, etc.) when using "Pick-up All Items" like it did with "Pick-up Item".
  • Daily challenge no longer shows it is (falsely) saving the game when going back to main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where option tooltips would show up within the help/hint window.
  • Fixed an issue where being poisoned or burned while swimming would produce visual glitches.
  • Removed a message stating "you can always return back to these lands" for Daily Challenge mode when sailing to civilization (since you can't).
  • Fixed several bugs where some mouse cursors were not showing properly or at all (loading cursor).
  • World tooltips are now hidden when the action menu is up.
  • Picking up lit torch doodad will now automatically equip it as torches should not be lit in your inventory.
  • Traversing the sea will no longer start a new Daily Challenge game when used in that mode.
  • Fixed an instance where creature taming was not effected by the seed's randomization.
  • Fixed a bug where you could drag and drop dismantle/crafting tabs. They also no longer act as links, sometimes causing visual issues/browser artifacts.
  • Fixed a couple instances where messages appeared if the location was on screen rather than if a player could see the tile. For example: a water container breaking in fire.
  • Removed ability for explosive traps to be used more than once.


  • Aberrant scaling now uses a player's tactics skill for their defense, strength stat for their health and parrying skill for their damage instead of all using strength previously.
  • Milestones no longer give bonuses in the current game. The benefits only apply at the start of new games.
  • Reduced the range in which monsters move and de-spawn in.
  • Creatures will now move around when you are on different levels (cave/overworld) than them.
  • Increased weight limit by 5 points (by default).
  • Fire may now spread to an adjacent tile if stoked past raging status.
  • Parrying is now considered peaceful and will increase reputation instead of decreasing it. Some other skills tweaked in reputation (malignity) values as well.
  • Transmogrification will now fully repair an item and re-roll any previous skill bonuses; however, will no longer exponentially increase in max durability (to insane levels).
  • Slightly reduced wall/doodads breaking chance for creatures.
  • Increased durability of all kilns.
  • Increased durability on all clay and stone structures/doodads like walls, floors, furnaces, etc. Stone is now highest durability tier. Sandstone/wood remains the same.
  • Chance of gathering resources bare-handed has been slightly increased.
  • Digging without a tool now decreases chance of resource gather.
  • The lowest weight an item can be has been lowered slightly in regards to item weight variance.
  • Explosive traps now do more damage and can set fires.
  • Slightly increased chance of trampling plants (due to it using durability instead of fertility now).
  • Advanced and expert crafts are now slightly harder to craft.
  • All creatures now have half their health due to the removal of double player attacks per turn.
  • Reduced drake spawning malignity slightly (so you don't need to keep max malignity).
  • Sleeping no longer increases reputation.
  • You can no longer start or stoke a fire with a full tile of items over it.
  • Decreased chance of cave entrances when gathering/digging slightly.
  • Increased default durability slightly on all items that have no set durability.
  • Slightly increased the amount of malignity you receive on a strength stat gain.
  • Increased the life span of bark torches.
  • Added new, more varied ways to get each type of treasure.
  • Decreased rarity of tattered maps by allowing them to spawn in caves.
  • Traps now have variable amounts damage (shown in tooltip).
  • Grey wolves now accept bones as offerings (and added a new bone group).


  • Added support for .json language files, allowing translations without coding knowledge.
  • Updated the Modding Guide with new beta 2.3 information as well as new section on the new .json specifications.
  • Added a way for mods to register custom skills.
  • Added a customizations JSON file for mods to add custom hair/skin colors and hairstyles without requiring scripts.
  • Added OnContainerItemAdd, OnContainerItemRemove, and OnContainerItemUpdate hooks.
  • Added an OnPlayerDeath hook.
  • Modders can now use ui.appendStyle(id, css) for adding a custom stylesheet to their mod.
  • Implemented createButton/removeButton for adding/removing buttons from the top button bar.
  • Fixed an issue where input boxes would not accept characters that were keybinded to toggleable actions such as "o" for options.
  • New formatting added for language definition scripts for easier modding.
  • Mods no longer require onLoad, onUnload, or onSave event handlers.
  • Added onUninitialize method to mods.
  • Modifications can now use multiple files.
  • Added a "Developer Logging" option.
  • Equipped items are no longer tracked via an ".equipped" property. You can now use .isEquipped() instead of looping through inventory.
  • Refactored item onUse/use. These properties are now defined differently.
  • Added Mod.getFile to retrieve the text content of files in your mod directory (useful for CSS).
  • Removed the CalculateCreatureMoveType hook. creature.setMoveType is to be used instead.
  • Fixed the OnTurnComplete hook being called too early.
  • Mods that override game graphics/images no longer require scripts, they can be edited via a .json file.
  • mod.json formatting has been changed to use camelCasing for all properties.
  • Spaces within prefixes such as "an ", "a " are no longer needed within translations.


  • Updated Wayward to TypeScript 2.2.1.
  • The Wayward codebase is now modular.
  • Wayward has been updated to use Electron 1.6.1.
  • The Steam overlay should now be working on most Windows 7/8 systems once again.
  • On select operating systems and hardware configurations, you can now use the "opengl" renderer to allow Open Broadcaster Software to capture Wayward directly (game/window capture) without needing to capture full display.
  • Implemented a new launch_options.json option: "renderer" with options: opengl, egl, osmesa, swiftshader and default (defaults to either egl or opengl depending on OS).
  • UI related messages are now in a new Dictionary, UiMessage, instead of Messages. As a result, ConfirmScreen, InputScreen, and other Ui classes that recieved Messages now take UiMessages as well.
  • Fixed a Archiver.bulk() warning message appearing in console when publishing a mod.
  • Added support for corpses and creatures to be light sources (via new lightSource property).
  • Added preliminary support for multiple players (and real-time mode).


Ridiculous Hairdos

  • Introduced this mod for all of your ridiculous hairstyle needs.

Developer Tools

  • Added a template spawner and the buttons Disable FOV and Zoom Out.
  • Added a "Play Sound" dropdown. The selected sound will play where you click the mouse, when active.
  • The day/night bar now updates in real time and has a numeric readout.


  • Added a new "Flying" skill and modified the effect of drinking a rainbow to change your hair style, skin color and hair color.

Pirate Language

  • Added more word replacements and converted the mod to use the new JSON language format.

Balancing Tools

  • Proper opacity added to input when not hovering over the Developer Tools dialog.

Beta 2.2.3

December 10th, 2016


  • Added support for shift + right clicking on items within containers to move all of the same type.
  • Added a creature taming hint.
  • Added ability to enable and disable all mods.


  • Fixed an issue where an invisible help window was blocking input inside the options window (caused by a change in beta 2.2.2).
  • Fixed a bug where deleting game data did not reload the game afterwards.
  • Fixed a bug where the height was incorrectly set on the hint windows that popped up during the loading a game and removed the ability for some hints to be shown during load.
  • Fixed some improper title-cased strings in the language file. Literally minor text fixes.
  • Fixed the preserve action showing up as "preservative with..".
  • Fixed a player head graphic issue that caused some pixels to be improperly offset while swimming.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had a doodad placed on a flammable tile, it would not require a fuel for the fire.
  • Fixed an issue that caused either duped, invisible, or broken items when they were moved too quickly between containers and inventory while also passing a turn/moving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused poor accuracy when sorting item in inventory while there were items quickslotted.
  • Fixed a broken text string when deleting your game "you want to delete this game?".


  • Aberrant creatures will now always give negative malignity on death regardless of type.
  • Dismantling and disassembling items now increase or decrease malignity opposite to the value used when crafting said item.


  • The malignity hint now mentions the special rules regarding caves and night creature spawns.
  • Renamed items should now show the renamed name whenever possible.
  • The "enter" bind can now be used for selecting "Yes" inside confirmation screens.
  • You can now use a raft in any depth of water, making it so you can equip a lit torch before rafting.
  • Fixed aberrant creatures not making alternate creature noises when tamed or while making idle sounds.
  • Default actions for thistle seeds, acorns, and poison ivy seeds changed to "plant" from "eat".
  • Tinder has been renamed "wooden shavings" as to not conflict with the new "tinder" grouping.
  • The main menu now allows more content to be displayed, especially on lower resolutions. Additionally, some new menu animations have been added.
  • Other improvements to main menu design with added effects and improved readability.
  • UI elements that are not clickable no longer have hover effects.
  • Added a small delay when moving and turning into a resource tile to prevent accidental gathering.
  • The Starter Quest will now update the quest objectives when an item is dropped or destroyed (removed) as well.
  • Containers in your inventory will now show the 50% reduced weight totals within the tooltip.
  • The mage cloak has been renamed to "mage robe". Since it's a robe...
  • The in-world graphic for the raft now matches the item more closely.
  • Fixed an issue where some highscores text would overflow due to their length.
  • Added Unlok credits within the about section.
  • The modding guide link now goes to the new page (


  • Split onAddOrUpdateInventoryItem into OnInventoryItemAdd, OnInventoryItemRemove, and OnInventoryItemUpdate.
  • Added a canDropItem hook.
  • Added the ability to get the source of damage via the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Fixed return null not working for the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Added CanCreatureSpawn and OnCreatureSpawn hooks.


  • Particle system refactored a bit. Now uses an RGB object and uses new ParticleType for non-defined values.
  • Sortable system has been recoded.
  • Version now automatically added within English translation for upgrade message.


  • [Argus] Fixed "See All" not working as intended.

Beta 2.2.2

November 26th, 2016


  • Fixed a bug that did not allow water routing (digging pathways of water).
  • Fixed an issue where tile animations would continue to occur after a lava tile was changed into something else.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the corpse carving hint when walking over blood instead of corpses.
  • Fishing on to land no longer produces a water sound effect.
  • Fixed an issue where a never-ending saving screen would occur when saving an older game that used mods that added creatures.
  • Added a check to stop errors when dismantling an impossibly weighted item (that appeared in beta 2.0).
  • Fixed an issue that changed doodads into other doodads when travelling to a new island after reloading that game (due to save conversion).
  • Fixed a bug where the character's facing direction was not updated when a confirmation screen was triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where breaking open a locked chest would not spill its contents.
  • You are no longer allowed to place tiles or build doodads over lava.
  • Fixed an issue where the new milestone fix was causing the game not to load. This was hot-fixed within the 2.1.1 update.


  • Hostile creatures now break aggression more commonly.
  • Malignity from skill use now occurs whether or not you gained in that skill. To counter-balance this, many skills have a much decreased malignity gain. Additionally, some skills now reduce malignity as well (new feature).
  • The malignity you gain from stat gains is now scaled based on the stat itself. The malignity gained from this method now starts off lower than previously.
  • Decreased spawning chance of claw worms slightly.
  • Aberrant creatures now have a cap on attack damage values.
  • Aberrant creature scaling now uses a linear progression, rather than a step/staircase; more smoothly ramping the difficulty.
  • Reduced plant spreading chance slightly.
  • Increased the damage of the flintlock pistol slightly.
  • Slightly increased chances of resources on digging.
  • Decreased effectiveness of equipment/armor and parrying against burn damage.


  • Increased overall performance and reduced CPU/memory usage. These changes will have a greater impact on lower-end systems.
  • Plants now heal themselves over time (durability repairs itself).
  • Fade in/out transitions of windows/overlays are now a bit smoother.
  • Added coconuts palms to oasis templates.
  • Gathering plants and other environmental doodads no longer reduce their default durability.
  • Digging lava with hands now burns you.
  • You now receive the completion point for a Starter Quest as soon as you have reached it automatically so you can skip it if you missed clicking on the "Complete Quest" if going back a quest.
  • Added a "Close" button to the ending of the Starter Quest.
  • Added a "Start Quest" button to the beginning of the Starter Quest.


  • Added more different types of lava templates and tweaked existing ones.
  • Casting your net/line out (via fishing) on to items will now pick them up.


Beta 2.2.1

November 20th, 2016


  • Fixed the heavy lag while dragging items into quickslots. Performance while dragging items has also been improved.
  • Fixed a bug where item weight from a gathered doodad would only take in to account the first item across all of the items gathered. This caused the dismantle errors. If you still have a branch with 0.1 weight as a result of this, simply discard it, or use it in a craft to fix the issue.
  • Fixed water containers and other items that return other items on use from disappearing when used/consumed when coming from beta 2.1.3 saves.
  • Fixed an issue where milestones were getting reset on every game load.
  • Fixed quickslot items appearing above dialog/windows.
  • Fixed blood still being visible on the turn when it was removed.
  • Fixed a bug where you never would receive hand damage when gathering without a tool.
  • Fixed a bug where gather with hands still used a tool if equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting tabs were launching the Steam overlay. This was hotfixed into beta 2.2 prior to this release.


  • The order of the thirst and hunger bars have been swapped to match the notifications and messages (and internal data).
  • You will no longer get stuck at 0 malignity when maxing out the caps of both positive/negative. When maxing out one side of your malignity, the opposite side will be increased/decreased.
  • When carving a corpse with blood on top of it, it will now remove all blood on top of it and carve the corpse automatically.
  • Added the "You removed the blood." message anytime you remove blood from a tile indirectly (closing a door, building on a tile, etc.) and added particle effects/sounds to the action.


  • Removed an unused forceAberrant property on spawnFromGroup.
  • Fixed addCreature not working properly for mods.


  • [Troposphere] Fixed some errors and broken functionality while in the Troposphere.
  • [Developer Tools] Fixed a bug where the refresh mod section would disappear on game reloading.

Beta 2.2 "Tamed"

November 18th, 2016


  • Added creature taming and item offering.
  • Added an option to confirm when stepping on to fire or dangerous object.
  • A new creature has been added.
  • A new lava tile has been added (with added support for tile lighting and animation).
  • Over 25 new items and doodads added. Included in this are all clay/stone/sandstone versions of campfires, furnaces, and kilns. Also included in this is a wealth of new unique resources and simulation-focused corpse carved resources.
  • A dismantle tab has added to crafting (so you don't have to go into an item's menu to dismantle items).
  • Added a "Drop Under Yourself" (instead of facing tile) option.
  • Added a new option to warn players on possible item break when crafting with items with 0 durability.
  • A new "Pick-up All" option has been added to the actions menu when facing a stack of items.
  • Added a hint for filtering/moving/resizing windows when scrolling on windows for the first time.
  • Crafts can now be sorted by skill (shown in a list like categories).
  • Item/action menu and quickslot binds now show the key they have been re-binded to.
  • Added a new skeletal remains doodad that will replace skeleton spawns in abandoned houses that only animate when near.
  • Corpses now decay into their resources (as given when carved).
  • Added a new option for disabling crafts when equipped or within a quickslot.
  • There is now a sunset and sunrise (atmospheric lighting color shifts).
  • Added a blood in water graphic/corpse object.
  • Added a couple more rare random events.
  • You can now "Dig With Hands" from the actions menu without using a shovel with the same potentially harmful effects as gathering without a tool.
  • Added support for media/browser keyboard keybinds in the options.
  • Each doodad and tile event now has a unique description.
  • Each creature now has a unique description.
  • A new milestone was added.
  • Added the following item groups: seed, fruit, vegetable, and tinder.
  • Added a warning dialog when trying to go back Wayward versions.


  • Fixed a performance issue that increased CPU as much as 50% on some lower-end computers, even when idle.
  • Fixed an oversight that had tall grass drop grass seeds instead of tall grass seeds.
  • Fixed some instances where creatures did not pathfind behind obstacles reliably.
  • Fixed filtering not working after sorting in the crafting window.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented harpies, boglings, zombies, hobgoblins, and skeletons from dropping some loot.
  • Cancelled sorting when using a hotkey. This fixed some instances of "ghost" items in inventory
  • Fixed a bug where two turns were taken on successful transmogrification.
  • Fixed a bug where plants would inherit their planted seed's weight.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow the game to be run when within a directory with a "#" in the name.
  • Fixed some instances of dismantling items adding up to more than the weight of the original item as well as other cases when dismantling was returning items with weights that was too low.
  • Fixed an issue where backspace did not work as a key bind.
  • Fixed an issue where some creatures could never spawn as aberrant forms.
  • Fixed a bug that made certain items heavier when not crafted directly (wrought iron arrows in treasure chests for example).
  • Fixed a bug where mod keybinds were randomly changing on reload.
  • Fixed a rare issue where random events could spawn plants on improper tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where if there was enough keybinds added via mods, it would cut off display of all or some of them.
  • Fixed a bug where the monster hit sound was not played if no damage was caused.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a bunch of "undefined" messages when clicking "Clear Messages" when scrolled in a non-default placement.
  • Fixed an issue where telling time via the sundial was not accurate.
  • Fixed a bug that would not remove light source from extinguished torches for a turn.
  • Fixed many typos and grammatical issues throughout.
  • Fixed a bug that showed two damage values when pouring water on to a fire elemental.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to transfer more weight than the maximum allotment to a container when using the shift/move all functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where growing plants did not have any durability by default.


  • Reduced weight of all lockpicks, bullets, and (iron) arrowheads.
  • Decreased max attack of zombie, but increased max hp slightly.
  • Increased most creature resistances to make damage types more impactful in combat.
  • Reduced difficulty of crafting waterskins and water stills.
  • Reduced scaling aberrant damage and defense a bit, but increased their health slightly (based on player's strength).
  • Increased maximum range on all ranged weapons/tools except for composite bows which was reduced in range.
  • Composite bows now also have a reduced damage and durability.
  • Increased base damage on all bullets and arrows.
  • Increased difficulty of transmogrifying.
  • There is now a maximum reinforcement amount per item (based on quality). Increased max durability given on each reinforce significantly.
  • There is now a malignity limit of -/+ 64000.
  • Smoothed out malignity increase/decrease values across all creatures focusing on gaining less malignity near start of game, and gaining more in late game.
  • Doubled the negative malignity gained when travelling.
  • Stone Arrowheads now have a larger variety of weight. Previously they could only be crafted as 0.1 weight.
  • Large rocks now dismantle into 3 stones instead of 2.
  • Logs now dismantle into 2 tree bark (with the wooden poles) instead of 1.
  • Reduced the healing effect of sutures slightly.
  • Wrong tools and hands now reduce overall chance of resource gathering.
  • Malignity directly effects spawn rate frequency. This is no longer dictated by the length of your game save/turns.
  • Filling and drinking water will now decrease water depth if not connected to enough water.
  • Increased pouring damage against fire elementals significantly.
  • Malignity now effects aberrant spawning chances (more malignity = more aberrants, less malignity = less aberrants).
  • Drakes now can break down walls.
  • There is now a higher chance for creature drops (from loot tables specifically) to be of higher quality/legendary.
  • Reduced maximum starting dexterity (stamina).


  • Nights now get a bit more dark, and have a stronger blue tint.
  • Maximum lighting radius now differ from each doodad (campfires will provide more light than furnaces as an example).
  • Added variable lighting radius to fire and lit doodads (campfires, furnaces, etc.) based on the fire's strength.
  • Equipping multiple torches will now use both of their light bonuses.
  • Increased lighting radius of all torches slightly.
  • Display total amount of items over the required in crafts (8/2 instead of 2/2).
  • Inspection (and tool-tips) now reveals if creatures are aberrant.
  • Forge and Anvils are now just "Stone Anvils" with an updated recipe. You will now require to be around another fire source and an anvil now for blacksmithing.
  • Milestones are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Decreased weight of leather hides and now dismantles from the newly added animal pelts (with animal fur).
  • "Bones" renamed to "Bone Fragments" and no longer act the same as a "bone". They can be dismantled into two bone needles instead. These have also been added to many creature corpses that were missing bones.
  • Low decay items (within 10% of decaying) are now shown in a red border (like low durability items).
  • Tweaked skeletal mage aberrant graphic (looks more distinct).
  • Keybinds for the action menu are now strictly set and do no change based on context. For example, closing a door will always be the same shortcut/hotkey now.
  • Items that decay into creatures (eggs to chickens) now will hatch within player's inventory, containers on tiles and doodads and will also be announced with a message.
  • Grass blades and leaves now can be used as tinder.
  • Pirate ghosts now spawn from magical essence decay/break.
  • Disassembling found items/equipment/etc. will now produce quality items based on the quality of the item being disassembled.
  • Pile of ash no longer burns under fires.
  • Things that would spawn on decay from items will now also spawn on the item being completely broken/destroyed.
  • Wooden fences now use 2 logs and a wooden pole now (instead of 3 logs) and can be disassembled.
  • Rotten meat item is now generalized graphically (so it doesn't just symbolize a steak).
  • Underground lakes are now a bit less massive.
  • Sleeping interruption now checks a square around you instead of just the four adjacent tiles.
  • Many improvements done to the Starter Quest including reducing the amount of quests and mentioning how long it will take.
  • You can no longer bind keys to left click (mouse 0).
  • You can now be within a 3x3 area of a required doodad instead of having to face it directly.
  • Improved information and grammar across all hints. Hints are no longer worded as though you triggered them (for players that browse them organically).
  • Added failure skill gain on gathering/digging when not getting any resource.
  • Fire elementals and drakes now avoid water.
  • Fire no longer damages flying creatures.
  • Drakes can now pass/stay in fire.
  • Doodads now display their quality in world tool-tips.
  • Added the ability for corpses to burn.
  • You can no longer disassemble arrowheads, bullets or lockpicks (due to it giving back more resources than weight could suggest).
  • If a random event occurs within sight, it is now reported in your messages, "You notice...".
  • Tweaked the corpse graphic for sharks to match the new blood in water graphic.
  • Added particle effects to stoke fire.
  • Collecting doodads that don't have a skill use (like walls) will now reduce stamina like other doodads (based on mining skill).
  • Added all water contains to creature loot (instead of just waterskins).
  • Disassemble requirements are now shown in tooltip.
  • Fire colors have been improved and are now more vibrant.
  • "Carve" from the actions menu is now "Carve With Tool", "Gather" is now "Gather With Hands", and "Rest" is now "Rest on Ground", giving more information to what is happening.
  • Improved the readability and display of dismantled items in tool-tips (no longer shows A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, A Wooden Pole, ... for example).
  • You can no longer right (or left) click to drop while moving/experiencing a delay.
  • Particles brightness is now dependent on both ambient light and local light sources (no more black particles near light sources at night).
  • You now gain some skill when dismantling/disassembling (based on the item's associated skill).
  • You now gain anatomy skill when pouring water on yourself.
  • You now gain camping skill when lighting fires.
  • There is now a "News" button on the main game screen.
  • You can now build up tiles over water, raising the water with each tile. There are no more restriction set for adjacent land for this.
  • Separated the item action for equipping to your "hands", to two options for left and right hands.
  • Torches will now be doused when swimming.
  • You can no longer have lit torches in containers.
  • You can now disassemble containers (items will move to your inventory).
  • Prefixes have been added to creature corpses (fixing some grammatical issues).
  • You no longer pick-up items under creatures while attacking them.


  • Added support for back equippables to overlay over hair as well as provide custom sprites for water animations.
  • Added the following hooks: CanPlayerAttack, IsTileInspectable, OnInspectTile, OnCreatureDeath, and GetPlayerMaxHealth.
  • Added getLoadedModByName to make interacting with other mods from your mod easier.
  • The Wayward source and mods now use ES6 compilation.
  • Spawning groups are now defined as a creature property "spawnGroups" for defining creatures that spawn in caves, at night, as guardians, etc. This is no longer controlled within the spawning functions.
  • A new grouping system for doodads "DoodadTypeGroups" has been added.
  • Cleaned up parameters for skillGain.
  • Items, terrain, and creatures now have prefix support.
  • Reformatted language definitions. Prefixes now appear as the first parameter.
  • There is many new namespaces within the API including Corpse, TileEvent, and Creature. Previously, many creature functions were within the "game" namespace.
  • All references for "monster" has been changed to "creature".
  • Modding guide has been updated and improved.


  • [Developer Tools] Added a template spawner.
  • [Developer Tools] Added a listing of mods and refresh buttons within the options menu.
  • [Developer Tools] Added an unlock recipe button.
  • [Reincarnate] Fixed an issue where reincarnate was not always sending you to a new location on death.

Beta 2.1.3

August 12th, 2016


  • Fixed an issue where items that decayed/changed into other items (fruit to seeds, or raw meat to rotten meat) did not shift in weight.
  • Fixed items that once had decay no longer are sorted with that decay still set (with sort by decay).
  • Fixed an "undefined" message when getting a status effect from a doodad.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when trying to repair wooden doors.
  • Fixed a bug that made aberrant monsters scared. Aberrant monsters should never be scared unless they are low health.
  • Fixed the build version not outputting in console for Mac OS X.
  • Fixed an issue where desert templates could spawn in to too close to sea water.
  • Fixed a bug that would stop a highlight (from Starter Quest/hints) prematurely if more than one called.
  • Fixed an issue where the daily challenge hint was not showing up when going to Daily Challenge.
  • Fixed an issue where scrollbars could shift item positions on certain sizes of inventory/containers/equipment/crafting windows.
  • Fixed an issue where skill in parrying would actually increase burn damage instead of reduce it.
  • Fixed a bug where you could open a context menu while the game was loading.
  • Fixed a bug where you would not earn the gatherer milestone unless you were using an ineffective tool for gathering.


  • Monsters have a slightly higher chance to lose interest.
  • Reduced weight of limestone, talc, sharp rocks and knifes slightly.
  • Abandoned house templates now have a higher chance to have missing walls/floors/etc.
  • Reduced max damage and increased max health of claw worms.
  • Doubled raft durability.
  • Re-balanced stoke fire values to make more sense with dismantling (all items equal up to their base items).
  • Slight malignity skill tweaks. Decreased malignity slightly for anatomy, parrying, tinkering and woodworking. Increased malignity on tactics, and very slightly on mining and lumberjacking.


  • Wooden poles can now be used to stoke fire.
  • Corrected how single walls would show up as a single vertical columns instead of horizontal walls.
  • Starter Quests now have a back button for going back a quest and skip button if you have already done the quest (saved across all saves).
  • Increased the opacity of non-craftable items. They are now slightly grayed out as well.
  • The corpse carving hint will no longer show for blood.
  • When the Steam overlay is off, mods/link navigation is now done using your default browser instead of the internal one.
  • Improved default dialog positions and sizes.
  • Collecting doodads will now log what you have received in your inventory if returning more than one item.
  • Tweaked the sandstone pond template to make more geological sense. Fresh water is now contained inside.
  • The monument and raft templates now no longer have a chance to be degraded (missing tiles).
  • Improved color accuracy on many particles.
  • Renamed "Collect Object" to "Collect Object With Hands" for less confusion.
  • Tweaked some inspection text to mention the new world tool-tips in hints.
  • Fixed some tiepoz and tweaked a few lines in Starter Quest.
  • You will now always spawn with a wooden pole (to unlock necessary starter crafts and information).
  • Tweaked wording on wooden poles to mention coming from branches/logs.


  • All doodads have unique particle colors and will show on gather/trample.

Beta 2.1.2

August 2nd, 2016


  • Disabled the Steam overlay on all Windows 7 machines which crashed the game for many users.
  • Fixed blank world tool-tips appearing on occasion when moving.


  • The highlight effect that shows up from the Starter Quest and the help/hint dialog now disables itself after 10 seconds.
  • Wooden poles are no longer mentioned as craftable in the Starter Quest.
  • Saltpeter is now in the "powder" grouping.


  • Many weights have been reduced including: all powders, all fired clay items, clay flakes, sharp glass, stone knifes, pemmican, and sharpened rocks. This will only be applied to new items.
  • Containers now reduce 50% of item weight instead of 25%.
  • Increased health and base defense for krakens.
  • Decreased maximum attack value for drakes.
  • Decreased base defense for acid spitter demons.
  • Reduced player weight bonus very slightly (still above what it was in 2.0.x) to help balance rest of weight changes.
  • You can now only add so much fuel to torches (previously unlimited) and is based on the torch type.


  • The build version is now logged in the console/logs (useful for those playing on the developer branch).


  • [Argus] You can now see the argus item equipped to your hands.

Beta 2.1.1

July 31st, 2016


  • Removed malignity increase on digging.
  • Increased creature malignity spawning values (tougher creatures come in a bit later, depending on how you interact with the world).
  • Reduced tree bark weight (and thus the stripped bark that can be made from it).
  • Reduced weight for plant roots, sinew, mortar and pestles, and sundials.
  • Reduced weight in each step of turning a bone/bones into a bone pole, sharpened bone, then to a bone needle.
  • Reduced woven fabric string requirement by 1 string.
  • Decreased overall healing failure chance and disabled the ability fail when above 25% in skill.


  • Fixed a bug that could result in refined sand as being 0 or negative weight.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in some items giving double weight based on their components (bone needle).
  • Fixed an error when eating spider eggs.
  • Fixed a grammar issue with the "Set Down" item use.
  • No more Golden Wwords.
  • Possibly fixed some issues where music would skip back to the start of the song, and randomly change to a new track. Let us know if you are still getting this issue.


  • Upgraded to Electron 1.3.1. Unfortunately this didn't help the Windows 7 issue as far as we can tell.

Obligatory Pokémon Go Reference

  • Minor text fixes.

Beta 2.1 "Appearance"

July 30th, 2016


  • Two new monsters added, both with unique abilities.
  • 18 new items added, some with unique uses/placements.
  • Five new doodads added.
  • One new terrain type (tile) added.
  • Your equipment now changes your character's in-world "appearance". Hey, that's the name of the release!
  • Five new milestones added and milestones now have preset hidden/invisible status (instead of randomized) to prevent spoilers.
  • You can now choose the default item use for items in your quickslots (shown as a check mark).
  • Items now have variable weights. They will also transfer to the craft exactly (solving many inaccurate weights previously). Some weights have also been rebalanced.
  • A new dismantle item action has been added to break down items into parts. For example, dismantling a log will produce wooden poles and tree bark. A quest for this has been added to the Starter Quest.
  • Talent has been replaced by "Malignity". You can now increase and decrease your malignity (essentially making the game harder or easier dynamically) by certain actions, crafts, and skill gains. Because of this change, your actual score is now separate from malignity. Hovering over the malignity icon will show all three values.
  • Highlighted in-need-of-repair items (red borders) will now show in yellow (instead of the normal white).
  • Low durability items will now make a unique sound when being damaged.
  • You can now bind keybinds to mouse clicks (1/2/3).
  • New crafts are now highlighted in yellow and disappear after hover.
  • Clicking each inventory sort option will now reverse it when clicked multiple times.
  • You can now sort by decay, durability and quality.
  • You can now hover over world items, doodads, and monsters to get inspection information via a tool-tip (can be disabled in options).
  • There's now a "Pour on Yourself" action for water that will soothe burn injuries. "Cure" items no longer cure this status (medicinal items). Charcoal bandages now heal instead of cure because of this change.
  • Crafts are now also highlighted as you move over items in your inventory, showing what item is used in which craft.
  • Doodad resources, monster loot and corpse carve resources now have random chance added to them. Most previous resources/items remain at 100% chance, although some tweaks were made and new items were added.
  • Prefix and plural support has been added to items, doodads, monsters, and item groups. This will allow for many grammar improvements in text, especially for other languages.
  • The bear now has a swimming graphic.
  • When inspecting wooden chests or items on the ground, items are now listed with qualities highlighted in color and are combined together (for example, 5 tinder).
  • There has been tool-tips added to enable/disable options, describing what each do.
  • There is a new option which binds the item's menu to right-click instead of left click.
  • You can now repair doodads without having to pick them up. Very useful for repairing walls.
  • Added an option for keeping your inventory sort option active (when getting new items).
  • Hints/help and the Starter Quest will now highlight UI elements, items and more based on context.
  • Added carve to the actions menu (if you have item for it).
  • Added an option to skip the Unlok intro.
  • The music now speeds up a bit when you are low on health.
  • Aberrant monsters now sound a bit different from their normal counter-parts.
  • A dialog opacity slider has been added to the options.
  • Three new hints added: "Malignity", "Crafting Failures", and "Moving Items".
  • Added a raft bobbing animation.
  • Added dynamic message loading for the message dialog so the game would not become slow in long playthroughs when using it. This also fixed some potential memory leaking.
  • Added a scroll to zoom option (for those wanting to disable scroll wheel zooming).
  • Zombies and skeletons now can respawn (if not carved up).
  • Added error checking on game importing.


  • Fixed an oversight where containers would not actually reduce decay of items.
  • Fixed an AI bug that would lead bears and krakens to get stuck on non-passable terrain too often.
  • Fixed a bug where using the hotkey button for in item menu (1, 2, 3, etc.) would also cause you to use that quickslot number's item.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some hardware configurations and/or installed software to cause Wayward not to be able to run.
  • Fixed a bug where two or more hints could appear at the same time, causing one or more to never trigger again.
  • Fixed a bug where wrought iron could be used for iron bullets/arrowheads.
  • Some items have been removed as repairable that were not intended to be repaired.
  • Fixed an oversight where scared/low health monsters would not try running away from the player as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where locked wooden chest loot was not randomized correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where placing soil over a burning tree would douse the flames, but no other messages or response was generated (did not remove the item).
  • Fixed an issue where message ellipsis was not displayed (when being truncated) when text messages were culled.
  • Fixed an audio issue where sounds would not play again if they were already in the middle of playing.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't really exist where non-flammable doodads could start on fire if their tile below was flammable (grass).
  • Fixed some instances where randomness was not predetermined based on seed.
  • Fixed intensity of blood color on corpses and other particle inconsistencies.
  • Fixed an issue where carving an acid spitter demon was not giving an anatomy skill raise.
  • Fixed the fire strength message not being fully accurate.
  • Fixed an issue where raft usage was not saved when quitting/loading the game.
  • Fixed a bug where travelling/sailing away would remove the water and their containers instead of just the water. Foods eaten on your travels will also return any items they give on being eaten (like seeds) as well.
  • Fixed a bug where gardening would not give the correct skill (Botany/Mycology) based on doodad type.
  • Fixed a bug where the "something in the way of your gathering" message would spam your messages while walking into tree/rock with a corpse on it.
  • Fixed an issue that wouldn't show a cave entrance if it was created over a doodad (like a door, chest, etc.).
  • Fixed a bug where aberrant chances were not being set and used properly (there was supposed to be an increased chance for caves/guardians).
  • Fixed an issue where the player didn't always animate (walk graphic) when passing a turn from certain actions.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple skill raises and milestone increases per gather of resource(s).
  • Fixed mod names getting cropped/cut off in the modding menu.
  • Fixed invalid dialog positions causing the game to render offset (non-centered player).
  • Fixed a bug where blood was not showing under corpses.
  • Fixed some oversights leading to Clay Brick Flooring and Wrought Iron Arrowhead not returning disassembled items.


  • Monster pathfinding has been improved. Monsters will now no longer get stuck on other monsters and no longer mirror your actions as much.
  • You can now pick up torch stands while they are lit.
  • Doors/gates are now automatically opened as you move into them.
  • Default weight has been increased by 10 points (however, this is mostly to counter-balance other weight shifts).
  • Doodads now describe their durability on inspect/tooltip.
  • Pressing escape will now close item/action menus, then dialogs, then bring up the quit/title screen menu.
  • The "win" state now requires five unique items to progress. I tried to make that as vague as possible to not spoil it too much.
  • Disassembly added to more items and tweaked return values on some items.
  • Some item disassembly now requires a tool when disassembling.
  • Disassembly now always returns at least one item.
  • Traps no longer fully break on use, they are damaged and returned to the ground as an item.
  • Tooltips are now updated on each turn pass, so you can now see them update in realtime if you are hovering over them as you move.
  • Equippable containers now all have defense/armor values now (backpacks, quivers, etc.).
  • Daily challenge scores now appear different in highscores list (in red).
  • Changed "Utensil" grouping to "Skewer". GAME CHANGING.
  • Many wording improvements added to the Starter Quest.
  • The Main menu UI is now centered. Symmetry!
  • Pouring water on growing plants will now increase their growing speed (not as much as compost).
  • Skill gain rate has been quadrupled in Daily Challenge mode (was previously double).
  • The base amount of monsters in Daily Challenge mode has been doubled, but the initial grouping of monsters around the player has been removed.
  • The date is now logged on each highscore entry.
  • Improved touch control support.
  • Anatomy now effects your healing amount and success rate when using "Heal" items.
  • Strength/dexterity/metabolism/starvation/dehydration now all displayed on hover over stat values to show link between attribute/messages. Messages like "You feel your metabolism slowing." has been replaced with wording that is easier to understand based on these changes.
  • Doodads are now required on repair of some items (like a forge and anvil for metal items).
  • The skill list is now alphabetized.
  • Fixed some milestone description grammar issues.
  • All firemaking items now use the camping skill instead of tinkering.
  • Improved incompatible mod save data when moving up versions.
  • Wooden chests are now flammable and will spill contents on on break.
  • Tall grass now has it's own seed type that grows into tall grass instead of normal grass as it did before. Tall grass can now grow on gravel tiles.
  • Improved inspect accuracy on plant's fertility.
  • Fertility of a plant is now explained a little more clearly.
  • Stoke fire value/strength has added to item tooltips.
  • Proper sentence case has been applied to all text messages. No more "You have damaged A Kraken with An Iron Sword".
  • You are no longer allowed to stoke a stone water still (no purpose/reduction of confusion).
  • Blood no longer hinders actions (like placing doodads, carving, etc.).
  • Keybinds in hints/help now dynamically display to what you have them set to.
  • Aberrant monsters now have have unique particle colors if they differ from their non-aberrant versions.
  • Weight capacity is now shown in tooltip for containers.
  • Covering (or caving in by digging) an entrance will now fill it in on both sides.
  • Wooden doors now have improved graphics/perspective when opened.
  • All flooring/floor names are now consistent across tiles/items.
  • Max durability is now highlighted based on item quality.
  • Added more stamina reduction checks across all actions (all based on skill).
  • Kraken corpses now decay on par with other monsters (increased length).
  • The order in which you drag an item into a container now has an effect on it's placement.
  • Items that revert or change into a different item on use will now keep their position in your inventory (if sorting allows).
  • Skill percentage in a crafting skill will now add extra durability to items.
  • "Trees" are now refered to as a "tree" now.
  • Monsters are no longer split into brackets of difficulty based on talent (malignity), rather, they each have their own values, so monster difficulty will increase much more smoothly.
  • The equipment dialog can now be resized to a smaller width.
  • Fixed lots of miscellaneous grammatical issues.
  • Slowed movement speed down very slightly to help reduce misclicks and improve reaction time.
  • Music now fades in and out instead of stopping abruptly.
  • Digging will now automatically use the "Gather Treasure" action when digging on the exact tile.
  • The anatomy skill hint now reveals that it decreases chance of poison.
  • Acid can now cause burn injuries as well as its normal damage.
  • You no longer get penalized over over-eating/drinking when trying to improve dehydration/starvation and not the other.
  • You can now bind keys to 10, 11, 12 (defaults to 0, -, and = keys) that appear in some lengthy item menus.
  • Many new particle effect instances added (monster swimming, traps, etc.).
  • Monsters will now get damaged (or healed) if they are standing/moving into fire.
  • Slimes can now split on all types of damage sources (including traps).
  • Monsters that heal from your attacks now heal based on the attack damage (instead of based on their max hp).
  • You can now extinguish fires over/on doodads by placing tiles (pile of sand, gravel, etc.).


  • Reduced stamina regeneration rate slightly.
  • Added slightly higher chance for stamina reduction across most actions.
  • Reduced effectiveness of compost slightly (fertile soil remains at same value).
  • Wooden chests now block monster movement again; however, can be broken down and have their contents spilled.
  • Digging on ash can no longer produce charcoal.
  • Recipe skill levels re-balanced/tweaked for many items.
  • Doubled durability of spyglasses.
  • Bone pole default durability has been doubled.
  • Chickens now have bones when carving.
  • You can no longer close the door when something is in the way of closing it.
  • Leather quivers now require less resources to craft.
  • Living mushrooms no longer potentially spawn at the start of the game.
  • Digging now damages the tool from each attempt.
  • Digging now checks weight as you dig and adds stamina penalties (like other actions).
  • Item durability is decreased on each resource gather attempt now, but minimum chance at resource has been increased.
  • Repairing items now reduces their max durability by a decreased factor of 3 (based on minimum durability) instead of 2 previously (undo of last version change).
  • Locked wooden chests that appear in caves now contain different (lesser) loot than the tattered map/buried variety.
  • Tiles of ash are no longer produced only after the fire is out. Charcoal and piles of ash are no longer spawned out of nothing, and are based on tile/doodads/items in the fire instead.
  • Traps no longer deal "pure" damage to monsters. They now count as blunt and monsters can incur the normal resists and vulnerabilities.
  • There are now durability maximums on items from crafting (based on the item type and quality).
  • Wrought iron items are now half the durability of their iron counter-parts. This was a small increase for most items.
  • Overeating and over-hydrating now reduces a player-scaled amount of stamina.
  • All pick-axes have less attack damage.
  • You can no longer repair and disassemble while swimming.
  • All spears have increased in durability.
  • Increased difficulty skill check for crafting a small amount. The difficulty is also now highlighted if you have a low chance of success in a craft. The messages will now warn and mention the reason for failures.
  • There is a now a limiter in place for base defense as some aberrant monsters were nearly impossible to kill.
  • Monster spawn amount is now limited to 300 monsters.
  • There is now less iron spawns in the overworld. Cave iron spawns remain unchanged.
  • Hobgoblins can now open doors.
  • Creatures that lost interest now have a slightly higher chance to resume their chase quicker.
  • Sharks will now lose interest in chasing on the rare occasion.


  • Wayward has been upgraded to Electron 1.2.6.
  • Wayward now runs on TypeScript 2.0 (beta).
  • Particles are now based on tile coordinates instead of based on offset of player.
  • Tile resources have been re-factored to match the rest of the drop systems.
  • OnCraft, OnUpdateWeight, and OnMonsterDamage hooks have been added.
  • Added new item property that allows disassembly without needing to be craftable (craftable: false).
  • You can no longer drag files into Wayward.
  • Fixed an issue where certain mods would break when new items/monsters were added into the game.
  • Fixed a game load issue where the player had an equipped item from a mod that was unloaded.
  • Fixed an issue where global mod save data was clearing itself after each game and another issue where it would delete itself entirely if the game was unloaded/loaded too quickly.

Beta NaN (2.0.5)

May 11th, 2016


  • Fixed NaN values appearing for crafted items.
  • Fixed a case of an infinite loading screen in the event that Steamworks failed in some way.
  • Fixed GetAmbientColorDay, GetAmbientColorNight, and GetAmbientColorCave hooks not working correctly.


  • Linux Steam Workshop support has been added.


  • Improved durability calculations when crafting using altered durability items (repaired, disassembled, reinforced, and quality statuses all matter more now).
  • Further refinements/accuracy have been added to disassembly durability/quality reductions and item returns.
  • Repairing will now reduce the item's durability by 1/2 instead of 1/3 (using max - min).
  • Torches now need fuel items again if not lighting a flammable tile. Each torch use will now reduce it's decay in half.
  • Reduced the chances to craft a Remarkable/Exceptional/Legendary item with recipes that required many items - it was weighting them too heavily compared to other items with less consumables.


  • Many help/hints improvements (in terms of accuracy/ease of reading/layout).
  • The Sleeping/resting ZZZ's are now properly sized like they were in beta 2.0.3.


  • Renamed onAddItemToInventory to onAddOrUpdateInventoryItem.

Beta 2.0.4

May 7th, 2016


  • Fixed error when preserving items that can decay but have no uses (Ectoplasm).
  • Fixed weight calculations when storing items in containers in containers in containers in...
  • Increased item sprite capacity to 16384 (from 512). You should now theoretically never have hidden items/objects on screen again.
  • Fixed an issue where most Mac OS X hardware displayed Wayward darker than intended.
  • Drinking snow from the ground is now consistent with drinking unpurified water.
  • Fixed scroll wheel zoom sensitivity on Mac OS X.
  • Fixed the raft counting weight while using it.
  • Fixed the raft not passing a turn when you stopped using it.
  • Fixed a bug where gathering treasure on top of a cave entrance would show a snare graphic. Wat?
  • Fixed the alternate font not being anti-aliased on Mac OS X.


  • Further refinements to skill to talent increments (many skills lowered).


  • You can now collect chests, traps, walls, doors, and most player-made objects without hurting yourself (if you don't use a tool).
  • Stoking Fire has been added to the Starter Quest. Other misc improvements/wording fixes in Starter Quest.
  • Normalized/balanced stoke fire values (and increased in most cases).
  • Starting fires no longer requires a fuel item. As such, the starting state of a fire is much weaker.
  • Lighting campfires, kilns, furnaces, etc. now produce only enough fire as what was provided by the tinder/kindling. You will need to stoke the fire further.
  • Torches and built torches (doodads) now function the same in terms of decay/length and burning into ash.
  • Adding "Fuel" to torches now gives decay based on their Stoke Fire value instead of a randomized amount.
  • Improved overall readability of text, quality of icons on hover, and other misc UI tweaks.
  • Replaced fonts for those with better multilingual support and readability.
  • Min/max durability now effected by disassembled item's min/max durability. Max durability of crafted items now effected by consumed item's min/max durability as well.


  • Added additional rendering hooks (GetAmbientColorCave, GetAmbientColorDay, GetAmbientColorNight, GetAmbientLightLevel, PostRenderWorld, PostRenderPostProces, PreRenderPostProcess).
  • Added BaseMod.getIndex and BaseMod.getPath for ease of mods to load custom assets.
  • [Developer Tools] Added a day-night slider. Dialog now automatically resizes as needed.
  • [Reincarnate] Fixed weight not resetting on death.
  • [Balancing Tools] Now locks monsters in place.

Beta 2.0.3

May 2nd, 2016


  • Improved overall performance of the game.
  • The Starter Quest dialog open/close state is now saved.
  • You can no longer move over a Stone Water Still.
  • "Cork" is now mentioned in the Raw Clay Jug's description.
  • Various Starter Quest improvements for new players. More information added on locations, quickslots, customising UI, using the Actions menu, and more.
  • All references of burning/pain now are "burned" and "burn injuries". Also fixed a grammar issue with the burned death message.
  • Updated Sail to Civilization item text as it wasn't accurate.
  • Improved accuracy of Stripped Bark/Tree Bark descriptions.
  • Fixed a cuple typoz here and ther3.
  • Trapdoor Spiders now reveal themselves on trample.
  • Better quality application icons added.
  • Folders in the mods folder without mod.json are no longer detected as mods.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to mod publishing pipeline.
  • "Pick-up Object" is now "Collect" to add more differing verbiage for doodads. A new message has been added for collecting.
  • You can now "Gather" Objects/Doodads as well.


  • Fixed mods not refreshing on Mac OS X.
  • Fixed an issue where the Steam Overlay would render too small.
  • Fixed being able to drop items into locked chests.
  • Fixed a bug where bag/container breaking would miss the first item in the bag to fall out.
  • Fixed issue where creature spawns were mostly concentrated to top-left or bottom-right, instead of all around.
  • Fixed full-screening the game window on Mac OS X not updating the display options setting.
  • Fixed a modding bug where worlds failed to load after removing mods with recipes.
  • Idling (using spacebar or clicking your character) will now pick-up items under you even if your Auto Pick-up is disabled.
  • Fixed where headers were cut off slightly in the Options menu.
  • Fixed various quick slot issues.
  • Fixed bug where Fire Elementals would never cause Burned status.
  • The "Bugs" hint now links to the to bugs forum on Steam.
  • Fixed an issue where middle clicking items could cause the item's menu to freeze in place.
  • Fixed size of Wayward's icon in Volume Mixer on Windows.
  • Fixed the default keybind button not always appearing in Options.
  • Fixed the Starter Quest dialog appearing when pressing J in item search boxes.
  • Fixed "Open Logs Folder" not actually opening logs folder.
  • Fixed "Open Mods Folder" not actually opening the mods folder.


  • Added Leather Hides to Rabbit corpses.
  • Decreased chance of spawning water creatures.
  • Creatures no longer spawn as much, and the speed/rate at which it increases to eventually has been limited further.
  • Creatures now have a higher chance to spawn a bit closer to you.
  • Added more base damage to traps (and less variable damage).
  • Increased starting creature population a bit.
  • Increased thirst and hunger rate slightly (decreased sleeping bonus for thirst/hunger rates).
  • Adjusted/increased talent rates for skills that are used to produce armor either indirectly or directly or are semi-related to combat.


  • Added an OnPlayerDamage mod hook.


  • Fixed Developer Tools errors after unloading mods.
  • Fixed issue when using the Nimbus while on a Raft in Troposphere.

Beta 2.0.2

April 25th, 2016


  • Reduced burning damage, duration, initial burn damage, and increased chance for effect subside to water.


  • Added option to enable / disable mouse movement.
  • Added "Scale In / Out" buttons to options. This is useful for high DPI or 4k monitors.


  • Burning pain is now explained a little more in the hints.
  • Hitting escape now closes the context menu first, then overlays and dialogs.
  • Fixed a typo in crafting hints.
  • Fixed some outdated information in the doodads hint.


  • Fixed errors when moving multiple items from a container to the inventory while another container is also opened.
  • Fixed context menus appearing off-screen when near the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed chest containers staying open after carving/gathering.
  • Fixed disassembling Stone Water Stills (and potentially other items too).
  • Crafting different states of water containers no longer repair them on craft.
  • Fixed errors when building Explosive Traps.
  • Map dialogs are now closed after gathering treasure.
  • Fixed Sundials working in caves.
  • Fixed reinforcing items failing to display a message when it doesn't find an item to reinforce.
  • Fixed 'ghost' items on screen after closing a container dialog while dragging.
  • Fixed some cases of 'Open Logs Folder' not working.
  • Doubled item batch capacity. This should fix dropped items being invisible if there are too many on screen.
  • Fixed some potential saving issues with older save files.
  • Fixed a Cooked Spider burning into a Cooked Spider (infinite fuel source).

Beta 2.0.1

April 23rd, 2016


  • Improved wayward.log file. It now outputs the full stack-trace of errors when they arise. This will make it easier for us to debug future issues.
  • Added red highlighting if the required doodad for an item is missing in the crafting tooltip.
  • Removed weird tray icon on Mac OS X version.
  • Added additional error protection when using unknown items (due to unloaded mods/other issues).
  • Added a zoom-factor flag for those who want increased UI/font sizes. A more finalised implementation will be added in a future patch.


  • Fixed music stopping at the end of the track list.
  • Fixed the Display Mode button showing you're windowed when you're actually fullscreened in the Options menu.
  • Fixed the crafting dialog appearing blank after playing subsequent games without restarting the game.
  • Fixed "Gather Treasure" not working when Tattered Maps are in player containers.
  • Fixed crafting/quickslot errors with water containers/torches when the original item is in a quickslot.
  • Fixed some bad quotes in Starter Quest quest.

Beta 2.0

April 22nd, 2016


  • There is a new jump action that will allow you to jump over certain tiles, monsters and objects.
  • Doors can now be opened and closed. Closed doors will provide no line of sight unlike previously.
  • Monsters will now pathfind towards you if hostile (they will move around obstacles to get to you).
  • Over 20 new items added, some with unique functionality/usages.
  • Intermediate growth cycles for all plant life as been added. There is now an added step before plants are mature enough to harvest.
  • A few new higher tiered monsters added.
  • Tilemapping (auto-tiling) has been implemented for all world tiles including special cases for mountains, walls and flooring. No more grid-like tile graphics!
  • Smooth movement/scrolling and animations have been implemented across the board.
  • Every single graphic has been redesigned and tweaked.
  • Keybinding has been added (keyboard interaction only).
  • An animated Unlok splash screen has been added.
  • Support added for larger monster sprites.
  • Added Facebook/Twitter posting buttons on death/win.
  • Every item now has a unique description.
  • Maps now show in a separate window that can be moved, resized and closed.
  • There is now seeds for all grown plant life.
  • Added a menu/button clicking sound.
  • Hotkey control has been added to action and item menus (using numbers by default).
  • Female character added.
  • You can now disassemble certain items to get items returned that was used in the craft (reduces durability of items).
  • There is now encumbered and overburdened, two levels of the overweight status. Encumbrance simply slows down movement. Overburdened will skip turns, slow down movement, and take damage and movement.
  • There is now multiple save slots.
  • Highscores have been added (shows talent and what killed you).
  • Custom death messages – it now outputs what killed you (used in highscore system).
  • New window icons added for better support for small and big icons.
  • "Environmentals" are now referred to as "doodads". Game-changing stuff indeed!
  • You can now find a cave easier when digging. It no longer checks that the ground below is open for movement.
  • Some new milestones added; ones that are more complex, and not simply counter/incremental based.
  • Monsters now make noise – you can hear them when they are near you.
  • There is now a hotkey for Milestones (defaulted to Z).
  • Added a visual for each hotkey on the main HUD menu buttons.
  • Added native support for game import/export (previously only available via modding).
  • You can now pick-up items from the adjacent tile with the actions menu "Pick-up Item".
  • There is now sound and music sliders for changing volume.
  • Some monsters can damage and break down walls and other objects in their way/path.
  • Added a "gather" ability so tools can be used directly to gather instead of defaulting to equipped weapons/held items via the item menu.
  • A new chemistry skill has been added to replace alchemy and includes a lot more mixture-style recipes.
  • If sea water touches fresh water, it will now contaminate the fresh water source over time.
  • Sounds are now more normalized in terms of volume. This fixed certain sounds like crafting and failures being too loud compared to the others.
  • All monsters now have facing direction graphics and attack animations.
  • Custom mouse cursors have been implemented.
  • Fog of war added (black areas that you have not yet explored).
  • A completely overhauled interface/UI has been implemented with new art and design.
  • You can now move or drop all of the same quality.
  • You can now sort crafts by category (shows up in unique formatted listing). Many new item categories added with this change.
  • A new dither style of fog of war/line of sight has been added. You can toggle between the two via options.
  • Quickslots will now save the item you have added to them.
  • Text is now selectable inside the messages dialog.
  • You can now drag and drop to the ground from your inventory.
  • Walls can now be picked up from the actions menu.
  • You can now drag from containers/equipment to quickslots.
  • You can now place containers within containers.
  • Crafting now will look through containers in your inventory to find valid items for recipes.
  • Containers will now show their contained item weight in the title/tooltip.
  • New "Starting Quest" internal mod added (can be enabled/disabled). To be used as an early tutorial for new players that need help.
  • Flying monsters now have shadows and appear to fly over objects/walls, visually.
  • Hovering over a container window/dialog will now highlight the item in your inventory that it is.

Improvements & Changes

  • Wooden doors are now tile mapped to change direction based on if walls are around them.
  • Arrow and VI keys movement have been removed by default – you can now rebind movement to any keys that you want via the new keybinding UI.
  • There is now a short delay when you pick items up from the ground.
  • Some delays and movement timing has been adjusted for more fluid, less error-prone movement.
  • Text overlays now render a bit easier to see (due to shadow on text).
  • Field of view, line of sight, and lighting/shadows are dithered and angled to provide more graphical fidelity.
  • Lighting is now colored and is dithered like the rest of the new field of view system.
  • There is now no map borders, everything will render as if the world is one continuous area.
  • The minimap has been removed in favour of a player-based zooming in and out feature.
  • The spyglass will now allow the player’s field of view to increase slightly when equipped.
  • Loading games should no longer cause frozen program warnings on older/less powerful machines. Games will now load mostly asynchronous using webWorkers.
  • Items with high durability (like the raft) will now scale its damage (instead of only taking 1 out of 500 damage for example, it will now take 25/500).
  • Everything organic is now edible (including some seeds and other things that previously were not).
  • Seeds are now harvested or dropped on use/eating. Removed instances where they needed to be crafted.
  • Donation mentions/links removed.
  • Version now shown in main HUD.
  • Application now saves window size and fullscreen/windowed option.
  • Application now starts in fullscreen by default.
  • Centered modal dialogs now center dynamically if window is resized (options, help, etc.).
  • Crafts now show how many items you have versus need for each item/group.
  • Walking sound changed/improved.
  • You can no longer gather walls directly. You now manually pick them up via the actions menu or via carving/digging.
  • Removed torch stand recipe. You can now place a torch using an item action (either lit or unlit).
  • You can add more fuel to a lit torch in your inventory.
  • You can now put out a lit torch in your inventory.
  • Tooltip layout for items have been condensed/improved.
  • "Rope-like" is now "Cordage".
  • You can now close item menus, action menus and the hint window with ESC (by default).
  • Game size option removed.
  • Monsters will have a chance to spawn closer to you, but never within line of sight.
  • Fire can now appear over doodads (environmentals) and corpses.
  • Wayward logo redesigned (No more "Gayward").
  • Added identifiers in inventory for showing if an item is equipped or quickslotted.
  • Equipping or quickslotting items no longer removes it from your inventory.
  • Tweaked sleeping turns/cycles a bit – less based on skill, shorter maximum duration.
  • Fire light is now orange tinted in color.
  • Nights are now not as dark as they used to be (caves are still as dark).
  • Default player light radius added back.
  • Light flickering has been added to player torches.
  • Sandstone are no longer "rock-likes".
  • Each world is now guaranteed a proper ratio of both sandstone (desert) and rock (temperate) areas. Deserts always spawn in the south.
  • There is now a larger dead-zone for item and action menus while they are opened, so that you hover your mouse further outside of the menu before it closes automatically.
  • Durability of glass bottle lowered.
  • Message now outputs which items were repaired, reinforced, preserved or transmogrified.
  • Pouring water on Fire Elementals will now cause damage.
  • Fires will now burn for longer.
  • Grass seeds will take much longer to grow now – on par with the rest of the plants.
  • Tweaked throwing damage scaling when throwing items with no attack value (previously used weight but allowed very high damage even from a feather for example).
  • Completed milestones now effect starting stats. The more you have completed, the higher the chance for better starting stats.
  • Food and water is now required for travelling home.
  • Monster spawn talent brackets have been adjusted, for a more smooth difficulty curve.
  • Stepping on a cactus will now injure you (depending on equipment).
  • Turning music back on from being off will now start the next song.
  • Kraken’s loot table has been adjusted so they don’t always drop a Message In A Bottle.
  • Increased visibility of message box (more opacity) and added a better line height setting for more readability.
  • Removed "modder" milestone. No fourth wall breaking here folks!
  • Wooden chests no longer block monster movement.
  • Skill have varying amounts of talent they will now give you. Combat skills will make you gain the most talent, while crafting and other utility skills will give you less. This is a balance for monster spawning talent brackets.
  • Messages will now show "gather" when you pick up an item using a gathering action.
  • The right hand is now preferred as the tool to use for gathering, but will go to left if right hand tool provides no bonuses/is not suited for task (or right hand is empty).
  • Damage from gathering without tools now scales with strength.
  • Added a message for missing black powder when firing the Flintlock Pistol.
  • The Archery skills is now "Archery and Firearms".
  • Updated help/hints with more up-to-date information.
  • Medicinal water now requires two medicinal items (reduces new player confusion).
  • Options dialog is now larger by default and organized better.
  • You can now eat unprepared pemmican (but it provides less benefits than prepared version).
  • Dialogs will now get resized if screen/resolution is smaller than the width/height of a dialog.
  • You will now continue your moving animation when trying to move into an obstacle/impassable object (Pokémon style).
  • Parrying is no longer used to negate damage from environmental of world objects such as being burned from fire.
  • Parrying now has stamina reduction based on skill value (lower chance to decrease with higher skill).
  • Scared monster AI will now pathfind more intelligently away from you.
  • Order of items in inventory is now saved on game close/reload.
  • Sleeping long periods of time will now be faster.
  • Walls now require a foundation under them (flooring) to have the flooring visually reach to the wall.
  • All shovels now require 1 pole-like (down from 2) and 2 strings (up from 1).
  • Stoke fire effect now doubled for all items.
  • Resting/sleeping "cycles" replaced with an hourly estimation of how long you rested/slept for.
  • Craft recipes will now unlock if you have only a single of each item required in the craft.
  • You no longer discover (or unlock) other related craft recipes by crafting any longer.
  • Spawned houses and other templates will now overwrite any monster/items/objects already generated.
  • Rope now requires 4 string (instead of 2).
  • Hammocks now require 2 (instead of 3).
  • Days are now longer while nights are shorter.
  • Light level now effects your field of view radius (caves/night will reduce your vision).
  • Night time outside of caves now is brighter, but has a blue tint added.
  • Tattered Maps are a bit more common to drop by monsters and in treasure chests.
  • Ineffective/effective combat messages no longer show if you dealt 0 damage.
  • Ineffective/effective messages now show the damage types that were ineffective and effective.
  • Made sure all messages that are attached to a turn passing have the proper past tense in regards to grammar.
  • Items that change state (drinking water from containers for example) will replace itself in the same inventory position instead of placing it back at the end.
  • Special message added to aberrant loot drops.
  • Very long messages (like inspecting containers) will now get cut off in main message display. You can open the message dialog to get the full message.
  • Fire now destroys tiles overtime (tree, to bare tree, to ash).
  • Fires will now continue to burn as long as they have a fuel source (something burnable in or under them).
  • Burned containers will now spill out all the items contained inside.
  • Certain water containers (Waterskins) will now put out fire if burned inside them.
  • Snow is now part of the "water" grouping.
  • You can now "Drop All" in to water.
  • Chicken/Harpy feather drop rate reduced and will now only drop as many as can fit on a tile.
  • Plants will no longer grow on tiles you are standing on or where items are placed on.
  • You can now use items from containers inside your inventory.
  • Fixed some formatting issues with ranged damage, legendary and on equip properties on tool-tips.
  • On new world generation, more monsters will spawn in caves, and less will spawn above ground.
  • Dragging and dropping items is now more accurate (items push/move out of the way more smoothly).
  • Items that required a Lit Campfire now require any lit fire source instead.
  • Touch/tap control support has been improved.
  • Palm Leaves are now part of the Compost group.


  • Fixed a bug where:
  • Crafting items were returning higher quality items too commonly.
  • Clicking Ectoplasm would cause an error (and not display menu).
  • Some sounds were getting clip/cut due to length/filetype.
  • Resources that had a 1% of dropping on dig/gather were never received.
  • Middle clicking inside a dialog (to use mouse scroll) would cause all input to be disabled until a restart took place.
  • Using mouse to move in an exact diagonal position would idle instead of move.
  • Many issues and bugs with using the first item in inventory (or in container) and generally any "first" in other game systems, such as the first monster, first environmental, etc. This is the thing that would lead to container errors, or your bedroll not decreasing in durability.
  • Dialogs would appear outside of screen if window was resized and the dialog was closed (would show up when re-opened).
  • You couldn’t carve/dig/pick-up a chest that was on a cave exit/entrance.
  • Many things were spelt incorrectly (typos) or had bad grammar.
  • Item menu would not close after dropping an item.
  • Repairing, reinforcing, preserving, or transmogrifying a stack of items would not loop through them correctly.
  • Game timers (for stat regeneration/decreasing) was not saved.
  • Firefox would report wrong in-game coordinates when using the zoom feature.
  • Fire Elemental’s fire could spawn on objects and other monsters.
  • Turning music off, then on again would cause error if no track was ever played yet if you tried to switch tracks.
  • Horizontal scrollbar would be taller than vertical scrollbar (for Chrome/offline version).
  • Repairing or reinforcing an item would not remove the red durability border/marker.
  • You could drop/throw an items with 0 decay to restore it’s decay to full when picking back up.
  • Legendary torches would decay into legendary ash.
  • Logic of gathering effectiveness based on slashing for lumberjacking and blunt for mining was not being applied properly, or the weapon’s attack/damage.
  • Offline version would freeze on occasion for some users.
  • The previous hint button would never cycle through all the hints properly.
  • Throwing an item on a stack of 12 would delete the item.
  • Dialogs could push past screen dimensions/resolution.
  • Parrying would gain more on taking damage and offer no gain on no damage. The logic is reversed now – you gain when you block (take no damage).
  • Idling while swimming would still increase stamina.
  • Quality of a crafted item could increase where it shouldn’t have been able to (like purified water).
  • Chicken hatching and spawning could potentially get out of control. Chickens no longer lay eggs, they drop two of them when killed to be used to drop and hatch on the ground.
  • Multiple crafts were resulting in more weight afterwards (many things with rocks).
  • Tattered Maps were not resetting when travelling to a new world while in containers.
  • You could not craft while facing deep water.
  • Plants that should not have grown in caves would still fully grow (just not spread, now they die completely after some time).
  • You could discover a cave, yet still have tiles on top of it before fully uncovering it.

Developer & Technical

  • Wayward is now written in TypeScript.
  • Performance improved on a lot of UI-based interactions.
  • Wayward now uses WebGL for graphics rendering.
  • Removed compression on all assets (sounds/music/graphics).
  • Wayward is now built with Electron (previously node-webkit).
  • A fully featured UI-driven modding system has been implemented with support for saves, requirements (mods of mods), and a rudimentary API for modding yourself. Implemented through Steam Workshop. Save game uploads are also supported via Steam Workshop as well.
  • Wayward now used IndexedDB for storage (allowing larger and more saves). Save data is also compressed now.
  • Image assets/graphics no longer scaled up. All assets are 1×1 and scaled via CSS/rendering.
  • Game input is now separated from rendering allowing no input to get lost like previously.
  • Wayward will now log all errors as well as important events to the wayward.log file inside the "logs" folder.

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